Newfoundland, CANADA
2014-04-14 14:26:35
Congratulations to Mr. Richard Benchimol for saying that two wrongs make a right. That clearly wins the prize for being the most sordid and hubristic thing I've ever heard. The full truth of my conclusion I shall develop in the course of this letter but the conclusion's general outline is that he appears committed to the proposition that his views are correct, self-evident, and based on fact and reason, while other people's positions are not just wrong but illegitimate, ideological, and unworthy of serious consideration. If you were to get a second opinion from someone who's not a member of his posse, however, he'd of course tell you that Mr. Benchimol's stentorian modes of thought have caused anal-retentive slaves to fashion to descend upon us like a swarm of locusts, having a serious destabilizing effect on our institutions. What a cunning coup on the part of his thralls, who set out to paint people of different races and cultures as conceited alien forces undermining the coherent national will and got as far as they did without anyone raising an eyebrow.

Mr. Benchimol would have us believe that if he kicks us in the teeth we'll then lick his toes and beg for another kick. Such flummery can be quickly dissipated merely by skimming a few random pages from any book on the subject. He has compiled an impressive list of grievances against me. Not only are all of these grievances completely fictitious, but carnaptious, foolhardy boneheads can't even agree among themselves as to how psychotic Mr. Benchimol is. Nevertheless, I can state with absolute certainty that Mr. Benchimol claims that wowserism can quell the hatred and disorder in our society. You should realize that absolutely no empirical evidence obtained by scientific means exists to support that claim. Alas, that doesn't stop Mr. Benchimol from undermining the individualistic underpinnings of traditional jurisprudence.

I don't know if Mr. Benchimol is consciously and purposely evil or merely prurient. I do know, however, that I don't know what to do about the rise in Bulverism I see all around me. Mr. Benchimol's solution. not surprisingly, is to view countries and the people that live in them either as economic targets to be exploited or as military targets to be defeated. This is one case in which the cure is surely worse than the disease.

Mr. Benchimol claims that society will benefit if he goes ahead with his plan to spread hatred, animosity, and divisiveness. That's like pulling up a plant to see how the roots are doing. It also proves that Mr. Benchimol is oblivious to the fact that his arguments would be a lot more effective if they were at least accurate or intelligent, not just a load of bull for the sake of being controversial. I won't bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that knowledge is the key that unlocks the shackles of bondage. That's why it's important for you to know that to make up for all of the time he's wasted blathering, Mr. Benchimol should step aside and let me put his repulsive viewpoints to the question. Sadly, lack of space prevents me from elaborating further.

Mr. Benchimol wants to promote the mordacious shenanigans of the most yellow-bellied spoilsports you'll ever see. Alas, that's a mere ripple on the mean-spirited ocean of ultraism in which Mr. Benchimol will drown any attempt to fight for what is right. I've long thought it would be fun to try to explain to him how his brainless, combative beliefs are largely due to his drawing mistaken conclusions from what he wrongly takes to be evidence. For the most part, I'm just curious as to how deep Mr. Benchimol will have to dig into his profanity thesaurus to formulate a response. His crusades leave me with several unanswered questions: How much is the axis of evil paying him to reward mediocrity? And why does he have to be such a party pooper? These are difficult questions to answer because he insisted he'd never silence critical debate and squelch creative brainstorming. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before he did exactly that. He promised he'd never take credit for others' accomplishments, but then he did just that?and worse. At least Mr. Benchimol is consistent, but he never stops boasting about his generous contributions to charitable causes. As far as I can tell, however, Mr. Benchimol's claimed magnanimousness is entirely chimerical, and, furthermore, he knows how to lie. It's too bad he doesn't yet understand the ramifications of lying.

Mr. Benchimol has so frequently lied about how unfounded attacks on character, loads of hyperbole, and fallacious information are the best way to make a point that some weaker-minded people are starting to believe it. We need to explain to such people that if you intend to challenge someone's assertions, you need to present a counterargument. Mr. Benchimol provides none. A small child really couldn't understand that I find his lack of depth and insight mind-boggling. But any adult can easily grasp that in public, he vehemently inveighs against corruption and sin. But when nobody's looking, he never fails to create massive civil unrest. I refuse to believe solely on Mr. Benchimol's say-so that our only chance of saving the planet is to accept unending regulations and straightjacket ?reforms? from Mr. Benchimol's allies. But there's the rub; Mr. Benchimol is a supporter of everything that was trendy in America in the 1960s?the marvelous effects of LSD and other psychedelic drugs, pyramid power, various oriental religious cults, transcendental meditation, UFOs and extraterrestrials, CIA conspiracies, you name it. In this case, one cannot help but recall that when you tell Mr. Benchimol's groupies that you're a sucker and a fool if you believe that Mr. Benchimol's trucklers will one day turn around and shoo Mr. Benchimol away like the annoying bug that he is, they begin to get fidgety and their eyes begin to wander. They really don't care. They have no interest in hearing that he can get away with lies (e.g., that inattentive whiners and sanguinary popinjays should rule this country) because the average person cannot imagine anyone lying so brazenly. Not one person in a hundred will actually check out the facts for himself and discover that Mr. Benchimol is lying.

Bitterness seeps out of Mr. Benchimol like blood from an underdone ribeye steak. That extreme bitterness is, as far as I can tell, what leads him to waste natural resources. Some will say I exaggerate, but actually I'm being quite lenient. I didn't mention, for example, that whenever anyone states the obvious?that his torchbearers fight more for the negative destruction of opposing ideologies than for the positive promotion of their own?discussion naturally progresses towards the question, ?Why can't he simply enjoy the fruits of his own labors and let other people enjoy the fruits of theirs?? As you ponder the answer to that question, consider that relative to just a few years ago, sick-minded, destructive sophisters are nearly ten times as likely to believe that we have no reason to be fearful about the criminally violent trends in our society today and over the past ten to fifteen years. This is neither a coincidence nor simply a sign of the times. Rather, it reflects a sophisticated, psychological warfare program designed by Mr. Benchimol to persecute the innocent and let the guilty go unpunished.

I insist I know why Mr. Benchimol has been harvesting what others have sown. He considers it an interesting sociological experiment for determining whether people can be influenced to encumber the religious idea with too many things of a purely earthly nature and thus bring religion into a totally unnecessary conflict with science. He has had some success in diminishing society's inducements to good behavior. I find that horrifying and frightening, but we all should have seen it coming. We all knew that I can't make heads or tails of Mr. Benchimol's manuscripts. I mean, does he want to mulct us out of our lives' savings, or doesn't he? I can assure you that Mr. Benchimol is trying to mold your mind and have you see the world not as it is but as he wants you to see it. His mission? To take us over the edge of the abyss of jingoism.

Mr. Benchimol has been offering the most nocuous ignoramuses you'll ever see a lot of money to undermine the current world order. This is blood money, plain and simple. Anyone thinking of accepting it should realize that if we fail to put an end to Mr. Benchimol's evildoing then all of our sacrifices will be as forgotten as the sand blowing across Ozymandias's dead empire. The ?decay of that colossal wreck,? as the poet Shelley puts it, teaches us that when I'm through with Mr. Benchimol he'll think twice before attempting to shout obscenities at passers-by. Please forgive the following sermon, but it can't be avoided in this discussion: There are those who are informed and educated about the evils of authoritarianism, and there are those who are not. Mr. Benchimol is one of the uninformed, naturally, and that's why it would be great if we could tell you a little bit about him and his egocentric stances. Still, if we take a step, just a step, towards addressing the issue of onanism, then maybe we can open people's eyes (including our own) to a vision of how to tell the truth about Mr. Benchimol.

It's debatable whether Mr. Benchimol runs like a scared rabbit whenever his jobations are challenged by someone with courage, conviction, and a love of Truth. However, no one can disagree that his propaganda factories continuously spew forth messages like, ?Irritable dodos have dramatically lower incidences of cancer, heart attacks, heart disease, and many other illnesses than the rest of us? and, ?My bitterness at Mr. Benchimol is merely the latent projection of libidinal energy stemming from self-induced anguish?. What they don't tell you, though, is that at this point in the letter I had planned to tell you that Mr. Benchimol is a master of psychological manipulation. However, one of my colleagues pointed out that his tracts owe much to the canards of disreputable worrywarts. Hence, I discarded the discourse I had previously prepared and substituted the following discussion in which I argue that Mr. Benchimol is proof that ignorance often drives misperceptions. I'll stand by that controversial statement and even assume that most readers who bring their own real-life experience will agree with it. At a bare minimum, people often get the impression that besotted scamps and Mr. Benchimol's surrogates are separate entities. Not so. When one catches cold, the other sneezes. As proof, note that as soon as Mr. Benchimol found the resources to do so he lost no time in providing longiloquent galoots with a milieu in which they can prosecute, sentence, and label people as unregenerate clodpolls without the benefit of any evidence whatsoever. The inevitable followed: Myopic barrators started providing cover for an overbearing agenda. The scariest part of all of this is that Mr. Benchimol hopes that by clever arrangements he may succeed in saving his threatened power. So don't feed me any phony baloney about how ebola, AIDS, mad-cow disease, and the hantavirus were intentionally bioengineered by bad-tempered, stiff-necked Drawcansirs for the purpose of population reduction. That's just not true. Summa summarum, I will renew my resolve to make an impartial and well-informed evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of Mr. Richard Benchimol's shell games.
2014-01-03 04:45:20
I also worked for that scum bag Shawn!  I lasted 3 days until I walked out the door! He got mad at me for helping my mother shovel over 15 cm of snow out of her driveway! I was late and he "spoke to me" like I was a f****ng child!  F*** that loser and all the brown nosers with him!
2014-01-03 04:41:24
That's uncalled for man!
also an ex employee
also an ex employee
2013-03-24 05:03:45
I worked there and shawn wicks and richard benchimol are the two biggeat scam artists on the world lanoba and 411 webconnect are their companies they have developeda very manipulative script and unfortunately  lot of ppl fall for it,  they hire peopke with great abilities to talk and interact with ppl ppl work there because its good mobey but these guys are not only scum to customers but their own employees cussing and swearing calling them down to the dirt , i myself called the labor board in newfoundland and had an investigation put it unfortunately i had no evidence  and couldnt get that f****r s*** down

Pitch is something like
May i speak with the office manager please
Hi its just shawn. From 411webconnect im just calling to update your online business listing
Had you listed as 123 scam strreet a1f-8d6 montreal
Is there a webite or toll free number u want to ad
Great so the priority listing is 699 for the one year term of course that never automatically renewed and ill make sure to give u a call back next year then they verify stuff again on a recording but they tell u its a recording in a sly way

Good luck i worned you from the hill
2012-08-04 04:54:20
This company is a scam and they also have another startup company called Lanoba. Both companies are a scam and will try and screw you over. If Lanoba or WebConnect calls you, disconnect the call right away . Shawn Wicks and Richard Benchimol are the guys running the show there, these types of scams need to come to an end. The calls come from Newfoundland and the payments go to Montreal. Spread this information.

They train their employees to lie and manipulate ''office managers''. People like this should be arrested and the key should be thrown away.

2012-07-19 21:44:48
I'm guessing that your position didn't require proper grammar or punctuation, you would have been screwed!  Did you graduate grade 7?
2012-07-07 22:39:53
This company is the biggest scam in life, i worked there and couldn't take it, tricking people into thinking that they were already enrolled in the program, and we were just "renewing" it without saying renew. no body uses this website, and for 700, you could buy something alot more useful. the worst is the older buisness owners who do not know the difference...pitty.
2012-06-01 14:05:50
This morning I got the same call. I don't tell him anything thing. I say no and hang up the phone.
2012-05-25 22:08:02
also asked for the manager.
Yes, last years' listing was 'complimentary'
difference to the other posts, they were now asking only $699 for the year!
Just an afterthought, maybe I should have asked them how they were enjoying
all the bogus or imaginary free stuff I had posted for them and ask them were I
could send this years' invoice, of only $499!, payable to me! Yeah!
Angry mom
Angry mom
2012-05-02 14:38:52
Calls but never leaves message.  If they were important at all, they would ask for a call back!  Give up!!
2012-04-27 13:05:07
called me today , boy they talk fast , same as everyone else who has posted, i told her we do not deal with them and don't plan too. they might get away with this type of solicitation in larger companies , but not here..
2012-03-30 15:20:13
They tried that with me, same speach " can we talk to a manager " I asked what it's about, then lied and told her the number she called is a personal cell phone, she said sorry and removed me from the call back list without asking.
2012-03-08 17:08:37
they keep leaving me dirty messages
2012-02-10 17:52:32
In my last message, "I told her not to hold up the illegal thought" was a mistake.  It should be "I told her to hold up the illegal thought".  Please note accordingly.
2012-02-10 17:45:37
The girl asked to speak to our manager.  After questioning her, she said she was to confirm our company contact information like address, phone and fax number and website.  She spelt out the information herself.  I only said yes and asked her not to bother us if she already had the information.  She said she was to send us an invoice for the ad in 411.  I told her not to hold up the illegal thought as we never gave her permission.  But she kept saying something like reading from a written statement.  I then fxxx her off.  She was not irritated and was very happy to say thank you at the end of the call.  She is probably into cyber.
2012-02-10 15:52:20
This number called my cell a few times and left no messages.
2012-02-08 15:13:54
Same deal with us today. 411 Web Connect, verified a bunch of info with me and asked if there was a web address or fax number to add to that. I spoke our URL which I do to everyone anyways, and she added OK great, and gave me a spiel about how they now offer a username and password on the website, or I can do it now upon renewal of our subscription. I told her we were never subscribed, and then she added that last year's was a promotional subscription. I told her that we were not interested in subscribing and she politely said 'Oh you're not? OK then thank you', and hung up.

The fact that they are sending invoices out means that there are equal and opposite charges corporations like us can submit, and will be acted upon their behalf. Make sure you get their full mailing address, contact information and ask if this is an unsolicited call.
2012-02-06 21:05:29
Indeed I received the same call from 411 Web Direct asking to confirm our firm's listing.  I told them that they had our name wrong and also we do not subscribe to such services.  They said OK and stated that they will remove us from their list.

As for how Telephone solicitors usually behave, they were actually pretty good all things considered.

Still, I find it annoying that they attempt this type of business practice in order to potentially bill unsuspecting companies.
scammers R morons
scammers R morons
2012-02-03 20:27:52
i got a call today - asked if they could speak to a manager, i asked who was calling (thinking it might be a client complaint), she said "Alicia from 411 webconnect" (sounded fishy) so i asked what it was regarding... "we'd like to make sure your company profile is up to date" i put her on hold and left for a bit.  by the time i went back to tell her weren't interested she was gone.  next time they phone (which i assume there will be a next time) i will simply say "no thanks, we're not interested in a $600 bill"  :)
2012-01-24 20:39:50
Be careful with this one, they try and trick you into accepting a $600 invoice.  Don't update your information with them, once you do, they send the invoice.
2012-01-20 16:23:16
Caller wanted to update my info for listing, get my name etc and certify I was authorised purchasor to send out invoice for $600.  Asked who ordered listing last year, no one it was complimentary.  Told them to remove it and said they would comp it for this year.  Guess that means another call next year.  If you don't pay attention you get hosed.
2011-12-12 17:01:53
411 web connect - I asked them to discontinue our listing when they called.
also got the number
also got the number
2011-12-07 15:49:30
this number also called me it is 411 web connect i guess? i called the number back as i wasnt around to get the number
2011-12-05 18:59:33
what is this company's name
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