Ontario, CANADA
2013-08-05 21:08:44
I actually got scammed by this company . I was looking for funding to start my small company. But I'm always confused with all the paper work, so I tought this would be great help.Ehhh...it was'nt. First they ask you're credit card number and they tell you it's will be 2 payments of 200something. I regretted it the second I hung up the phone, so my boyfriend called back. They told him that if I wasn't satisfied after one month of use than they would not process the second payment. I thought this wasn't too bad, worst case scenario I would loose 200 something. Huge mistake! I got online and registered with the password they sent me. In five minutes I knew that I had just thrown my money in the garbage. It's pretty much the same thing as the government site, you see they sell free informations you can get on the net, and it's still pretty confusing. So what do they do actually ? no one knows. Then my first bill arrived ...350$$ surprise surprise . I called them right away, told them to stop the second payment told them how frustrating all this was. That's when the madness began. Left messages after messages with no answers . One guy told me he had to review the tapes of our discussion and to call me back , never did. Every time I called the person in charge of my file , I got the answering machine , but then when press the new client button, there she was!! the same one. Everybody told me to leave a message and nobody never called me back . I've called a least 10 times and left at least 6-7 messages. I know they are trying to string me a along until the second payment passes. This is fraud, absolute fraud . Even if the government says they are not affiliated , they are still posted on their page. I have never seen anything like this, i do hope i will get some closure and please spread the word about this scam.
Patrick Lemieux
Patrick Lemieux
2012-06-07 20:50:22

Je termine dans la minute un appel au Centre des Petites Entreprises pour consommateurs. Mon interlocuteur un certain Pierre Caron souhaitais que je lui confise mon numéro de carte bancaire Visa et s'informait un peu avant du solde disponible sur ma carte, voir mes cartes de crédit. Il semble qu'il n'y est pas d'interface sécurisé, pour le traitement des cartes bancaires il propose, de faire la transaction (la première...) par téléphone... M'enfin, lorsque tu démarres une petite entreprise tu ne peux pas rencontrer pire..

2011-06-06 20:52:32
Le message était en français. Une publicité supposée du gouvernement du Canada pour aider les petites entreprises. L'homme dit que plusieurs programmes du gouvernement du Canada sont peu connus et il nous invite à appeler "le centre". Le centre de quoi pensez-vous ? Un gros racket !

NOW IN ENGLISH : A man called (voice recording)and said that the goverrnement of Canada had numerous programs unknown to small businesses and invite the pepole to call the "Center". The center of what, you think ? CERTAINLY A BIG RACKET.

Should we call the police?
2011-06-06 20:52:32
Fisrt I found the French version of the website. then I called and asked for informations. At fist glance, I tought it was a sort of governement related business. But Whend they asked me $600 for the report I started asking questions about an invoice required. They told me there is no payment server on the web nor invoice or order form I can fax? I searched a little more on the web and found this page. This is really suspicious....
2011-06-06 20:52:32
This jerk keeps calling me with his automated message. I never had a small business.  Isn't this illegal???
2011-06-06 20:52:32
Je reçois régulièrement un message sur mon répondeur d'un imbécile nommé Denis St-Jacques du programme gouvernementale des petites entreprises, j'avais 613-686-1177 comme numéro, j'ai tenté de rappeler, mais le numéro est hors service...à suivre..

Quelqu'un a des conseils pour mettre à un terme à ce harcelèment téléphonique?
Julie Cummings
Julie Cummings
2011-06-06 20:52:32
Et bien, on dirait que Monsieur St-Jacques change de numéro de téléphonne comme de paire de bobette. Depuis un mois j'ai recu une dizaine de messages de lui, toujours pour proposer une aide gouvernementale aux petites entreprises. Le numéro qu'il laisse est le 613-686-1157.

Je suis réellement tannée et j'appelle la police sous peu.
2011-06-06 20:52:32
Denis St Jacques - GO TO HELL !!! (the sooner the better)
2011-06-06 20:52:32
Denis St-Jacques (Centre des Petites Entreprises...)  m'appelle souvent. Je dois beaucoup d'argent pour mes prets etudiants alors je croyais qu'il a eu mon nom du gouvernement. Le numero change chaque fois alors je ne lui ai pas rappeler.

Denis St-Jacques often phones me. I owe a lot of money on my student loans so I assumed he got my number from the government. Each time the number is different so I haven't phoned back.
Denis Leclerc
Denis Leclerc
2011-06-06 20:52:32
J'ai reçu un appel de Denis St-Jacques aujourd'hui (appel enregistré) 21 mai 2008 sur mon répondeur. Il m'invite à l'appeler pour profiter de programmes de subventions mal connus pour les entreprises en démarrages? Des prograsmmes bons pour mon entreprises et ma famille???? J'ai immédiatement eu la puce à l'oreille...Je croyais connaître toutes ces opportunités puisque je suis réellement très alerte aux opportunités gouvernementales en ce moment....j'ai tout compris quand j'ai trouvé ce site internet. Son nom de téléphone est maintenant 613-963-0473.......et Il parle au nom du 'Centre d'aide au financement d'entreprise'...

Faites gaffe SVP....
scared girl
scared girl
2011-06-06 20:52:32
I got a message on my answering machine from this man Denis St-Jacques yesterday and I gave it a try today and I spoke to a Trevor Greenwood who spoke very well in French, although with an accent.  He explained to me about the program and asked me for my home address to send my a how-to-start a business kit with phone numbers from the government and an application with the catch that I had to pay $267.00 today and again in 2 weeks with my credit card.  He gave me a toll free number 1-800-658-9792 extension 212.  As I was thinking about all this, almost giving my credit card number over the phone to a complete stranger, I started reading the messages on this site and I was shocked and told him that I would call later another day.  It scared me to think that I almost got ripped off.  So, it's too good to be true, thanks for the warning.  I got another phone number to call on the first message I got and it's not the same as you guys, I was given this number: 613-963-0474
2011-06-06 20:52:32
Again this irritating voice mail from Anna at The Moving Company, leaving the phone number 647 477 8099.

These people must be desperate for business, to do this so many times!  Annoying.  If I were to move, which I don't intend to, I would make a point NOT TO CONTACT THEM.
2011-06-06 20:52:32
Quand donc les bons gouvernants que nous élisons et payons de notre poche vont-ils se décider a légiférer sur ce genre d'appels. Obligez donc, par exemple par le biais du CRTC ou autre, les compagnies de téléphone a placer ces gens sur des listes noires et a bloquer systématiquement leurs tentatives d'appels. Ne nous cachons surtout pas la tête dans le sable en référant à la liberté d'expression. Est-il si difficile de concevoir que chaque fois qu'on utilise mon temps et le matériel pour lequel je paie: téléphone, télécopieur ou courriel pour me passer une publicité du genre on me vole! Certains de ces voleurs sont devenus millionnaires en utilisant ainsi les ressources des autres. Ce sont des bandits et ils devraient êtres traités comme tel. Nos gouvernants, par leur manque de volonté d'agir se montrent complices de ces pratiques et diminuent grandement la confiance que nous plaçons en eux.
2011-06-06 20:52:32
I love the first line in the first post - awesome.  I have been getting these off and on for the past few months and the first time I thought omg it's anna from the moving company - how stupid do they think we are? If I hear you voice almost everyday on my answering machine for 2 years I'm going to know it's you!   It's just craziness.  Something must be done about these people, I don't know what their racket is, I've never returned the call.  I say somewhere else that someone contacted Silverman Helps at CityTv toronto specifically in regards to the moving company ripping them off.  If the police won't do anything maybe a knock from him and some tv camera's will do the trick!
2011-06-06 20:52:32
641-715-3900. Centre des Petites Entreprises pour Consommateurs. They keep calling. I am sick of it. I have been receiving phone calls from them for years. I once talked to a rep. All they want to sell you is a directory of all the programs offered by the goverment. The price for this directory is very steep.
2011-06-06 20:52:32
Nous cherchons à préparer un reportage pour la télévision de Radio-Canada.
Besoin de gens sollicités par le "Centre des petites entreprises" ou qui auraient fait affaires avec eux.

Daniel Boily
2011-06-06 20:52:32
The b***h is back!  That irritating female voice that was once known as Anna from The Moving Company - phone numbers 416-657-2693 and 647-477-8099 now has returned as Sarah representing the Small Home Business Centre located in Ottawa.  The number she gives is 613-216-9410.  Guess the heat was on them in Toronto from constantly bugging the crap out of people calling them hundreds of times.
2011-06-06 20:52:32
Most definitely a scam. The message left says to call 613-216-9410, but the originating call was from Ohio (probably routing through a scam centre) 641-715-3900? The last time I got this message, I tried to report it on-line at the gov. fraud page. Of course, they then said they were "temporarily" not taking electronic reports. Sigh. Yes, do report it to the police if you've got the time.
Geroge Anderson
Geroge Anderson
2011-06-06 20:52:32
i checked them out with the Better Business Bureau and there are no complaints or outstanding issues.  The lady I talked to at the information Centre gave me an overview of what the funding options are and quite frankly I am impressed.  Just my 2 cents worth.
2011-06-06 20:52:32
I got a call from Sarah ...
brian maged
brian maged
2011-06-06 20:52:32
I recieved a call about a Denis St. Jacques. I have a small business and do need aid. I thought it was too good to be true that the government had grants
available for people like me. I think this abusive. My friend was lured into giving out funds to one of these scam artists. I had a stroke in 2006 an am partially handicapped. I have thousandsof designs I made when healthier and would like to market. This is an injustice. I have been ripped off too many times in the past. I was ushered out the door at Cinar, I was told there were no animation jobs by Harold Greenberg, the man who created teletoons, I was told by Rolands printing that did Marvel comics that they only published yellow pages, I lost a job at Dale Chandler Kennedy architects when Trudeau created petrocan and the resultant depression caused the expanding Edmonton office to cutback instead. I couldn't sell beer at the Olympic games because I was English or work at an exhibition design company. The municipal government asked me to fill out papers for my requirements for an office in 1986 than used the provincial funds to build a gymnasium instead. I could go on and on. My friend works like a horse on the internet but can't collect because we live in Quebec and I still owe money on the computer I bought her.

Call in the police - this corruption must end. People must here our circumstances and of our good work.
2011-06-06 20:52:32
Reiterating what the above have said: a message from a "sarah" with instructions to call 613-216-9410 (the "small business center") in Ottawa to see if I qualify for a small business grant from a government program. I am filing a complaint with the RCMP.
2011-06-06 20:52:32
I checked these guys out and apparently they are legit
It seems that there are some grant and loan companies who are scams but some are not- This outfit has been around since 1992 so they probably are one of the genuine information brokers - I checked the dialer laws and as long as they aren't calling live people or asking for money or mentioning  a product over the phone then its ok for them to call. I think It is illegal to call people live and try to sell something if you don't know them- that's why its just a message. I just delete it and get them to remove my #. Maybe there are lots of people who would like to  get funding, so its ok for them.
2011-06-06 20:52:32
Just got the call 10 minutes ago. The message was very scratchy but I could make out the number and the general message that they were processing grants for small business operations. I just happen to speak to someone yesterday who asked me if I knew how and where to start the process for an application for a government grant. I wasn't certain but we have all heard about this option so when I got the call I thought about this person and will contact them after my research.
I will now surf the web starting with our government web-site because if the government hands out these grants it would definetely be able to guide me. One would expect an outside business (as this seems to be) not to be necessary for a simple application. If I find out you can only apply for a grant with aid of independent research organization like this it will just fuel my anger in dissapointment of our government.
Ralph Beilstein
Ralph Beilstein
2011-06-06 20:52:32
I have once again received a call from the "Small Business Centre". I don't have call display, but they did spout an automated message.

This must be organized crime. These groups fall under the international terrorism umbrella, so I think they should have the full weight of authority fall on them. These types have done nothing to deserve civil rights.

I can be contacted at 519-893-1675
2011-06-06 20:52:32
She ask for to payments of $260.00 ???????????
2011-06-06 20:52:32
613 216 9410 becareful it sounds kind of funny to me that the gouverment of canada doesn't have a 1-800 #     I remember hearing of a scam onetime with people recieving a call and a number left to call back and being charged $30 a minute to some re-directed line off shore somewhere down south
2011-06-06 20:52:32
j'ai aussi reçu un appel j'ai vraiment cru que cela provenait du  gouvernement comme je viens d'enregister mon entreprise...
Je fais présentement des recherches pour connaitre le fond de l'histoire
2011-06-06 20:52:32
La question que je me pose est-ce que les gens qui ont été contacter sont comme moi des gens  qui viennent de démarrer une affaire ou qui ont déjà une petite affaire, ou bien si  ils font des appels au hasard
-- Mississauga
-- Mississauga
2011-06-06 20:52:32
The Canadian Government Business Loan is a Complete scam! One of the things they ask is about credit cards (if you have any and what your credit-rating is), do not disclose any info.

Why isn't there a 1 800 number????

Is there a scam reprting number or website to send this info to? Is there any way to avoid the fees incurred if you call the phone number they provide?
1-888-527-2545 1-702-705-5029 1-408-777-6808
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