2014-03-07 00:38:26
You are so full of s***.
2013-01-25 21:26:08
This Number has apparently called a former employer-  name of  caller Kate West stating they are calling to tell me they wish to serve me with papers. Case # was given....since when does someone call you to tell you they want to serve you with papers?
Rachel Siegle
Rachel Siegle
2013-01-16 20:49:31
Debt Collector
Yup I keep getting calls from the same company like carzy saying I owe for a credit card that I never had .I told him I would contact my lawyer and he could take care of it.He told me he would give me tell tomorrow to thin what I wanted to go
2013-01-10 21:29:59
Yea they call me to on a debt that is out of the states statue of limitations.  Good luck on taking me to jail when its my debt and over 7 years old. People do what I do if its a number you don't recognize don't answer and Google the number. They have been doing this crap for two years. Over the entire time I've never been served, taken to court or sued. Empty threats is all it is. Pretty entertaining when they leave voicemails. Blah. Blah. Blah. You do realize by just talking to them and admitting anything brings it out of statue of. Limitations. If you want it to go away go to original creditor and pay the debt. Otherwise just mark this number debt collector and never answer it again
2012-12-29 21:13:34
This phone # keeps calling my parents giving them a file# and a call back phone#     I called them and a Mr. SMITH  ha ha   has a message that he is in investigations and to leave a message with a case#/file#... this person needs to stop calling my parents, I cant believe that they keep calling them, they usually screen their calls and this person just leaves a message for me.
2012-12-24 16:02:29
2012-12-23 21:30:42
For a "Legal Rep.", your writing/composition/spelling/whatever really sucks as if your post was stitched together from other posts.
The legit website for your FREE annual credit report is  https://www.annualcreditreport.com/cra/index.jsp
It's been alleged that freecreditreport is a scam where you will be signed up for credit monitoring in the fine print so you will be hit with monthly fees that you will not be expecting. Do NOT use freecreditreport.

The FDCPA http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/credit/cre27.pdf treats the INITIAL CONTACT between collector and debtor (first call, first letter, first whatever) as a special event. Legit collectors per section 809 of the FDCPA *must* tell you at initial contact, or send you paperwork within 5 days of initial contact, the following:
1. $amount of debt,
2. name of the current creditor (which may differ from the original creditor who might have sold your debt),
3. a statement that that debt will be assumed to be valid unless you dispute in writing within 30 days,
4. a statement that that if you do dispute in writing within 30 days, the collector must mail you written verification of the debt,
5. a statement that if you ask the collector in writing within 30 days, the collector must send you the name and address of the original creditor if it's different from the current creditor.
If you don't get the 5 disclosures, orally or in writing (you do not have to ask for them, the FDCPA requires collectors to provide them), treat the collector like you would any SCAMMER.
Note that 3,4,5 must be done *IN WRITING* so you will need to ask an address from your collector. If s/he refuses to give you one for any reason, treat the collector like a SCAMMER.
The collector can threaten court action at initial contact but the FDCPA requires that the collector actually take you to court if the collector threatens it. Threatening court and not going through with it (coercion) is illegal.
If they say the FDCPA does not apply to them because they own your debt, the debt-owner exemption only applies to the original owner. A 3rd party who buys the debt for the purpose of collecting debt is treated as a debt collector and not an owner and must obey the FDCPA as explained in this FTC Staff Opinion letter here http://www.ftc.gov/os/statutes/fdcpa/letters/arbuckle.htm
You can tape phone calls per your state law described here http://www.fairdebtforconsumers.com/Recording-Laws-Summaries.html
You can tape, then sue collectors (google "fdcpa attorney") for violations described in sections 805, 806, and 807, per section 813 of the FDCPA.
Has the statute of limitations for your state http://www.fair-debt-collection.com/SOL-by-State.html expired on your debt? If expired, don't pay.
Collectors generally have to be licensed by your state to practise (collect debt) in your state and you can find out by calling your state Attorney Generals Office. Ask if a license is required and does this collector have one. If not licensed, don't pay and file a complaint with your state AG.
Read useful debt-collection FAQs from the FTC here http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/credit/cre18.shtm
The debt collection process explained in plain English http://www.consumeraffairs.com/debt/fdcpa.html
Be aware that scammers are using bought/hacked/phished loan application data to extort payments for fictitious debts from victims and victims' families and friends.
The FBI warns about payday loan extortion scams here http://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/paydayloanscam_120710
The FBI warns again http://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releas ... nt-payday-loans
The BBB has issued several alerts on this scam, just google "bbb.org alert phony debt collector"
Report to the Internet Crime Complaint Center http://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx , the Federal Communications Commission http://esupport.fcc.gov/complaints.htm , the Federal Trade Commission https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/ and your state AG http://www.naag.org/current-attorneys-general.php as appropriate.
2012-12-23 21:20:53
You're full of it. When debtors fail to appear, the judge at my local court does not serve them a bench warrant to appear because that only increases court workload and costs. The judge just awards a default judgement to the plaintiff (all have been local payloan loan stores so far) and the case ends. All this is published in the local paper which is how I know what actually happens. Debt is a civil matter like divorce but you would like to see debt handled as a criminal matter like theft. Won't happen so stop your fairy tales of jail, shill.
2012-12-23 18:35:27
aaa,   Whooops!  Please accept my apologies.   It was not intended for you.   I guess I just hit the wrong reply button.   I should have read more carefully and can't apologize enough.   Once again,   I do sincerely apologize.
2012-12-23 18:08:18
kyle..i hope your post was meant for legal rep. and not me..you said you know my style and my style is against the lying low life sleazy debt collectors
2012-12-22 21:01:15
Hi Gunnar,    I feel certain that our close personal friend would make a decent door greeter,  What with his experience as a leading PR man for the  firm of  "Ben Dover & W.E.  Fleecem"  SOL Collections agency.   I've missed him.
2012-12-22 20:38:44
You have got to be kidding me! Joeeey's back? Doesn't that ignorant stooge ever learn?
Chris, get a clue. You know we're going to be on your sorry a** thicker than the flies in your boiler-room. Why do you bother? You're a worthless piece of dog excrement and every time you open your mouth you prove it. Give it up already!
You're a fraud pal. There is simply no reason for you to exist. You're at the bottom and there's no coming back. You've become a laughing stock and there is nothing you can say or do that will ever change that. You're failing at the last possible thing that you could do. There's a word for that Chris. You are a "Loser".
Adios Chris! With any luck maybe Walmart will hire you. As a 'Greeter'. They are known for hiring the mentally handicapped. Wait, that's not going to happen. Even Wally-World does a background check and a drug screen. Sh*t outta' luck there aren't you Chris? How about being a hood ornament on the lid of the dumpster behind the Salvation Army? Nope, that won't work either. You're not qualified.
2012-12-22 19:49:11
Gig,   I think we have Joseph,  Joeeeeeey,  aka Chris  back.   Welcome home son !!   He's a treasure he is.   gotta love his style.  People should be wary of him though.  This guy can command the Gods of  Hades to bring down fire and brimstone,  as well  as the local FBI and  S.W.A.T. team to cast any person that he wants in jail........He owns a "papers"  machine that brings the "Paper Servers"  to your door.   (Be sure and have a witness as well as 2 foms of ID)     My son recently enrolled in his school of  scamming,  fleecing,  shilling and shaking down the elderly,  with hopes of receiving his BSBA in BSing,   with a secondary in paint huffing.
2012-12-22 19:33:46
Whoooa.....That  sounds like Joeeeey aka Chris.  I recognize his style!  Is that really you Joseph???   The biggest BSer ever to swipe an old ladies coin purse.....Welcome back Joseph/Chris.......Shook down any kids lately for thier lunch money?
2012-12-22 18:43:37
HEY IDIOT...that article you wrote about people being arrested you didnt tell the whole story..
yes they got arrested and the judge says to them WHY DID YOU USE THE C/C WHEN YOU KNOW YOU DID NOT HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY FOR IT..THAT IS FRAUD..just like if you went to a store and purposely wrote out a check and you had no money you get arrested..that is stealing and that was the purpose.
now show me a article where a person was working and paying then lost his job and couldnt pay anymore BUT DID NOT USE THE C/C BECAUSE HE KNEW HE HAD NO MONEY TO PAY and he was in the arrears for a few months or years and he got arrested.SHOW ME AN ARTICLE THAT
IDIOT.. we all know your a lying low life sleazy debt collector who isnt making any money and that makes me happy...this FOOL only makes 7.00 an hour,no benefits and he depends on his 15% commision,he is not making his commision so he post his stupid scare tactic in here and hoping you would call him and give him your banking info so he can wipe out your bank account.

HEY IDIOT are bill collectors calling you for your accounts in the rears that why you post your lies on here
your post is useless just like you are......IDIOT..
2012-12-20 18:31:38
you are a desperate debt collector the one thing that you said a man in disability from ssi was forced to pay 100.00 a month and that is a lie its against the law to freeze or garnish any ssi check and the judge is also powerless the only one who can garnish a ssi check is the IRS..

PEOPLE..when this fool calls your house you make him send you a letter within 5 days of you the original creditor is...how much is owed..does his company own the debt or collecting for the original creditor..
then you send him a certified letter  tell the post office you want the return receipt with signature
in this letter you demand full validation..FDCPA ACT,15USC.1692g.SEC.809(b)
1..you want to know when you opened and closed the account
2..you want to see all charges and payments,,you have the right to make sure all payments were credited and fraudulent charges were made on the account
3..you want to know how the interest was accrued,because these fools always make a mistake in there favor.
4..you want to see the contract with your signature on it
if these fools cannot provide this info then the law says..IF YOU CANT VALIDATE IN FULL THEN THE DEBT IS INVALID AND THE LAW IS ON YOUR SIDE 100%.
also ask him if he is license to collect money in your state,if he says yes then ask him for his license number and he has to give it to you that is the law,, then check it out because low life sleazy debt collectors will lie to you and were dealing with a low life who is trying to use scare tactics to make you pay him.if he is not license you dont have to send him any money he would have to hire another collection company to collect for him and pay him low life debt collection companies dont like to pay other low life debt collection companies..
then check to see if this a time barred debt if it is these fools cannot sue you
2012-12-19 23:33:03
"It is for a failure to appear." It's NOT for the debt itself, those laws need to be changed and these out of control debt collectors need to be reined in. 14 more days until the CFPB is up and running.
Legal Rep.
Legal Rep.
2012-12-19 23:21:40
To whom it may concern, some of the info that you have stated has been incorrect. Here is a site you can go to (In jail for being in debt | StarTribune.com) or (Jail for Unpaid Debt a Reality in Six States). Below are parts of that article and there is even video of this story.

As a sheriff's deputy dumped the contents of Joy Uhlmeyer's purse into a sealed bag, she begged to know why she had just been arrested while driving home to Richfield after an Easter visit with her elderly mother.

No one had an answer. Uhlmeyer spent a sleepless night in a frigid Anoka County holding cell, her hands tucked under her armpits for warmth. Then, handcuffed in a squad car, she was taken to downtown Minneapolis for booking. Finally, after 16 hours in limbo, jail officials fingerprinted Uhlmeyer and explained her offense -- missing a court hearing over an unpaid debt. "They have no right to do this to me," said the 57-year-old patient care advocate, her voice as soft as a whisper. "Not for a stupid credit card."

It's not a crime to owe money, and debtors' prisons were abolished in the United States in the 19th century. But people are routinely being thrown in jail for failing to pay debts. In Minnesota, which has some of the most creditor-friendly laws in the country, the use of arrest warrants against debtors has jumped 60 percent over the past four years, with 845 cases in 2009, a Star Tribune analysis of state court data has found.

Not every warrant results in an arrest, but in Minnesota many debtors spend up to 48 hours in cells with criminals. Consumer attorneys say such arrests are increasing in many states, including Arkansas, Arizona and Washington, driven by a bad economy, high consumer debt and a growing industry that buys bad debts and employs every means available to collect.

The remaining of this article you can review for yourself. According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, debt collectors in Missouri, Illinois, Alabama and other states are using a legal loophole to justify jailing poor citizens who legitimately cannot pay their debts.I will state you are correct on not having to appear in court for your case but you then wave your right to speak on the matter. If your side of the story isn't told then the judge can go only off the evidence the plaintiff has presented. People then feel they are being punished for the debt, but the fact of the matter is its for a failure to appear. If the debtor fails to show up for the examination -- as often happens in such cases -- the creditor can ask for a "body attachment" -- essentially, a warrant for the debtor's arrest. At that point, the police can haul the debtor in and jail them until there's a court hearing, or until they pay the bond.In Illinois court brought a "pay or appear" order against a mentally disabled man living on legally protected disability benefits of $690 a month. The man told the court of his circumstances but was still ordered to pay $100 a month or appear in court once a month for a three-year period. Illinois notwithstanding, the modern-day debtors' prison probably isn't going away anytime soon given the current economic climate: More than a third of U.S. states allow borrowers who can't or won't pay their debts to be jailed. I hope this info is helpful for you while you do your research on these new state laws.
2012-12-19 22:03:49
Scammer shill alert !!
Legal Rep.
Legal Rep.
2012-12-19 21:51:09
To answer you questions, I would suggest you call request to speak with the legal director Mr. Winton. I have reviewed your file and have informed him of your complaint. He would be able to help assist you with any issues you may have and clear up any wrong doing.
2012-12-19 18:37:23
i read your post from november about debtors going to jail,,hate to tell you this but its not happening the ACLU e-mailed me back today and they said it will never let that happen we will sue the state and furthermore the states cant afford  to put more people in jail,, the only thing that may get you locked up is if you dont respond to a judges order to appear and in debt cases there is no order for you to appear.
all your trying to do is use a useless scare tactic to make people pay thats what a low life sleazy debt collectors do.
your post is useless
Heather Hovis
Heather Hovis
2012-12-18 18:10:53
They have repeatedly called my job and said they were going to serve me papers and unless I settled this debt by making payments then they were going to finalize the process and serve the company name I am choose to owe is Household inc. supoosedly I have payed them 30 installments already. Is this a scam?
Legal Rep.
Legal Rep.
2012-12-12 00:47:14
To answer you question, yes case can be filed without the person knowing. When a case is filed three copy's are issued out. One goes to the plaintiff, second goes to the defendant and last goes to the court house that its being filed in. Since the papers will be stamped by the court clerk, they will provide the closest court date within 30 days. If you feel this is incorrect, I would suggest you call your local court house and ask them the normal process in filing a small claims case or a civil case. Here are some case and case #'s that were filed and won judgement. These are public records, Chase Bank D#08cv17703 Franklin county, Capital One D#34200800019584 Sacramento county, Capital One D#107gv0600726800 Loudoun county.
2012-12-11 06:11:58
I gott a call from this #. he said he was investigator and needed to call about
a court date. gave case #. im like you gotta be arrested or papers served before
you get a court date. its like they already have a date impossible
Legal Rep.
Legal Rep.
2012-11-24 19:56:07
To all whom it may concern, complaints are all review and yes, you are in-tiled to certain information. That information is provided threw the discovery of court, that the attorney assigned to the case will be able to present that you. Calls are made by a third party company in your county to verify time frame and location before issuing out paper work. If you feel you have not received your paper work regarding when you are having to appear you may need to call your local court house. Case will and can proceed without the defendant being available. Company's have the right to pursue legal actions against a person for non payment and may use an attorney to represent them in court. The damages that they are seeking are yes not owed to the attorney but to the clients they represent. All information can be verified by reviewing your credit report. a website you may go to is freecreditreport.com. People feel that filing a complaint will stop the lawsuit from being process but it wont, it only shows how far someone is willing to go by not paying what is owed. This problem has grown and now certain states have passed laws to assign jail time for a violation of a contract. These states are AZ, AR, IL, MN, and WA. please read the new laws that may have passed in your states. To review articles regarding these states goggle "jail for debtors". For the three people who reported false information, I would suggest to seek an attorney and have them call in so that the matter can be handled the right way.
2012-11-20 21:58:23
Debt Collector
Keep calling claiming to have papers to serve on a "possible" lawsuit. They say they need to verify my address, but they already know my address because I wrote them a response. Then they call and give a case# to try and sound legit. Checked with the court and no such case exists. They sent a letter saying they are going to sue for a past debt from another creditor, I assume they are trying now because the statute of limitations is about to expire on this debt. I wrote back and told them they have no standing to sue and to provide proof they own the debt and a copy of this contract they claim I signed. It's been over two months and they haven't sent the proof they own the debt as required by FDCPA.
 I've checked on PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) and they typically show as defendants on lawsuits for FDCPA violations and rarely actually do any suing themselves.
 I'm fairly convinced this is just a technique to scare people and get you to settle for a debt that has already been charged off by the original creditor.
2012-11-15 19:07:51
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer protection agency, is warning consumers to be on the alert for scam artists posing as debt collectors. It may be hard to tell the difference between a legitimate debt collector and a fake one. Sometimes a fake collector may even have some of your personal information, like a bank account number. A caller may be a fake debt collector if he:

is seeking payment on a debt for a loan you do not recognize;
refuses to give you a mailing address or phone number;
asks you for personal financial or sensitive information; or
exerts high pressure to try to scare you into paying, such as threatening to have you arrested or to report you to a law enforcement agency.

If you think that a caller may be a fake debt collector:
Ask the caller for his name, company, street address, and telephone number. Tell the caller that you refuse to discuss any debt until you get a written "validation notice." The notice must include the amount of the debt, the name of the creditor you owe, and your rights under the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
If a caller refuses to give you all of this information, do not pay! Paying a fake debt collector will not always make them go away. They may make up another debt to try to get more money from you.

Stop speaking with the caller. If you have the caller's address, send a letter demanding that the caller stop contacting you, and keep a copy for your files. By law, real debt collectors must stop calling you if you ask them to in writing.

Do not give the caller personal financial or other sensitive information. Never give out or confirm personal financial or other sensitive information like your bank account, credit card, or Social Security number unless you know whom you're dealing with. Scam artists, like fake debt collectors, can use your information to commit identity theft ? charging your existing credit cards, opening new credit card, checking, or savings accounts, writing fraudulent checks, or taking out loans in your name.

Contact your creditor. If the debt is legitimate ? but you think the collector may not be ? contact your creditor about the calls. Share the information you have about the suspicious calls and find out who, if anyone, the creditor has authorized to collect the debt.

Report the call. Contact the FTC and your state Attorney General's office with information about suspicious callers. Many states have their own debt collection laws in addition to the federal FDCPA. Your Attorney General's office can help you determine your rights under your state's law.>

2012-11-15 19:06:18
Debt Collector
They continually call my workplace saying they have papers to serve.  I have told them at least 3 times over the past two months to go ahead and serve them.  The papers have never arrived.  Then they want me to make arrangement to pay them back while never saying what the "Debt" is for or to who it is being paid.

I have searched online and many people have reported receiving the same call from the same number.  It is a scam.
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