2012-11-14 16:03:02
Amen, unfortunately we're paying for them and will be for the foreseeable future. I think I'll send MY money to some offshore bank.
mr. aggravato
mr. aggravato
2012-11-06 15:31:54
Prank Call
if the republicans had a platform that stood for the common man (and woman) they would not have to promise less government (really requires more government when dictating who and what someone else must do and live their life) and trying to justify it by joining church and state in coversations through their constantly talking about God.  leave religion out of politics republicans.  also cutting early voting hours easily shows how manipulative they (repubs) are and how they are attempting to "steal" the election.  if people are too deluded we will all suffer through another deep recession (caused by bush and promised by romney) that the dems are still trying to correct.
2012-11-06 13:51:25
Why not elect romney?  We can all experience the dark ages again,   when the people with the most money rule  WOW wouldn't that be fun ( NOT ) Republicans are morons, Just listen to all the BS they've been putting out about the economy and job prospects!
2012-11-05 19:18:57
Please do not call our number anymore.
2012-11-05 18:45:26
Political Call
I don't know where they got my number from. I'm a democrat and have been all my life. I find these kinds of unsolicited calls offensive. I don't even like it when the democrats calls and I especially don't like these!!
Sharlette Schwenninger
Sharlette Schwenninger
2012-10-30 20:40:41
Political Call
This call was a message from Mitt Romney - I did not listen to the entire message but it was filled with lies and distortions. I am on the do not call list, am not registered Republican and do not want to receive call from this his campaign or any organization associated with his campaign
2012-10-30 16:51:14
Believe this is a political call.   I let it go to answering machine and call went dead....
2012-10-30 16:35:25
Stop calling my house a***oles.
Tired of the rhetoric
Tired of the rhetoric
2012-10-28 02:50:48
I received a call from 202-600-2992 - Unknown - but chose not to answer it because I didn't recognized the number.  It came in on a land line I just had installed.  I might have to have it uninstalled.
Tired of the rhetoric
Tired of the rhetoric
2012-10-28 02:39:46
WHO are these faceless 47%? They might not ALL be who you think they are.  Yes, there may be some who are generational abusers of the system, but you make it sound like they're all losers.   My WWII veteran father of 87 receives Social Security - along with his small IRA distributions, he barely survives. He doesn't turn on his heat because he fears he'll outlast his money. He drives a beater and wears clothes he's been wearing for more than 20 years.  There are many like my father who lived through the Great Depression, fought for YOUR freedom and now supplement their meager IRAs with their SS entitlements so they can buy bananas on sale.  And what about our more recently returning veterans, many of whom are coming back missing limbs?  Do you want to deny them "entitlements" as well?  Most disabled workers would prefer to work if possible (remember Work Fare?) but in some situations and geographic locations it's not possible. Your wife and step-son are so fortunate to have you, but what if they didn't?  What would they live on?  Would you deny them "entitlements?"

I would rather we implement more oversight and prevention of Welfare, Medicare, Social Security and tax FRAUD, rather than deny "entitlements" to those why truly need them. As a tax-payer myself (in the upper-most tax bracket), I'm honored to support those who are truly in need.  I think the 1% at the very top should feel so fortunate.
Power to our new Leadership- ROMNEY
Power to our new Leadership- ROMNEY
2012-10-26 12:59:38
I once had a sock monkey. Hussein Obama reminds me of him. Always flopping around, nothing good to say,
2012-10-25 16:42:13
Political Call
SPAM from Washington, D.C. -- as the election creeps closer, the phones try to ring.  Added as SPAM entry on my phone with NO RINGER.  Bu'bye.
The Working man.
The Working man.
2012-10-25 01:15:53
I work full time and make less then $40,000 a year and pay for my own medical insurance happy to do so. I take care of my disabled wife and my disabled step son, both have severe medical problems. I could say the heck with working and just let the government take care of me & my family and give me free food and shelter. Keep in mind, that FREE food and shelter and medical is not free, some one has to pay for that. People like me and many others who work and pay increasing taxes to pay for your free care.  I do not believe in socialistic system. I believe if I can work and take care of myself and my family that is what I should do. America is Great country. We are not like any other. I do not want to become like those other socialistic Countries that where the government takes care of you from cradle to grave. If you like that kind of government system, MOVE there and let the REAL Americans who believe in a small government and the FREEDOM to grow, prosper and succeed without the government telling us how to run our lives. Remember the more you let the government into you life telling you what you can and cannot do the less freedom you have to become what ever you want to become. By the way, the 53% of us who pay taxes take care of you 47% who do not pay taxes. They talk about the 1% rich paying there fair share, how about you 47% pay YOUR fair share and quit living off my small income!
2012-10-24 21:09:37
Merryterry, You are so right about your information on the 47%. Just think how great this USA would be if people who could & would be responsible for their lives would take care of themselves, instead of being free loaders on the backs of hard working, tax paying citizens. If everyone lived  as free loaders there would not be anything in the nation to free load off of. Then what would free loaders do?
2012-10-24 21:08:21
Caller ID displayed 'Washington DC' so I didn't answer.  I've received many calls from the 202 area code and know now it's a call I do not want to answer.  Thank goodness for Caller ID because the famous 'Do Not Call' thingy doesn't work!
Fed Up With Obama
Fed Up With Obama
2012-10-24 20:06:51
Political Call
Political call seeking contributions for the Republican party.  After four years of increasing food prices, gas prices, rising taxes and losing my health care coverage due to increased premium prices, while Obama can't even be bothered to produce a budget, golfs constantly and takes his entire family including aunts, uncles, cousins and in laws on expensive European vacations paid for by our tax dollars, shuns and alienates our long time allies while he supports the Muslim Brotherhood and invites them to the White House,  I was all too happy to send the GOP a few bucks.  God forbid we are forced to endure another four years of Obama Bin Biden.
2012-10-24 18:56:33
Hey Romey, did I ask you for a call? No, I didn't. You and your little qu*** band of campaign boys are dismissed.
Time for REAL change!
Time for REAL change!
2012-10-24 16:38:14
Political Call
1 out of 6 Americians in poverty!
47 Million Americans on food stamps!
Free cell phones for welfare recipients and other government dependents! (Assurance wireless)
Too many failed promises! (President Obama broke his promise to cut the deficit in half within his first term in office, this is the quote: "Today I am pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office.")


Time for real CHANGE!

We need a businessman who can get this country WORKING again, not holding its hand out.
2012-10-24 16:01:30
So, let's get this straight.  It's o.k. for the GOP to support voter fraud - until they get exposed, then they throw their consultants under the bus.  It's o.k. for them (GOP) to support PACs that get childish (as you put it) and devolve into name calling and slandering and libeling (spoken and written lies) President Obama but not o.k. for anyone of saying the same kind of tripe about the saintly Romney/Ryan duet.  It was o.k. for them to accuse anyone not in lockstep with Bush of being anti-American and to leave the country but not for the Democrats to suggest the same of the Tea Party wonks.  It's o.k. for the GOP to get into the public's homes and tell them how to live, but NOT o.k. for the Obama government to have regulations that tell companies how they should pay employees, safeguard the employee health, protect our air & water from company waste dumping, and be required to follow business ethics.  It's o.k. that the Republicans take billions of $$ from banks and corporations to remove regulations that keep them honest so they can 'self-regulate' - hahahahahaha - so they can piously claim that they aren't beholden to big money.  How has that worked out?  You DID hear about the Wall Street/banking meltdown caused by lack of oversight and regulations, didn't you?  

Then, it's NOT hypocritical to claim that Obama isn't an American citizen because he was born in Hawaii (yep, a foreign country) and proved it with a B/C, but it ISN'T necessary that Romney nor Ryan need show a B/C to prove that they are American citizens.  After all, George Romney was born in Mexico, so Mitt can't be an American either.  The same trickle down effect that works fro Obama should be used for Mitt.  If Obama's father wasn't born in the US and Obama isn't REALLY a citizen, then neither is Mitt.

But you cna be idiotic to vote for a man you can hear coming a mile away from his tell-tale sound of FLIP-FLOP, FLIP-FLOP, FLIP-FLOP, FLIP-FLOP.  And that's not the sound of his beach sandals either.

And your appellation, "Enuffs Zenuff" pretty much says it all, too.  Enough IS enough when it comes to blowhards.
2012-10-24 16:00:51
You do know 2 minutes of that tape were missing dead in the middle of it....that was to ensure it was taken completely out of context...look on Mother Jones web sites the liberal site that ran with the tape they admitted there was 2 minutes missing
Not voting for him
Not voting for him
2012-10-24 15:09:28
Just a phone call from the LOSER of the next election
2012-10-17 07:59:18
Political Call
Has anyone stopped to think? It's 21 days to the election - translation, dirty trick time! It wouldn't surprise me one bit if it was NObama retards trying to P/O Romney supporters so they won't vote for him.  After all that lying socialist muslim wants to get reelected so bad he would slit his own mothers throat.... Oh, that's right, he already disowned her because she's white.
2012-10-17 07:45:45
How anyone can vote for that lying socialist muslim is beyond belief.
2012-10-03 02:20:51
Listed as "Wash DC Call". No message left on machine.
2012-10-02 19:59:19
Got call,picked up phone and they hung up.
2012-10-02 17:33:37
Prank Call
Does it occur to anyone that a call like this could be spoofing who the caller is, just to stir up antagonism?
2012-10-02 14:33:04
Political Call
Received a call yesterday - the recorded message started before my outgoing message finished, so I only heard about 3/4 of it.  It was a Romney call, urging a vote for him and at the end requesting a donation of $3.00.  Now, I am not affiliated with a political party - have always voted for the person and/or issues.  (in my state you do not have to declare partisanship)  I did find it somewhat ludicrous that a candidate that paid more in taxes last year than I made during my whole 30+ year career would request money from a retiree on a fixed income.  One would think that if he needed money that badly, he would hit his own bank account.  By the way, it isn't the $3.00 I object to, it is the manner in which it was requested.
Oden Gnarley
Oden Gnarley
2012-10-02 01:23:15
The MEDIA didn't say it...ROMNEY did! What a cold, unfeeling, shoot from the hip type a**hole.
2012-10-02 00:11:36
Political Call
"Not endorsed by any campaign or committee"  then starts talking Romney speak?  Identify yourself with the Party.
2012-10-02 00:02:18
Elect Mitt Romney campaign asking for donations... Automated.  Sounds like a bad sportscaster/radio voice... Sad, actually.  "Press 1 to Donate / 9 to Unsub."
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