2014-06-06 23:34:55
What we should do is refer as many people to them as possible. And then tell them to cancel their cards. So that when they make the order to the mag companies they will lose money because they aren't getting payments from us and have to pay the companies themselves. And if they call just hang up on 'em. Together we can bleed these scammers dry.
darryl hearod
darryl hearod
2014-04-26 02:20:59
These A***oles  took My money n I never Talked to them r said yes to some F****ng magazines wow they better give me my dam money r I'm calling the fbi
2014-03-26 21:35:36
Can anyone update as to if they were able to cancel these creeps. They got my 19yr old daughter, her first job and credit card. I was with her when she called to cancel them. They told her they recorded her agreeing to the payments and the amount of tinge she had to cancel. He even played it back for us. It was a slick conversation. Then I got on the phone when he said she couldn't cancel. I asked if she had to give him her first born child or if she could spin some gold to get out of this bogus contract. He said she would have to pay the full five years. We will be canceling her card tomorrow, good luck to them trying to get that money from her!!! My daughter is really sad.
2013-10-17 23:50:09
Don't get a job with this organize crime they are a big scam and thieves  
This Company 1-800-im-stuck are a scam, they are Brokers and scammers not a real road service mechanics or anything they are there to take your money, they are scam artist we order service today from 1-800-im-stuck - 1-800-im-scam we have the worst experience for our truck repair needs today with worst costumer service liars liars liars they make us wait over 4 hours just to keep the job for them self and never show up don't use this greedy company they are bad news i will never use them again and i wish you don't too they are not trusty and shady operation this company are done online. the have no care for the driver never call to say they be late or sorry for not show up. THEY CHARGE US $125.00 TO CALL OTHER COMPANY TO DO THE WORK , 1-800-IM-STUCK ARE JUST SCAMMERS BROKERS STAY WAY. THEY WILL NOT REFUND YOUR MONEY NO SORRY NO SHOW UP
Scott Mushorn
Scott Mushorn
2013-08-19 21:58:26
I was told it was a sweepstake and they asked for my credit card number I refused to give it to them, told them to take me off the list and they hung up.  Stop the calls please.
kathleen nichols
kathleen nichols
2013-04-02 21:00:58
they been calling me.
Rick Colella
Rick Colella
2013-04-02 20:57:12
I don't need these people calling me
2013-03-03 20:05:24
I told them that I DID NOT want any order processed for those stupid magazines but they processed it anyways! That s**** illegal!
2013-01-28 16:35:22
SameTHING HAPPENED TO ME. Itold them Iwouldnt have yhe money till the third of Feb. yhey said o.k. We just need the info for our files . The payment was supposed to be 33.20 ,instead they took 66.41 out instantly, making my account overdrawn.Ive called 4 different numbers for them and can get noone on a line. How can we cancel in three days if noone answers . Im closing my bank account because Icant afford to be scammed any more. Inow know I should have looked them up here and seen all these complaints. Iguess I will probably never get my 66.41 back buy they will not get anymore from me.Just close one bank account and open another one                                                                                                                                                                       I just spoke with a woman ,Tammy, at 888-300-9415 ,and told her my situation, She said they dont call people on Sunday .Well I guess in their world yesterday wasny Sunday. but I told her I wanted to cancel because they lied and took money out they werent supposed to . So she canceled my order and said money should be back in my account withen  5 business days so I guess Ill wait and see .Good luck to you.
2013-01-28 16:18:07
SameTHING HAPPENED TO ME. Itold them Iwouldnt have yhe money till the third of Feb. yhey said o.k. We just need the info for our files . The payment was supposed to be 33.20 ,instead they took 66.41 out instantly, making my account overdrawn.Ive called 4 different numbers for them and can get noone on a line. How can we cancel in three days if noone answers . Im closing my bank account because Icant afford to be scammed any more. Inow know I should have looked them up here and seen all these complaints. Iguess I will probably never get my 66.41 back buy they will not get anymore from me.Just close one bank account and open another one
Broke student
Broke student
2012-11-20 11:08:54
I called them a few hours after they had gotten my info and they charged me $66.41 and overdrew my account. I asked for them to cancel it all and they said they would, but since I haven't received anything can I save myself from the charge??? Please email me @ camilla@nc.rr.com
Broke student
Broke student
2012-11-20 11:02:59
Power of the attorney, they called me twice today and somehow convinced me to give them my credit card info, that already had the first digit of my credit card and I am not sure if that was obvious but within the hour of getting my info they charged me $66.41 and overdrew my account! I talked to my bank and they may be able to apply for a fraudulent application but what else can I do? I don't know if I can get that money back. Help!! Email me at camilla@nc.rr.com please!
2012-11-19 19:36:41
How did you get them to stop calling you?  For days I kept getting a call from and ynknown number.  After a few days I answered and Harold explained I was entered into million dollar sweepstakes and they would send me a watch and free magazines if I helped pay for them.  He asked if I would tell his supervisor about how he was doing that he was new to the job.  I knew at this point it was a scam so I just said no I have no time and hung up.  About 5 minutes later his supervisor called this time from 406-961-0091  and said is this so and so that just talked to Harold.  I said no you got the wrong person and take me off the F**! list he said wow bro sorry and hung up.  Since then they have been calling me 3 times a day from the same number.  I did not give them any credit info but they did have my address which is a  PO Box number.  I just want the calls to stop.
mr smith
mr smith
2012-10-24 20:31:24
I got a call from this number, and the guy talked a mile a minute, thinking it had something to due with my house loan that i was to close on only two days away and did i mention i was at work at the time, i didnt fully pay attention to what he was saying, later just to realize that a charge or 66.41 was put to my account i immediatly cancelled my card and disputed the pending transaction, now i am getting harrassing phone calls from the moment i cancelled the card until now, i just called the1888 number the lady was nice and said that the money will be put back into my account and i told her that they keep calling my work phone which is not meant for personal use so "supposedly i am now on the do not call list" hope this works, thinking i may just cancel all of my cards and all my bank accounts and start from scratch, i am not sure what i should do, just hoping that this does not continue
2012-06-14 01:02:18
yeah first i got a call from a guy named Rob then another from a girl that i regretfully didnt get the name of.....but i wasnt about to give her my non existent card # ( cuz i dont even have a card any more), and she called me a psycho and hung up than i repeatedly called her back and she kept pickin up and hangin up on me i was pretty pissed and if she reads this ......shes a goddam bi*** and i hope shes never able to reproduce and she gets her a** kicked in a federal prison where they all belong........also i hope they all get cancer yeah, the bad kind, yeah...
2012-06-04 16:56:55
This number called about a magazine promotion. I did not give them my card number, but I do not want them to continue calling or to try to bill me somehow.
2012-04-26 16:17:05
Yeah this company is a scam and so are all there employees. Justin Ludeman managed to claim unemployment for over a year to get out of paying his child support. Montana doesnt garnish umemployment. Thing is he's been working there the whole time!!! Guess thats what they do when the owner of the company is his bestfriend. So not anly do they scam people over the phone they scam the government, and there own children!
2012-04-25 06:16:21
They've been calling me for 3 weeks and they got me. They took $50 out of my account. They had my card info and my home address. My bank said they couldn't do anything about it.
2012-04-10 15:52:55
I been gettin these calls 4 a few days.....I didn't give them my information but they did have my address...but they claim that I won some money & a diamond watch.....then they said that all visa cards starts with the # 4 & discover cards starts with the # 5....then they ask me 2 tell them the expiration date on it soI did....but they wanted me 2 confirm the #'s on my card when I didn't & they said that no money won't n takin out without my permission.....so I said if ya'll go that much then confirm the #  2 me & I'll let ya'll kw if it's right.....they hung up on me.....lol....lol that was funny!!!!!
2012-03-27 17:14:19
These people are trying to scam people out of money they need to stop calling people!
Ashley Walley
Ashley Walley
2012-03-14 17:22:59
Calls at all hours of the day, including five a.m. this morning regardless of the fact that I told them to take me off of their calling list.
I'm furious.
nicole california
nicole california
2012-03-09 20:05:41
I talked to them, they told me I will be getting a free watch and magazines and that if I wanted to, I could get discounted magazine subscriptions.  They didn't ask for my credit card, and when I asked about paying for the discounted subscriptions, they said they would mail me all the information.  They've been calling for about a month and I just talked to them a week ago, but they always call while I'm working.  I guess I'll keep an eye on my credit cards to make sure I haven't been charged!
2012-03-07 20:39:41
this exact number called me and said they are charging some 20 dollars for some magezine i didnt even order! how do i get rid of it
2012-02-29 21:54:05
I didn't give them information either.  Will I be charged?
2012-02-01 20:30:45
Am I going to get charged even if I did not give them any of my card information?
2012-02-01 16:01:16
hey dumbass, they said it was supposed to be $4 a week and it ended up being more why don't you read before making yourself look like a jack***
2012-01-26 22:35:44
But how much did you pay for all that crap?
2012-01-26 22:34:12
I just called to cancel and the lady told me that I can't! She said that I still have to pay for a year!! How am I supposed to be paying for all this junk plus college?! It's ridiculous that they won't even let you cancel. As soon as I can I am going to my bank to cancel my account. Hope they have fun trying to get money from me then!!
Power Of Attorney
Power Of Attorney
2012-01-26 21:31:02
Wayne owes his own Mother in law $2,500 from when Ambes mom passed away. He thinks he is invincable...but he has methis match.  Both him and his partner Jason Ellsworth need to sit in federal prison....and I'm the nightmare that knows the company enough to put them away!
2012-01-06 21:23:04
These people have been calling me for 2 weeks! Super very nice people over the phone. I finally answered it today and the guy said I won a free watch and magazines. Also entered into a drawing to win a million dollars. Then the supervisor called me 5 min after the guy and asked me more questions about what kind of card is mine, a visa, MasterCard etc. and how the name was printed on the front of the card. My fiancé and I googled this number and came across this website and immediently called my bank and had my card closed and also had them reissue me a new credit card. So they can go and try to buy stuff with my old card info all they want cuz it will be declined!
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