Manitoba, CANADA
2013-07-25 19:46:48
My 12 yr old son received a call from 204.  Same story as everyone else.  He went to their website and gave them access to his computer.  He then thought twice and shutdown his computer.  I checked his computer and noticed his settings were on share, so I changed.  What more should I do.  Checked and no programs or software were installed.
2013-03-14 19:11:00
Got a call from 204-800-4087 try to call back and nothing no ringing nothing so im guessing
Same s*** so just letting u guys know I think new scammer number now
2013-01-31 16:24:12
Same company, same BS, new phone number on Caller Display 312 223 1086. I told him that the supposed reports that my computer sent him were pulled from his azz and that  despite the CD, I knew he was actually in East Asia and that he was a crook who worked for crooks and hung up. In retrospect, I wish I had the presence of mind to string the rat along for as long as I could....maybe get him fired for not meeting his quota,lol!
2013-01-20 06:50:09
If u have any remote desktop sharing software uninstal it. As the person who took control of ur computes. Can easily acces ur computer.
2013-01-20 05:18:26
I'm from Québec Canada, and I'm a shame of letting these people get into my computer.  But here is my Story. He introduced himself as Scott Maxwell from IMPC Support.
One evening of August 2012, my computer was hacked or sort of.  

While I was having some difficulties with my computer for few weeks already, and that I had just sent another message of error to Microsoft, my phone rang and it was IMPC Support.

This person told me that Microsoft had just sent IMPC the information concerning my problem.  I found it strange, because it was late at night,  but nobody was aware of those messages of errors but Microsoft and this person told me that they worked 24 hours a day.  

This same person explained that these problems could be fixed right away and Microsoft had a very good deal at the moment, for $ 249.00 US, he could add some more performing programs into my computer etc?..  So, since I trusted Microsoft, I told him to go ahead, and I gave him my credit card number and I also gave him access to my computer and he started working right away.  I was on the phone with this person for about 2 hours, while he was working, the same way I do with Aol.

I?m kind of very lucky because this credit card was expiring at midnight this same evening, to be replaced by a new one, with a micro chip and a new number.  Actually, it?s also the reason why I gave my number over the phone, because I?ve had never done it before.

Fortunately, since I do not do banking or buying on Internet, I didn?t have personal information on my computer.

But still, this technician # 1 changed AVAST for AVG, added CCleaner and few other things.  Since I was tired, I asked this guy if he could continue the next day, he said OK !
The next day, another technician took over, but I found technician # 2 very sloppy, and I called back technician #1.  He took over the repair and everything was done at my satisfactory !!!

The irony is, ??My computer never worked so well, but since IMPC repaired it !??.

2 weeks ago, some of the new installations disappeared from my desktop and since I couldn?t find them by myself, I sent an email to technician # 1 to help me, and nobody answered back.  One week later, I sent a second email and nobody answered.  So, I typed IMPC on Google, thinking they might be out of business, and it took me on a Microsoft Forum and I read that some people had been approached by IMPC and this company was a scam and they were not mandated to work for Microsoft.

Yesterday, I uninstalled all their installations,  I changed AVG for Microsoft Security Essentials and changed my AOL password for a new one.

Did I do enough, or if I could do more ?  I don?t want to have any spy in my computer, just in case !!!

I have Windows XP 3
2013-01-18 03:00:00
There are many more such company scamming people penny and impc is one of them.
Be self cautious friend
Mike TI
Mike TI
2013-01-16 20:23:38
Nous, ils nous à donné notre nom de famille, le nom au complet de mon père, la mac adresse de l'ordinateur, l'adresse ip de l'ordinateur, puis l'ID de mon poste ( command assoc dans windows ). Quand même incroyable cet e****ré !
Mike TI
Mike TI
2013-01-16 20:18:46

Mike TI
Mike TI
2013-01-16 20:17:12
Ce n'est pas le bon numéro de téléphone. J'ai appelé chez bell, mon fournisseur d'accès internet, et ils m'ont dit que c'était une fraude. En fait, la gagne de fraudeur qui font ce ''scam'', se sont tous donné le mot pour utiliser la compagnie IMpc support, cette compagnie existe réellement, mais ce ne sont pas eux qui vous ont appellé. FAITE ATTENTION ! NE JAMAIS OUVRIR TEAMVIEWER, c'est un logiciel qui leur donnera COMPLÈTEMENT accès à votre ordinateur.
Mike TI
Mike TI
2013-01-16 20:13:58
Il y a bien des chances qu'ils ont réussis, en background ( que tu vois pas ), à toute prendre tes informations personnelles. J'espère que tu n'a rien d'entré dans ton ordinateur ( numéro de carte de crédit, numéro de compte bancaire, etc ). J'ai reçu le même appel hier soir.
2013-01-16 19:57:44
stupid...its a scam
2013-01-11 02:00:00
Look at this cheesy Youtube video these scammers posted!
Plenty of shills in the comments!
2012-12-11 09:59:49
Jar me
Marielle Harrisson
Marielle Harrisson
2012-12-08 05:15:45
Event Reminder
I received a call from this number in August 2012, I did buy a software to protect my computer technician recommendation, here note he left me.

you  have paid one time and life time payment $249 for the all security with the 2 years of warrenty and 2 years of free technicall support,ok
my number is=1 204 800 2612

name=chris green

Today, I received an other call, with the number 915-128-6318 , I said NO because the last week, I read on the WEBsite of Microsoft about the fraud than The technicians of Microsoft do not contact customers by phone about computer problems caused by too many error or sell software.
I'm frenchspeaking, today, I asked to the person to speak french. I know very well, because I have already made a contact by myself with the Microsoft Cie, there is only one a department  of French-language and it is not in the same town.... !!! ??? The person was able to speak french very well.... ??? the number 915-128-2612 come Texas USA (probably Windows and French department is in Canada )

I send you this report even though I am skeptical because the RCMP has already given a warning on web sites offering investigations about scam
2012-12-06 14:21:21
J'ai reçu un appel (accent asiatique) d'un supposé support informatique pour un problème qui aurait affecté mon ordinateur.  Il voulait que j'ouvre mon ordinateur et que j'aille sur google.  J'ai suspecté une fraude alors je lui ai inventé une histoire et je lui ai demandé de me donner son adresse courriel, ce qu'il a fait.
support@impc.com -  J'ai conservé son no: tell:  613-530-7890
2012-12-04 21:53:20
Prank Call
i received a call about 4 weeks ago saying that there was problems with my computer. long story shot i fell for the scam and paid 130$ .. they called me back yesterday and tried to say the same thing!! Then i asked them how is that possible when i paid for them to fix it!!! the guy seemed to have a loss of words. lesson learned !!!!!!!!!
2012-11-30 20:58:26
Check some prisons in India, you might get lucky.
2012-11-30 20:56:53
I also paid for their services (this wat last Sept 10, 2012)  but I have not registered my licence yet.
I am trying to get in touch with them but I am advised that their phone 1-204-800-2612 has no service.
How do you contact them?
2012-11-24 15:40:13
Just got off the phone with one of them. He was in such a hurry that he forgot to say his name.
Too persistent if you ask me. The red flags went up as soon as he said he had received an alert from my computer, which is largely bs. I told him I could handle my computer myself and yet he reiterated that my pc was in danger from viruses. At this point I could tell he was getting agitated and commented on this saying that for someone in customer service, he was rather impatient. He said nothing to that and I hung up.
2012-10-25 22:47:41
same caller ...Albert  Taylor.called me .....he told me about problem and he is very nice person .....
....now my computer is working fine,,, thanks albert.
2012-10-25 22:41:33
same call i received ,and i took the softwares they working fine..
..i am happy.
2012-10-24 18:04:59
Thanks everyone, knowing what I know now from your input this Mister Taylor will never get my call back.
Same as you I received the call today and he scared by me telling that my computer need to be fix or I will lose all data that I have. Now that I`m investigating on the phone number he gave me and conclude that is a scam.

Thanks again.
2012-10-04 02:43:23
You can get your money back....just call to you bank and wih in 7 days you will get your money back...100% sure....
2012-09-26 03:54:25
Quelqu'un m'a téléphoné aujourd'hui, il parlait anglais et me disait travailler pour vous, il disait qu'il y avait un gros bog dans mon ordinateur et que je étiez en charge de le réparer.  J'ai demandé pour parler à une personne francophone mais personne n'était disponible.  J'ai donc pris son nom:  Albert Pilber au 1-204-800-2612.  J'ai dit que j'allais le recontacter d'ici une demie heure.  Entre temps, j'ai contacté un spécialiste qui m'a dit de ne jamais laisser entrée quelqu'un dans mon système comme cela.  Déjà que cela ne va pas bien imagine les dégâts.
2012-09-26 00:06:11
J'ai reçu le même téléphone que chacun d'entre vous cette apres-midi, Comme je ne parles pas beaucoup anglais j'ai réussi a comprendre que mon ordinateur avait communiqué avec leur serveur de Microsoft et que mon ordi était en tres mauvais état , que lui et son équipe pouvait réparé a distance mon ordi. Ben oui !!, je les ai laissé entré dans mon ordi , quand j'ai vu le cuseur de la souris qui se promenait  sur l'écran de mon ordi toute seule j'ai réalisé qu'il était trop tard. La seule chose que je devais faire était de les arrêté le plus vite possible. Je lui ai demandé clairement avec l'aide de Google traduction qu'eux ont ouvert pour communiquer ''Combien ça va me couter pour faire réparer mon ordi ?'' C'est gratuit , '' Nous ne vendons rien , mais vous devez payé la licence pour le logiciel  au dire de Mr. Rod Taylor de IMPC Support .com . Il m'a écrit le prix de la licence qui était $79.00 et deviné ?, il voulait avoir mon numéro de carte de crédit. Je lui ai dit que je ne possédait pas de carte de crédit , ''Avez-vous un compte banquaire ?'' ça été la goute qui  a fait débordé le vase parce que ça faisait minimum 2:00 heures qui me tenait au téléphone , il voulait absolument avoir de l'argent . Il m'a demandé si j'avais un bureau de poste pres de chez moi, je lui ai demandé pourquoi, parce qu'au Bureau de Poste ils vendent des cartes de crédit Visa prépayé. Non je n'irai pas au BUreau de Poste , je ne vous donnerai pas mon numéro de compte banquaire et numéro de carte de crédit. Je les ai sommé de se retiré de mon ordinateur le plus vite possible sinon des plaintes seraient porté contre eux. J'ai racroché le téléphone . Il ce sont retiré mais avec toutes mes îcones sur mon bureau , parce qu'il avait installé une note avec toutes leurs coordonnées et tout a disparu. C'est a suivre , j'ignore quel sont les dommages qu'ils ont fait. C'est du télémarketing .
2012-09-18 17:51:39
My mom got a call from them today or yesterday.  She didnt give them any information and told her to NEVER EVER IN HER LIFE to give anything to anyone just asking for it over the telephone.  Never give them anything at all whatever it is.... .or they could get in ur puter and give you viruses and get all personal information that may be in it
m white
m white
2012-09-14 22:35:18
Admin Edit: "It's a FAKE comment!"

thanks jack williams  you save my computer
2012-09-14 13:11:19
Just hang up with phonebuster canada (centre anti fraude) and they (204) 800.2612  been signaled hundreds of time + 65 formal plaints of fraud. Septembre 14th 2012

Here's a good adress to follow: www.centreantifraude.ca
2012-09-13 17:37:07
I've got a call from Jenny from IMPCSUPPORT (1-204-800-2612), asian/indian accent telling me that my pc was sending error msg and that Microsoft gave them the info.  I was not at ease with conversation and i said that I will call back after checking things out.  Google things out (IMPCSUPPORT and phone number ) and I goy here. Read the post and glad that I did

2012-09-13 17:09:49
I receve a call from this phone number , 204-800-2612 . A person name Estella from the company IMPC support . This person speak only in english . I live in Quebec and i speak french ...
I supose that it was a arnaque so i stop the call.
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