2011-09-14 13:00:54
I live next door to one of Rands and they have no soul or remorse for anything.  All they cared
about was money and all the toys they could buy with other people's money.  They have two
other brothers that did the same thing in Ark even after their father served 7 years for fraud up
there.  MaryAnn Rand is a piece of work to raise five sons who are nothing but no good rotten
lowlife jerks.  She must be very proud of herself and now her younges child, Antoinette is following
all of them, too.  How sad!  Hope they all have a good time in prison! Good riddance!!!
Burned 2
Burned 2
2011-08-10 23:27:44
It just keeps getting deeper.


Burned 2
Burned 2
2011-08-10 23:20:37
http://www.corporationwiki.com/Texas/Farmersv ... d/35229094.aspx

Wrong link posted before.
Burned 2
Burned 2
2011-08-10 23:19:09
Seems that Antoinette Rand is now looking to diversify (& continue) her family's thievery.


Daddy and her brothers taught her well. Taking bets on how long it will be before she joins them in Club Fed.
2011-06-07 10:12:27
2011-06-06 21:08:25
Recieved call from this Co. asked for Business Manager", said he was out to lunch, he would call back later.

No Information, would not answer questions about what this is in regards to.
2011-04-03 14:26:34
Thank you for the information. To the cold-callers at Sentry Energy Production, LLC - No need to keep ringing my phone. I won't be investing with your company or your principals Antoinette Rand or Maryann Rand regardless of how many times the company name changes or which sure-fire project you are never going to drill this month is promoted. Not now. Not ever.

Lose my number, please.
thanks but no thanks
thanks but no thanks
2011-03-23 18:10:01
After doing my due diligence (this site is excellent one-stop shopping for anyone cold-called by this company) I will stick with the individuals that took a few minutes from their valuable time to alert other people to the valid information they found. It seems to be littered all over the internet.

I will have to say, "Thanks, but no thanks and please, stop ringing my phone. I pay my secretary to work, not play on the internet (as one of your Sentry idiots phrased it). If your people would stop bothering her maybe she could spend less time playing and more time working. Either way, you won't be getting any of my money so just stop."

Try calling folks who aren't smart enough to either do their homework regarding investments or hire competent staff to block your irritating cold-calling monkeys.

Shame on all of you.
2011-03-23 09:19:31
Actually, as an administrative assistant I get paid to work. Screening cold-callers that will waste my boss's valuable time is part of my job description. Using google as an aid for that screening process makes me even more productive. Wouldn't you say that Antoinette? Or are you MaryAnn?

Either way, my boss is so pleased with my performance he's given me a raise.

But thanks for asking.
2011-03-19 07:01:51

You sound like a bunch of secretaries that are getting paid to play on the internet!
2011-03-12 05:19:29
My father sent money to Sentry Energy for two of their wells. One was supposed to be a real producer and the other was supposed to repay his investment in a few months. My family researched the company and found the people that worked there were the same ones that ruined the lives of thousands of investors looking to make money in the oil and gas industry. The reason he invested was he believed the people that cold called him. The money he sent them was wasted, a bad choice and caused our family to question our father's decision making ability. I wish we would have sent him to Las Vegas and told him to spend all his money. It would have been worth it for us, he passed two days ago and the last thing he said was that well will come in. I wish I had the ability to do to these people the same things they did to us. I am further researching this investment and would hope anyone reading this will keep their money in the bank. DO these people care what they do to people???? It would seem the answer is NO, the entire family has no moral fiber I pray fro them and hope the devil sees them soon so they can not prey on others as they have done for so long.
Who is B.S. ?
Who is B.S. ?
2011-03-04 23:51:00
If you've never been cold-called by the company that uses this number (Sentry Energy Production LLC) then how would have even found this thread, Antoinette? ...or are you Maryann Rand?

This company (and thread) originated in 2009 shortly after every single man in this family was indicted on fraud charges to which they all plead guilty in 2011.  The links to legitimate news sources confirming this fact are many. Your comment would lead someone to believe that you think "one person" has been following them around online since they began their company. If that's the case, that person must have a good reason.

As for your comment about "caring less" about anyone's experiences with the people who are running this scam company that is clearly violating the law by cold-calling to raise money to fund their horse hobbies (because clearly neither of the principals of this company has anything that would tie them to energy production on their online professional resumes) and other personal luxuries like yachts and exotic cars, I take it that you think stealing nearly 70 million dollars is not a big deal? If it had been your money maybe your would feel differently.

Don't worry, word is all over the web about what will be the new scam company Reserve Production, Inc too. The men in the family trained their women well but not nearly well enough as all the men are in prison for up to 20 years.

http://www.corporationwiki.com/Texas/Plano/re ... c/39227592.aspx

"Reserve Production, Inc. is located at 5032 Hummingbird Ln Plano, TX 75093. The officers include Antoinette Rand, Mary Ann Rand. Reserve Production, Inc. was incorporated on Monday, April 13, 2009 in the State of TX and is currently active. D K McCorkindale represents Reserve Production, Inc. as their registered agent."

You have a great day too, whichever Sentry company shill you are.
2011-03-03 13:52:38
I hate to inform you but I am not any of the Rands. It's just the last time I saw anyone invest as much time in to slamming someone is when I worked for Kroger and watched ex-employee's do this sort of thing. I could care less what your experience has been with this company. Have a great day.
2011-03-03 12:33:17


These are Antoinette Rand's online professional resumes. I thought she owned and operated an energy development company according to her resume's and Sentry Energy Production LLC 's website. How does breeding horses qualify someone to own and operate such a company with no formal education in any aspect of business or any listing of her qualifications/experience in the oil and energy industry?
Who is B.S. ?
Who is B.S. ?
2011-03-03 00:42:36
...and you sound like the infamous Antoinette Rand, owner of Sentry Energy Production, LLC / Aspen Exploration/Wave Energy Rand family scams because only some one like you would make such a ridiculous comment when your family plead guilty to stealing nearly 70 million dollars in the recent past. Are you that insensitive or just that stupid?


http://www.dallasnews.com/business/headlines/ ... nd-gas-scam.ece


There seems to be a lot of angry ex-employees since Sentry Energy Production, LLC opened its doors in 2009 once the men in your family were indicted for fraud.The first post on this consumer protection service thread is dated Nov 18, 2009. When did Sentry Energy Production LLC open it's doors again and why isn't your name publicly volunteered on your company website? According to this article your family has been stealing investor money as far back as 2007.

http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/gi_0199-62875 ... tors-suits.html

The reason this is known widely throughout the internet is because you don't seem to be as smart as the fellow who your brothers (Greg Rand, Jeff Rand, Bill Rand and father Tony Rand trained even though you worked right alongside your family at Aspen Exploration. Didn't you?). I wonder why the CEO of Regal Energy, LLC Mr Brian Hardwick didn't continue to work with your family of thieves? Maybe it was because he was going to run a legitimate oil and gas company. Why don't we ask Mr Brian Hardwick of Regal Energy, LLC how it's done? At least he used his real name and contact information when replying to people who had legitimate concerns regarding his business. Oddly enough, he fell silent once the links for some pretty damning articles were posted.


So, B.S. have you received any traffic tickets from the SEC or FBI lately?
2011-02-26 13:45:24
You people sound like a bunch of angry ex employee's.
2011-02-10 20:59:54
Please don't invest with these folks a nightmare from start to finish! I lost my money and I am not happy. I was told so many lies I can't remember all of them.
2011-01-31 18:30:52
I check this message forum from time to time because these people keep calling even though whoever calls doesn't get put through to my boss. Found the story unfolding to be interesting. I just happened to run a new google search on Antoinette Rand and MaryAnn Rand's family because the allegations were rampant and serious. And this is what I found:  but for Antoinette Rand and MaryAnn Rand who began Sentry Energy Production LLC right around the time Aspen Exploration was shut down the entire family has plead guilty for oil and gas investment fraud for several different oil and gas schemes with a few different company names.

There are a lot of links. This is one that mentions their entire family history in the oil and gas investment fraud business.  So I am wondering 3 things:

1. Just where did these women get the money to start up Sentry Energy Production LLC (along with bragging all over the internet about Antoinette Rand's expensive horse breeding hobby)?

2. How long will it take for the SEC and FBI to catch up with the women in the family?

3. Will the family that steals together get to share the same cell block together?

There are links all over, some news sources go into greater detail then others. This is a press release from the FBI

2011-01-26 19:43:19
I was contacted by a fellow that turned me over to another fellow that was gone after we  spoke, then some other fellow called me followed by someone else. So far I have had five of these people call me each with a new and better story. I was listening to the last guy and decided to see if the caller ID was where yet another fellow said he was calling from. And low and behold I found this site, I was distracted and decided to get back to this little snippet. I told him I am not interested and promptly called my State Attorney General to see what they had to say about this group. Looks like we will be having a long conversation as to the promises I was given if I only sent $9720.00 and am sure to get a return of over $6000 a month. What a deal!!!!! If it SEEMS too good to be true it is!!!
Dr. Martin
Dr. Martin
2011-01-24 19:39:17
After getting a lot of calls from these people I finally listened to what the guy had to say. I had a hard time understanding him for some reason and while I listened to him give me his sales pitch I Googled the number on my caller ID and found this site. I have to tell you these guys are something else. He told me how much money I was going to make for giving him my hard earned dollars. After reading the links and using my first instinct when talking to someone I am glad that people took the time to post. I for one think these phone solicitations have gotten out of hand and based on the family history I see how profitable it is to employ cold callers and rip us off...
2011-01-21 13:38:36
Here is the link that show Antoinette Rand worked with the rest of her family at Aspen Exploration ripping investors off to the tune of 56 million dollars.

http://tx.findacase.com/research/wfrmDocViewe ... 1264.ETX.htm/qx
2011-01-21 13:36:24
I get a call from this number about a week or so ago and I put it through to my boss. I got caught off guard. I just wasn't thinking. Thank goodness my boss is a sweat heart and very understanding. So he gets a package from these people and when he googles the principle Antoinette Rand (whose name is not mentioned on the company website) of Sentry Energy Production LLC the first link he clicks on which clearly indicates that she is related to these people Tony Rand (her father) Gregory Keith Rand, William Nicholas Rand, and Mark Albert Rand (her brothers):


It's a filthy disgusting porn site that infected our entire system with a virus! Is there any limit to what these people will do to make money to pay lawyers/fines to keep their family out of jail?!?! I wonder if Antoinette Rand is breeding with any of those horses that she brags about all over the internet?

Maybe that is where her mother MaryAnn Rand and she make their real money now that their men are in jail? And if they aren't there already, what in the hell is taking the law to put them there so they can stop harrassing and taking advantage of decent people who are trying to earn and honest living conducting decent businesses?
phone rings off the hook
phone rings off the hook
2010-12-21 18:20:30
Well Kelly, seeing as how he claims to be "one persistent guy" I think he will keep calling. Why don't you mess with him a bit if you aren't too busy? Ask him to tell you all about himself and then post up the crap that he comes up with. Should be good for a laugh.
2010-12-13 17:12:12
This is good to know. I've received calls from this "Alan King" at my office and I put it through to my boss.  He's good a getting rid of these losers.
phone rings off the hook
phone rings off the hook
2010-12-13 17:07:38
How many times do I have to tell these idiots to stop calling my boss? One guy named Alan King calls constantly, one time he claims to be the VP of the company, another time he claims to be line backer for University of Texas. So after the 4th call and a massive amount of his rude and obnoxious "persistence" I did a search. Can't find him anywhere associated with any football team.
smart investor
smart investor
2010-11-10 23:08:22
When I googled the principal Antoinette Rand this is the first link that popped up

http://www.vcresearch.info/open/forums.asp?TopicId=11340&ForumId=77  No wonder her name nor her mother's name isn't connected with their new scam company name anywhere on the web.

When I googled Sentry Energy Production LLC this is the first link that popped up


It seems that lying, cheating, stealing and other perverted acts are kept in the family. How sad.
2010-11-02 15:55:51
Same thing happened to me only this caller said he was the linebacker for the University of Texas calling on his old buddy (my husband who has been deceased for 5 years now), said he's now the president of this company and wanted to offer my husband a solid investment opportunity. Do these people think this is funny?
2009-11-18 15:22:53
Guy asked for the owner of our company by his first name as if they were pals or something.  My first response always, is "he's not in".  He said he would call back, he'll get the same response or a "he's not interested.
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