Me, too
Me, too
2014-04-28 21:47:06
Debt Collector
  It may not be Wells Fargo, but it is agents working on their behalf - Possibly Core Logic, which is one of several middlemen contracted by Wells Fargo.  They send an occupancy inquiry by mail, but Wells Fargo also has them to make inspections.  I am behind 3 payments, but the denied my modification request due to affordability, yet I have been making payments every month since.  If something happens and I am late with one more payment, they can start foreclosure on me.  They have been running me ragged the past several weeks with someone coming almost daily, and always when I am not at home.  Thankfully, I was home today when she came, she was a nice lady just doing her job.  
its rea;
its rea;
2014-02-20 01:37:43
its not a scam
2013-12-20 19:44:46
I just had someone knock on my door and hand me paper.. I asked what company he worked for and would not give me a straight answer... I contacted wells fargo on phone and in person who says that they do not work for them.. and if they wanted to contact us it would be by mail or phone.. Especially with their logo on paper.. not some piece of paper printed out of a car and cut in half...
2013-07-17 13:53:01
Debt Collector
I called the number it was Wells Fargo.
2013-07-07 17:31:27
I came home to a card hanging on my door asking me to call this number. I paid cash for my house and have never had a mortgage. I can't imagine what business Wells Fargo or any other mortgage company would have sending anyone onto my property.
2013-05-27 14:50:00
I would like to clear this up. I am one of these home inspectors and have been for 4 years. This is a legitimate number. Wells Fargo and any of the other large banks have a clause in your contract. Its in the "security" section of your contract. It states the banks have the right to inspect your home every month if they see fit. So we have to go out and take a couple of pictures just to show the banks, the home is occupied and in good shape or if its degraded and vacant with a foot tall grass then they got to send someone out to cut the grass, change a lock and secure their asset. I dont know why we have to give you these cards. There are many of us who have speculated and have been told by others in the business that these cards may be handed to you for many different reasons. Home modification loans or you may be over 45 days late on your mortgage,  they may just want a current pic of the property, from what I understand the banks will sell these loans to other lenders but you will still make your payment to your current bank and be none the wiser. Anyone in good standing is easy to sell that loan to another company. If you are in home modification, you have to live in the property and we have to "prove" to the bank that you are residing in the property every month. There are alot of us who have been yelled at, cussed at, threatened by too many hostile homeowners, most of the time we don't want to get into another altercation just because the bank asked us to do our job which is to confirm exactly who is residing in the property, so we will just leave the card at the door. Alot of times people will make their payment in between the time we were given the order and the time we actually make it to your house to give you the card because the bank was wanting a payment made or arrangements made if possible. I hope this helps.

I would be happy to field any questions on here that you may have. Please reply.....I will check this page periodically.
2013-05-26 18:06:47
the real wellsfargo gives you 18002823451  and 6420257 in secure message if your default.I am default,i study classactions against wells ,and i asked them , if i can also tape them. they never answered my question,so i refused to answer their questions.I continue with them by regular mail until this is fixed,it is not about taxes,they pay regularly the taxes, it is not about principle or rate , it is soleyly about insurance and reasonable insurance is bot available anymore for a house as old as mine here.
Not a dead beat
Not a dead beat
2013-05-23 22:02:24
These " inspectors" are just a tool Wells Fargo uses to try to protect their interests . Once one came to my home, some unkept slob, driving a POS , bellowing that he had " Important papers" for me . The plain white Office Depot envelope and the cheap mimeograph " important message " was an 800 number and a single sentence saying " Do not call Wells Fargo , but some special " finance company". After calling Wells, they said they had no idea who that was but wanted me, at my own expense, to send the papers to their " loss pervention department"  After making sure pigpen left my property of course!
2013-04-24 01:10:01
There are two Wells Fargo offices in this town, so don't tell me Wells Fargo doesn't have anyone local to check the property. Besides, I tell them every time I call that I'm living at the property. Further, you can tell simply by looking (car in the driveway, trash can out for collection, outgoing mail in the box, etc.) that the home is occupied -- you guys aren't looking for evidence of abandonment, you're debt collectors posing as "inspectors." A Wells Fargo rep just told me as much on the phone, that these "inspections" will continue until the bill is paid. The "inspector" who came to my house bothered my neighbors, in clear violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

On top of all that, I'm only six days late. I haven't even gotten a past due notice or letter from Wells Fargo, but they're already sending out fake inspectors to harass my neighbors? It's ridiculous, and it doesn't matter what you call yourself, you're not an inspector, you're a debt collector, and as such should be treated accordingly by ANYONE who has to deal with you.

Anyone reading this, please, consult the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and know your rights. Do not be fooled, these are not "inspectors," they are debt collectors.
2013-04-24 01:00:53
Debt Collector
Just had a lady drop off this envelope with the same piece of paper in it. Looked up the number first before calling. The thing is, I was home sick so it took me a while to shuffle to the front door, and by the time I did the lady was hollering at my neighbors (home during their lunch break) asking them questions. They said they didn't want to be bothered. I decided not to open the door because of how the lady was acting, and she left the note with this number on it. I called the regular Wells Fargo number and spoke with a rep named Angie, who confirmed these people are "inspectors" making sure the property is not abandoned. Even though I've told Wells Fargo multiple times that the property is not abandoned, the rep said they will keep sending these people out as long as we're late on the mortgage (and we're only SIX days late), so to me that doesn't sound like an inspector but a bill collector.

When I told her they had been asking neighbors questions she was very concerned and suggested I write to the Wells Fargo correspondence address to let them know, and she apologized for the inconvenience. Personally, I wouldn't deal with whoever these people are. Also, check your rights in your state, and send letters (not just phone calls) to Wells Fargo telling them you do not allow them to come to your home to collect a debt. I have a feeling this "inspection" business is just a cover for debt collection.
2013-02-28 21:48:37
If this is so legitimate why sneak around without knocking on the door or ringing the bell? If this is so legitimate where is the company name and address or representative's name? Why is the home owner's name hand written? Looks like something so illegitimate that there is no identifying information on this little slip of paper.
2013-01-19 22:54:25
Your All Nuts! Pay Your Bills Bunch Of Deadbeats! If You Are A Renter Then Call Your Landlord And Ripp His Seat. Don;t Pick On The Hard Working Inspector that Is trying To Feed His Family. I Am A Retired Policeman And I Have had Officers Called Many Of Times. It takes away from the public who need them in a emergency. How Dare you put down hard working Inspectors. What A Joke. That's Why Your A Renter! Or Should I say WANNABEE Homeowner.
2013-01-15 22:58:56
Alfalfa... that link has nothing to do with this thread topic, what so ever.
2013-01-15 19:01:06

2013-01-15 18:56:34
all of the people crying scam and I didn't call the number are too funny. I've been doing this for a job as well. i don't like the work but I was laid off from a company After programing security systems for six years. I needed a job and this one presented itself. for the most part people are friendly enough. I say I'm sorry to bother you but your mortgage lendor sent me to deliver a phone number for you to call. but some of you arrogant jagoffs threatening someone just doing a job are out of line. someone on another forum stated it would be funny to "sick their dog" on the individual delivering the doorcard. yeah. go ahead. due to the nature of this job and all you crazy "people" the person you decide to assault with a deadly weapon, your dog, may defend themselves and you will find your dog replaced with a jail sentence. stop being so silly. its not a scam. just call the number. what scam would have your name address and loan number?
2012-12-07 20:26:49
I do this for a living.  It is not a scam.  They do not have anyone local to verfiy information so they hire independent contractors such as myself to do so.  It doen'st necessarly mean there is anything wrong with your mortgage.
2012-09-27 15:35:17
atencion  para la gente latina /espanol hacerca de este tipo de problemas que diferentes personas se estan aprovechando /sorprendiendo tengan o no tengan problemas con la casa hacerca de la mensualidad con el banco . estan personas estan esperando afuera de las casas  a una distamcia y ven salir alas personas luego se hacerca una persona a su casa y deja un sobre en blanco  que en la parte de encima del sobre esta escrito a mano con lapiz el apellido del propietario mr : por favor llame al telf; 1800-766-0987   deja el sobre en la puerta de la casa y se va adentro del sobre hay un papelito pequeno que dice contactese con su compania del prestamo de la casa  es importante telef; 1800-766-0987 /este tipo de persona es un latino / de contestura gruesa /trigueno /de bigotes / cabello lacio negro  semi ondulado  se peina para atras  cara redonda/ de cuello ancho / medio panson /ojos negros  de brazos pequenos /tiene tipo medio de rasgos jalado medio chino pero no es es latino de vos gruesa /maneja un carro plomo pequeno de 4 puertas placa de arizona  tiene un telefono celular pequeno  negro  que hace el que toma foto al sobre cuando lo deja  y se va /este tipo vestia pantalon plomo /camisa ploma a rayas con blanco . en ese momento llame ala compania de mi morgate  al bco y me dijeron que ellos no mandan a nadie a casa a buscar al propietario o a dejar mensajes  wells / dice que llamen ala policia y denunciar el caso / les paso la vos ala gente propietarios de casa que hay gente que quieren estafar /robar/ llame al telef;1800-766-0987 sale una grabadora te dice ingrese su nnumero social  que estafa /o ingrese su numero de prestamo  que estafa  alerta..............
2012-07-18 19:07:45
This is Wells Fargo's way of circumventing the federal debt collection and state collection laws.  The slip of paper taped to  my front door, by someone who was so quite about it that my dog didnt bark, has the 800 number, but no clue as to who is posting it.  When you call, you get Wells Fargo.  They transfered me directly to their attorneys, Trot & Trot, as I live in a state that requires that attorneys to handle foreclosures.  One they take pictures of the property, Trulia gets the pictures and posts them on their real estate websight as a distressed property (including the address)   You will then be bothered by the real estate vultures who buy distressed properties looking in your windows and trying to  gain entrance into the home. The bank has no right to come onto your property until the expiration of the redemption pieriod.  You still own it until the  expiration  of the redemption period and the bank files the proper documents with the county clerk.
2012-07-12 14:34:21
This is LEGIT and completely LEGAL! I work for these people delivering these cards and taking photos of properties. It does not necessarily mean that your mortgage is in default. Some cases, it does. Other cases, if you are trying to re-finance or make any changes to your mortgage, the banks simply want to ensure that YOU are the one residing at the property and in other instances, the bank wants to know the condition of the property, hence, the photos. It is completely legit and completely legal. Calling the cops will not help.
2012-03-29 15:15:04
This is legit!!!  It is Wells Fargo and the person that comes by your door is paid to take a picture of property, see if you are occupying home and hand you the little discrete slip of paper. I have been through this a couple times, really Wells on the other end and best to call sooner than later as it means things are moving along with a mortgage in default.
866 instead of 800
866 instead of 800
2011-11-26 06:43:06
Me too, I got the same note at my doorNob with hand writen note but the first 3 numbers of the phone are different. 866-766-0987. there is not wellsFargo log on it or anything but no one knoked my door. That is a really sick especially on Thanksgiving weekend.
2011-11-24 22:01:17
Have been reciving the little yellow door tag for months now. Landlord is in foreclosure on home we rent! Worst thing is it is thanksgiving and these a******* left this today. Get a life and spend the holidays with ur family!
2011-11-22 20:49:27
Sort of the same thing. I drove into our neighborhood and had to drive around some do***ebag stopped in the middle of the road. I got home and parked in my driveway, walked across the street to the mailbox, and when I walked back up to my house, this jerk, stopped in front of my house, took several pictures, then handed me a slip of paper that said "Urgent" call this number. So they are going another step and taking pictures of our home, please report them!
2011-10-16 21:20:58
I did not get a phone call but notice a woman on my front porch.  At first I thought it was mail being dropped off but then realized it is Sunday.  No knock or anything, she then walked away and to her car which was parked some distance from the house.  I looked around to see why she might have been here and noticed the small slip of paper taped to my front door.  My name, Wells Fargo Acct. # with Please Call Wells Fargo - Contact Loan Administration @ 800-766-0987.  Our representative called on you today while you were out. There is an important matter we would like to discuss with you.  This inspection is not in any way an attempt to collect a debt. I did call the number and did reach Wells Fargo however they could not give me any info.  I have been working on modifying my mortgage for the past 16 months and do have a case manager I have been working with. This is very concerning. Does anyone have a clue what this means?
2011-07-08 01:10:00
yup got the same message on my door in a white envelope.  Scary thing is its got our acct # on it too.
2011-06-20 17:34:01
Just had the same thing happen to  me, came home to find a cut envelope with "Please call 1-800-766-0987 and my street address" couple months behind but have arrangement for paying this week. What the heck, like I don't have enough to worry about without some creepy scammer scoping out our property!!!!
2011-06-06 20:58:23
this number is connected to a mortage escrow account
2011-02-26 20:05:10
Second visit from a woman in a nice car, hand delivering the same notice as before. Funny since i just talked to my wells fargo a couple of days ago, highly doubt they would send someone with such a generic little piece of hand written crap. I took the girls tag number and might just let my friend the sheriff, check her out.
2011-01-29 20:04:02
Came home to find a yellow envelope with the handwritten Wells fargo and phone number. I didnt plan on calling since they have my home and work number and would have no reason to have someone drive up and deliver this to me. The woman was in a beat up car my room mate said. Scam, so definitely not calling it.
2010-07-20 19:28:46
We are renters and for months now we have receive white envelope with the owners name on it. Finally after 6 months I decide to open one up. Wondering if the owner is falling behind on payment. So I went on line and put in the contact number and this blog came up. I like to thank everyone?s input. Now we don?t have to worry.  Remember why would a wells Fargo home mortgage hand deliver this message.
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