2011-06-06 20:41:51
I agree with the above--some very skewed questions--very biased. Stuff about death panels with the new health care legislation.  Some ultra right wing group trying to get the opinions it wants.
2011-06-06 20:41:51
Very scary call promising all kinds of evil if health care reform is passed including death panels.  Very stupid nonsense.
2011-06-06 20:41:51
Agree with above. This was a scary robo call. I played along for awhile to see where it would lead - but I couldn't take it anymore after they asked if I thought it was more important to support Israel or HIV infected babies in Africa.
2011-06-06 20:41:51
Just got it too, was very weird.  I heard it was from ABBC?? (might not have gotten that right, he was talking very fast at that point).  But, this was not only annoying but highly offensive.   Reverse number look up tells me it is a cell phone in Westchester DC.
Carol R.B.Shumate
Carol R.B.Shumate
2011-06-06 20:41:51
Suposedly this was a politcal survey from BCBC or some such unheard of survey group.  The first question was whether or not I supported tax payer funded abortions.  I have been pro-choice since 1973.  Persoanlly, I do not support tax payer funded public health care, but having been a homebound teacher for over 11 year, tutoring mostly young school age girls who did not obtain aboritons and chose to have illegitimate chidlren in poverty in a city where the school superintendent was Roman Catholic, and figuring that these girls simply had no access to abortion services much less services for statuatroy rape because none of the hosptial personnel would provide anit-coital contraception, I answered the survey with "yes" to tax payer funded abortion.  I belive that such is a lot cheaper than the alternative which results from forcing mostly minroity young women to have chidlren out of wedlock for reasons which as far as I am concerned were largely out of there control-- conventional church going middle class morality and saying no to sex often does not apply in certain cirsumstances in which young girls or women are almost forced into consenting into having sex-- but I did not intende to write a treatise upon contemprpary mrols.

At any rate, after aswerinf "yes," I was hit with a barage of comments about what Obmama care would ential.  I did not say yes to the Obmam Health Care intiative.  In fact, several meths ago I wrote to various organizations, as well as the RNC, th DNC, the JBS, Townhall et cetera and complained about the manius 2000+ page health reform bill.

However, my chief objection are the right ring anit-abortionists who crop up everywhere and tie everything to abortion.  I am disgustd with their presnce in my own churhc, within my own community and within the locally acitve groups, precints, et cetera within the Republicn Party.  I also object to their perioricdally calling me a Rhino and throwing me out of a poltical party which esssentialy has been my home ever since I was abel to vote.

I am a fiscal conservative and not a social conservative.  I share some values with social conservatives, but  my opinions are princiaplly based upon the understanding of economics as well as teh support of strong national defense.  I do not buy into the "guns vs. butter" argument frequently  posited by those who are left of center.

I think that this survey by the ultra right wing anit-abortion faction was tastelss and it does not necessarily endear me to GOP party activism.

I purely abhor the scoial conservatives.  I think that many anit-abortion social conservaitves also are msiosygnist men with latent heomosexaul tendencies.  I have seen many lesbain women object to abortion as well.  Of course the biggest fear of this particualr group is that a gene may be found which may predispose chidlren to beceom gay, and they fear that some preganant women would rather abort a fetus than to give birth to a chidl which may grow up to be a homosexual... and so the argument goes.

So what happneded to free choice?  What happened to separation between chruch and state?  Isn't "when life begins" really a relgious tenet?  It an unimplanted blastual really the same thing as a developing fetus?

These are decsions which the state should not make for another person.

I bleive in God on my own terms and according to my own understanding.  I do not wish for some religious crackpot, either a fundamentalist Christian or a devout Roman Catholic telling me what my definitiion of God should be and how to inteerpret the scriptures according to the way that the anti-abortion folks read their Bibles.

Persoanlly, I have taken a lot of theology course both  in a relgious setting and at state unverisities.  I am quite well read on the subject, and I do not appreciate having any lcoal anit-abortion Bible thumpers telling me how I should vote according to their interpreatation of the scriptutres or their own particualr chruch tradition.

I am sick of all of them.

I wish that the national Right to Life society, priets for Life, pat Rpbertson's group, and all affilaited woudl take a long walk on a short peir.  I cannot stand any fo them.

Alos, I regard this particualr survy to me more or less a form of politcal harassment rather than a poltical survey.

The suvey did not permit any answers to any other questions posed after the respondent said that he or she agreed with tax payer supported aboriton.

The whole thing was very narrow minded, idiotic and only raises my ire with anti-abortionsist and the ultra-right social conservatives within the GOP.

I want the GD fornicating right to life plank thrown out of the party paltform.

I do not bleive in a right to death or euthenasia, but I sure as Hell do not bleive the rest which these mndless Bbible thmpers belive in.

My forefathrs left England to get away from such idiot, not to be dmoniated by them once they arrived on this conteinent.  ( Alos, supposedly, I also had forefathers who were already lving here who greeted the new inhabiatants.)

At any rate, I think that the survey was very poorly deisnged and the surveyors ought to be sued for harassment!202-870-5892 Clled me.
2011-06-06 20:41:51
Very  skewed questions.   More of a advertisement than anything.  Surely some right wing group.
2011-06-06 20:41:51
Bizarre anti-health care reform call.  Higher taxes, tax funded abortions, malaria, surgeries not approved -- in other words, we are all going to die and the country will go bankrupt.  The part about the Israelis and the Africans was quite disturbing.  Actually, it was so disgusting and full of mispresentations that I could not continue to listen.
2011-06-06 20:41:51
Robo geek call,
2011-06-06 20:41:51
Pleasant call from concerned group that is opposed to this crazy health care plan that is being pushed onto our future. Was glad to receive there information. Recommend everyone at least listen.
2011-06-06 20:41:51
Pleasant call from concerned group that is opposed to this crazy health care plan that is being pushed onto our future. Was glad to receive there information. Recommend everyone at least listen.
2011-06-06 20:41:51
Pleasant call from concerned group that is opposed to this crazy health care plan that is being pushed onto our future. Was glad to receive there information. Recommend everyone at least listen.
2011-06-06 20:41:51
Annoying constant phone calls... We are on the Do Not Call list...
Joanne Principe
Joanne Principe
2011-06-06 20:41:51
Keep getting daily calls from this number, I would like them to stop
2011-06-06 20:41:51
Robo call, Washington DC on the caller id, wanted to know my opinion on public funding for abortion, then robot said it would call back.

By way of phrasing, some anti-health-care-reform lobby phishing for dupes.
2010-12-16 17:29:26
Political Call
I would like to know how these hate mongers got my phone number to begin with.  I have an unpublished number and although I sign a lot of petitions I do NOT give my home phone number.  I don't believe any of the groups opposing them would likely give them my contact information either.  I have registered with the DNC group & will file my complaint.  Has anyone heard of the opposing groups of FRC using the same contact approach?  I did get a call on the DADT from both parties but I did expect one from the GLBT group.  But not from the Nazis at FRC...  Merry Yule to all!
2009-12-18 20:59:03
Very annoying!  I reversed the phone number and also purchased a more indepth search of the phone number.  When I call the number it just beeps, not like a busy tone, but more like a fax.  Well anyway, below is what I found.

On the Provided Map, it looks to be on the corner of:
Vermont Ave NW and O st NW
Which is where the Council House is located:

Rate Center: WSHNGTNZN1
Phone Switch Name: WSHNGTNZN1
Phone Switch Type: ADLPMDMTCM2

Name:   PUBADV2009 (Verified)
County: Prince Georges
City:   Hyattsville  
State:  DC
Zip:    20783
2009-12-18 18:04:17
Political Call
Correction. It's from a hate group. Probably sent from Mark (AKA Rev316, AKA Bustyourbubble). Happy Hanukkah!
2009-12-18 04:37:49
They didn't promote sex, violence or liberal sacred cows.

Therefore, they must be really bad people.  Right?

Oh well.  

What they DID do was wish me a merry Christmas.  

Ohhhh!!!  they are SO BAD!

Get a life people.  If you want something to be angry about, be angry about the 12.1 TRILLION dollars worth of DEBT your Senate has heaped on your shoulders!

So, how much is 12.1 trillion dollars?

A billion is a thousand million. That's a lot of dough.

A trillion is a thousand billion. That's a lot more dough.

So, now we're at 12 times a thousand times a billion, this year alone.

That little 'point-one' stands for only a hundred billion--chump change for the Obama administration.

Y'all all billionaires?  You couldn't put the down payment on 12.1 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT!

Blind and you cannot see.
2009-12-18 04:19:53
Political speech, regardless of whether you agree with it or not, exempts callers from the DNC list.  

2009-12-18 03:54:49
Political Call
It's from a hate group. Probably sent from Mark (AKA Rev316). Happy Holidays!
2009-12-17 21:01:50
Non-profit Organization
This number called me at lunch time, and they even left a recorded message. It is from the Family Research Counsel, a great organization. My message was just a Christmas greeting. It did not leave any specifics about any particular political issue, as other people have reported on this page. Merry Christmas!
2009-12-17 19:58:50
Political Call
I actually missed the call that came from this number.  It was in my caller ID. Judging by the other comments posted here, this call probably was a call funded by the Family Research Council. The FRC is a wonderful organization that does a great job of speaking the truth and looking out for families in America.  They do surveys asking about how we want our tax dollars spent.  If it was from the FRC, I'm sure it would have been a very nice call simply asking about how I want my tax dollars spent. Given the current horrible possibility of the government taking over our health care system and forcing us to pay for abortion, I would have been happy to participate. I certainly do not want to pay to cause women so much physical as well as emotional pain, not to mention the killing of another human being. Aren't all of us participating in this forum glad our mothers did not kill us?
Bill Hovis
Bill Hovis
2009-12-17 16:38:17
I called these clowns three times ,they hung up on me twice. This phone number is in Michigan the halfwit in charge is Tony Perkins.They would not give me the street address in Washington but the website is FRC.org
2009-12-17 00:33:47
As stated in the last two posts, I received an ugly bigoted push-poll from this number. I filed a complaint at the National do not call registry as follows:

As you probably already have been told by numerous other people, the Family Research Council has engaged the firm PubAdv2009 calling from from 1(202)870-5892 to do bigoted push-polling against health care reform. It may be useful to monitor these pages which have been tracking the complaints about the poll because all of the complaints represent instances in which someone was targeted by a thoroughly offensive and deceptive push-poll.


If I had been given an opportunity to demand that they never call me again, I would have. Unfortunately, that is not possible with an automated call. I find this much more offensive than typical political robo-calls because of the deceptive element involved in masquerading as an opinion survey.

I encourage all those similarly offended do the same. Their URL is https://complaints.donotcall.gov/complaint/complaintcheck.aspx
2009-12-17 00:06:57
Thanks to the information provided on this site, I posted this as the FRC.  I encourage others to do likewise.

The link to their email is here:
https://www.frc.org/get.cfm?c=CHECKOUT&dmy=99 ... F444950012F974C

Dear FRC,

You have done yourself no favor by engaging PubAdv2009 to do your ugly lie filled push-polling for you today, because you serve to make your name synonymous with bigoted distortions of the truth. The deception of the push poll pretending to be a survey, when it it is anything but is also a betrayal of Judeo-Christian morality. Shame on you, because your sins are known and will be further revealed.
2009-12-16 23:55:45
I also received this call (in CT), the part after the bashing of Obama care and federal funding for abortion, was even scarier - like which more deserves our sympathy, Israelis threatened by terrorism or Africans dieing of malaria. What? From an organization called the "Family Research Council"?
Very scary. This whole page should be brought to the attention of both the no call list and the DNC.
Sally Sue
Sally Sue
2009-12-16 19:38:54
Horrible, prejudiced epople behind this disgraceful call purporting to be a "survey" whose info will be made poublic this weekend, or this weeke.  Fanactically right winged and Nazi sounding questyions about Obama, People of African American and of Hebrew origin.  I could not longer listen, so I stated my beleifs about the prejudice politely and a message came that this survey has ended. .  .etc.

Is this constitutional?  I do not want this call ever again.
2009-12-16 19:16:36
Contact details are here https://www.frc.org/get.cfm?c=CHECKOUT&dmy=98 ... 89AD91ED20998F1  if you wish to let them know how you feel (not condoning anything illegal btw) and if you fill in their email contact form they give you this number 1-800 225 4008.

I think i'll give them a call.
2009-12-16 19:14:56
Contact details are here if you wish to let them know how you feel (not condoning anything illegal btw) and if you fill in their email contact form they give you this number 1-800 225 4008.

I think i'll give them a call.
2009-12-16 19:04:32
Political Call
Just had this call too. My response to the 2 questions (yeah right it's a survey)were...

#1**** You

#2 B**w me

Reported to the DNC straight after
1-865-862-3737 1-612-844-0927 1-800-807-4106
Call Type:
Your name:
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