Jim Sucks
Jim Sucks
2014-02-24 11:37:16
Hey allan, did you know this guy who got arrested?  Funny how the paper called him a "broker" when he was actually a trainee who was not yet licensed.    http://blog.ctnews.com/connecticutpostings/20 ... broker-charged/
Allan Giraldo
Allan Giraldo
2014-02-07 08:25:35
This is a boiler room in Greenwich Connecicut, they relocated from the nyc a bit over a year ago. I used to work here its run by 2 Jim Ignawotich and Bob Estevez, If you type Jims name in on brokercheck he has like 8 marks on his licences. They cold call with blocked numbers (sometimes even to DNC numbers) to law firms mostly and try n sell u s****y secondary market junk bonds. If you recieve a call from them they will try and aggressively sell you with lies such as "2 years ive been trying to get you on the books!" or the old classic "keep in mind your not just hiring me for this purchase of 10k in bonds your hiring me for the contacts and reslationships ive established over 20 years". For the most part your not talking to "them" your talking to 22 yr old broker trainee wannabees selling under there names to get licensed. If you u get a call from them ask them for there CRN number and that you want to make a complaint to there supervisor for calling you multiple times, it will scare them! They will say "oh im sorry this isnt (first name) (Donahue)?, oh sorry i must of misdialed the wrong number, I totally apologize, ill be sure it won't happen again." Its there way of protecting themselves from getting sued by calling dnc numbers lol
la la
la la
2014-01-28 15:53:52
OMG They are still at it.  Got a call from a Private number I googled Paul McNadowitz. and it directed me here.  When I ask who they are with, or what it is regarding they always, always say 'Oh, he'll be familiar'.  I just hang up then.  LOL
Ryan Jessup
Ryan Jessup
2013-12-31 17:30:20
Hey, "College graduate," you forgot to add the name of your firm so that he can call you back.
   How much $ does a receptionist make, btw?
2013-11-08 17:11:42
Two weeks ago, Jim Ignatowitz called here for my boss; said he knew him. I put him through, though I felt it was a sales call. Just now he called again from number 114-400-8490. I put him on hold and when I came back there was dead air. Thanks for all the info.
Sorry bro
Sorry bro
2012-11-28 17:13:24
im sorry guy but they are top brokers and they probably have never even heard of this site. While you receptionists or whatever moan about getting "rude" calls, they are making money on the phone.
2012-10-05 16:26:55
What a difference a few years can make.   I was with them a bit at first republic back in '06-'07.  I was curious and googled their names.  Wow.  I really needed the laughs I got in the last 20 minutes.  I am literally still holding my stomach laughing.  Mike Murphy is one of the most horrid people I have ever met in my life.  The way that he and the others attempt to present themselves is nothing short of hilarious.  Check out these links I found.


Murph, you never ceased to amaze back in the day and continue to do so today.  Wow, just wow.  Let's start with the claim that growing up in a large family on Long Island made him develop good people skills.  Mike Murphy is NOT a high quality human being.  Period.  I could gather a group of guys from First republic who would say he is mean-spirited, a racist, belligerent, you name it.  He treated new hires like scum and even got in a fistfight on the trading floor with some guy named Kevin one day.  Second, he claims that he graduated at the top of his class at SUNY Albany.  Highly unlikely that is true or he wouldn't have been working at a place like that.  They hire anyone as long as you have a college degree and pass the 7.  He also claims to have been in the top 5 long island teenagers in a portfolio competition.  If that were true he would never have had to be at First Republic if he was any good at managing money.  This is why I find this so utterly hilarious.  So it appears that Ignatowich and Estevez moved to CT to be closer to the golf courses they frequent, and Murph is now in Smithtown, Long Island (gotta love FINRA Broker Check)   good luck to them, I guess.  Doesn't change the fact that Mike Murphy is a liar.  I hope he doesn't ruin the early careers or waste precious time in the lives of naive, young, hungry Long Island men now.   I also love the section on a  previous page where Murph posed as a client for the previous five years and the one guy totally called him out on it.  Wow.  I'm still laughing.   If clients ever stepped into the old office on 39th and Broadway they would have vomited.  Real brokers on Wall Street would laugh at these guys for days on end.  They are not managing that much money at all, in the grand scheme of things.  The marks on their licenses, customer disputes etc ensure that they woudl have a hard time ever working for any firm other than those known as chop shops.

I'm still laughing by the way.  All the other stuff about Ignatowich and Estevez that was written above I must agree with as well.  I'm not 100% sure if this was true, but there were rumors that I heard multiple times that Jim would have trainees go to Queens to pick up pot for him.  If that's true it would not surprise me at all.  Can anyone confirm that?  it doesn't surprise me that First Republic shut down in late 2008.  It could have been a regulatory thing but it wouldn't surprise me if the owners jsut decided to quit.  They had more than a few outstanding lawsuits against them toward the end.
2012-09-13 21:48:07
Let's keep track of the violations:

Received a call from someone identifying himself as John Brady (#1 My phone number is on the Do Not Call list.) He claimed that he had spoken to me about 3 months earlier (#2 As I keep excellent notes anytime one of these scumbags calls, no one ever using that name has ever called here.) He told me his company was named ICC, based in Greenwich, Conn, 646-722-7777 (#3 That is actually a New York phone number.) He was pitching a stock with the symbol ARR, a high yielding mortgage REIT (#4 Since he doesn't know my particular financial situation - or for that matter, my true identity - how can he legitimately recommend ANYTHING!)

Bottom line: I told him as long as he NEVER calls here again, we would not have a problem. We will see!
2012-06-29 19:15:37
Here's what former employees have to say about the place.

http://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Investors-Ca ... iews-E12420.htm
stfu icc
stfu icc
2012-06-29 02:50:37
mr zaniel, sorry to hear that. you were probably sold that s*** edison mission bond that tanked 40 pts. this company does 0 research, they have college kids giving them bond recommendations. its very sad. stick to a wirehouse
Tippi in Nashville
Tippi in Nashville
2012-06-21 18:18:14
Fine, whatever.  Except we're busy working and NOBODY IS INTERESTED in returning your cold calls.  They are a NUISANCE.  Lying about the nature of your call, saying the person knows why you are calling, claiming you are calling back when it's not true, will not get you any friends or anyone interested in talking to you.
Tippi in Nashville
Tippi in Nashville
2012-06-21 17:20:15
Exact same thing happened to me.  Rude sounding guy called himself Jim Ignatowich gave the number 646-722-7783 and said my boss would know what it's about.  Looked up the number and looky what I see.
Jim W
Jim W
2012-06-20 18:16:02
I worked there for a few days and know all the names listed. They have a script and specifically call people out of the Who's Who of lawyers, males only. always a "personal call" always a "I would only call when I had something good" when they got the unsuspecting person on the phone.
Robert Zaniel
Robert Zaniel
2012-05-31 18:03:29
These guys with Investor's Capital are scum.  I got cold called from Marc D'Angelo who totally over sold this bond funds performance to me.  When I wanted to pull out, he said I would lose a fortune. He was so afraid of not making money off of me. I had to beg him numerous times.  Then I told him I needed the funds right away to save my house from foreclosure. I needed the funds fedexed to me.  I called him and he was never reachable by phone.  He always had to call me back.  He said the check was in the mail.  Still have not gotten the funds 8 days after the bonds were sold.  I am reporting him to the Licensing authority.  I am contemplating setting up a website as well to warn people about this guy.
2012-04-24 15:01:47
Hi.  Just got a call from ICC.  The caller ID was "blocked", so I don't know if the call came from the 646-722-7770 number, but I googled ICC blocked calls and got this forum.  I work in a large corporate law firm and the fellow who called the atty I work for didn't identify himself.  (Bad manners, huh?)  Anyway, I asked for his name and whom he was with.  He mumbled "ICC" but I can't remember his name.  He said my boss was expecting his call when I asked.  I put him on hold and asked my boss and he got a disgusted look on his face.  With that I got back on the phone and asked what the matter was he would like to talk about and he became somewhat aggravated and said, "I'll just call him back later."  Gross.  Real professional fellow, for sure.
Payroll Expense
Payroll Expense
2012-04-15 19:14:01
It's not illegal but they file their taxes under a 10-99 misc. so every paycheck that you receive you have to deduct your s.s. and state taxes your self and I ended up finding this out later on, and now paying for it.
2012-01-25 21:04:25
Your experience was remarkably similar to mine. I was appalled when i found out these guys didn't go to college. I remember when one of the "brokers" punched one of the other trainees. If it had been me I would have snapped his neck. The two months I worked there were the worst two months of my life. I look back now and laugh at the experience. I get to say that I actually worked at a bucket shop. I have tried to figure out if they are still in business but have been unable to do so. I no longer live in new york so i can't check. All I can say is that bob cusak was a good dude and every other person there was awful. I hope the meltdown caused those f**** to jump out the window
securities lawyer
securities lawyer
2012-01-10 15:46:26
Cold calls need not be tolerated.  Know that your number is on the national do not call list; just google it to get the info to get on it.  If it persists, just drop an email or letter of complaint to your local FINRA office about calls from brokers in violation of the do not call list.
2012-01-06 20:19:51
All of Glosick's bond picks have defaulted. Many good brokers have left the sinking ICC ship and Ignatowich stole a lot of years from a lotta good young men's lives. FLPZ, anyone?!

Only the Murph stands strong!
Keep Chace - ing
Keep Chace - ing
2011-11-10 18:42:49
Hi Andrew from ICC....Just so you know I'm aware of who you are and what you are trying to do.  NO I will never send you through to the President of the Company, even though you know his name, and keep telling me it's personal. Never!  You can keep trying though.  It's fun for me, I'm making a game out of it.  You are extremely rude, and I'm sure you think I'm a stupid receptionist, but I'm a college graduate, that I can guarantee makes more money then you.

So PLEAAAASE call back, I want too see how angry I can make you next time.
Dial the phone guy
Dial the phone guy
2011-10-17 20:25:58
I heard these retards seriously considered attempting to launch a hedge fund. How stupid can you possibly be. Hedge Funds have to record their performance - you don't have a research department let alone the advanced structured trading facilities necessary to drive competitive performance. It's pathetic failure of the market that you manage to sell pretty conservative bonds as it is - what makes you think that you could last 5 minutes in the highly regulated, track record intensive environment of hedge funds. You'd loose all your money or go to jail with Glosick trying trade a portfolio. Long short along with most other strategies, save quant trading, are getting slaughtered - no wonder the biggest morons in the business want in.
2011-07-11 03:29:16
It wasn't The Chaf who wrote about Bob Estevez.
I think it's Vitch posing as an Ivy Leaguer.

Why would I write about Bob?! I worked for Jim.

I am very grateful to Investors Capital for giving me an opportunity for success when I graduated in the heart of the Great Recession.

2011-07-05 21:17:36
Actually, a lot of the calls are taken by paralegals, analysts, people who work in the offices of the targets, and have much better futures ahead of them.   How much per hour are you getting paid as a trainee at ICC?   Seriously, let us know because Mr. Estevez seems like a very generous man.

Those people also know that their bosses DO NOT want to talk to you.  You say its a personal matter, but everyone who calls such professionals about personal matters, 99% of the time they know the receptionist and/or the people in the office are familiar with that person.  You are trained to say its a personal call because if you say I'm trying to get him to open up an account, the automatic response is "he won't be interested."    You also must spend half of your day hear the same old, "the number you have dialed has been automatically blocked by Pay-Tech teleblock."   Of course the broker doesn't want to speak to a receptionist, and they know their boss definitely doesn't want to speak to you either, get a life.
2011-06-28 17:36:03
You guys take yours jobs too seriously...do you call what you do a career? your a receptionist/secretary that answer calls and write down messages. You probably get paid $15 a hour. I would be mad at the world too. What difference does it matter to you whether they call or not? They don't want to speak to you anyway so stop bitching.
mike oxbig
mike oxbig
2011-06-15 13:33:20
they start every call with "reason for the call, i wanted to reach out to u with an idea in the corporate bond arena" so your kind of a liar
2011-06-06 20:53:38
Jim Ignotovitch called from this number.  Just like a dozen other unsolicited phone calls today.  I work at law firm in Houston...busy phones.  I have to screen all calls for all attorneys.  This guy was easy to spot 'cause he asked for Mike and not the formal Michael that my boss goes by.  This is my trick...I send the call to an unused extension, I just let it ring until they hang up.  I have come to learn the ins and outs of these guys.  Do they really make a living doing this?
2011-06-06 20:53:38
I would also like to add to some of the points already stated above and an attempt add some clarification, and perhaps some perspective as well.  
    I have just recently myself started working at ICC as well and can speak from first-hand experience, so hopefully the time spent here may ease the tension on both sides.
    I myself do not agree with all the tactics that may have been used as well, and admit I myself have used them occassionally in the past.  It is an easy habit to fall into when you take into account the repetitive nature as well as trying to work quickly and efficiently without regard to other aspects, but have learned over time that being more ethical in prospecting without a doubt leads to better receptiveness. This is not an excuse for the behavior, but an offer to explain it, and it has changed for the better and rather quickly, like most others currently working there.
   As a recent hire of ICC I can promise you that the interns and trainees are told constantly (every hour on the hour to be exact, not kidding either) to be polite and well-mannered to all receptionists.  I am always reminded by boss not to be rude no matter what the circumstance.  No explanation is necessary to explain how an absence of proper manners would be detrimental to business.  The problems concerning verbal rudeness are those making decisions of their own to not follow instructions to be polite which are given throughout the day and should not be understood as a reflection of the company as a whole.  
   Most of top partners and brokers are GENUINE and FAIR people, and try to give everyone a fair shot if they show willingness and potential, it's just unfortunate that some who are hired do not do as they are told and do as they please instead.  They do their best to weed these people out
    One the first points I would like to discuss is the company itself in relation to many of the independently operated brokerage firms out there.  THESE PEOPLE @ICC ARE NOT SCAMMERS.  
    As an aspiring broker @ ICC myself, it absolutely PAINS me to see the company name get labeled like this before I even get my shot in the business. They have a passion for what they do, and just because they utilize cold calling as a tool does NOT mean they are crooks, or I would have left like I did when I sensed this at the other places.  Any business-oriented person knows the true value of cold-calling and how it is effective real- time cost effective research
    And just as much as we do utilize cold-calling, I also would like  say that when someone requests not to be called anymore, they go to great lengths to assure that they aren't bothered anymore.  As a new employee of ICC I myself have been told to make sure contacts are completeley removed if requested to do so.
    I CAN ONLY IMAGINE how many calls these lawyers can get and see how our calls may add to the fustration, but please don't call them scammers.  That's why they are polite, conversational, brief, and to the point, and that's why they take the time to spell their name out for these guys so hopefully they distinguish them among others.          Someone had posted that they are out to call, target, and scam lawyers, you are wrong.  They actually PREFER to SERVICE them because they are in a performance based industry with a  business based on trust, open communication, and work solidarity,  and it this allows them to work more productively in that regard. I'm not saying that brokers and lawyers are the same here, but we all know what determines how they both get paid.
     I have worked at other firms and left them so I want to make clear the differences between ICC and other boiler room scammers out there.  The ideas that the brokers at ICC bring are not some uknown companies that they are trying to sell off.  They are ALWAYS legitimate stocks and bonds of either DOW components or other large well known companies.  They never go out to scam people of money with unkown penny stocks, or engage in exotic overseas trading.  To say they that are out there aiming to scam only lawyers is absolutely ludicrous and don't know anyone crazy enough to even try that.  
   I have read these blogs and couldn"t believe some of the things I read and how they have snowballed into huge fallacies about the company and the people that work there.
   I am not saying that these things said here aren't true or did not exist somewhere else.  But a lot of the names mentioned are of people not working here since I have started, I PERSONALLY have not encountered these claims, particularly the scamming and drug use and it seem to me more like vengeful, malicious intent of someone let go before I started working there.  If I were to encounter these things I would be the first to leave the place, come back here and let the truth be told.
    But until that happens, let's try to dissolve matters in a better way.  There are people like myself and the person above who attempt to conduct themselves properly and are always mindful to be a better, more ethical worker.  Please don't ruin it for someone trying to start out like us.
  Once again, my apologies to those receptionists who have been disrespected.  I am doing my best to communicate this foward and let's work together to make all of our jobs easier, and more enjoyable
2011-06-06 20:53:38
called my office gave his name as Mel Bermick (sp?) and asked me to call him at his office at this number.  I do not know this person.
2011-06-06 20:53:38
This guy, Paul Cammareri has been calling for a while.  He left a voicemail saying "Hey buddy, call me back at the office" for my boss.  When I called back to screen the call, they wouldn't let me talk to him, and also would not tell me the company name or give me his email.  I looked the number up and it is unpublished.  There are others who call from the same number, with different names.  I am reporting them.
Ron Burdge Ohio Attorney
Ron Burdge Ohio Attorney
2011-06-06 20:53:38
I got a message yesterday supposedly from a Jimmy Godovich at this number saying he was from ICC and was following up on an earlier conversation with me. Right. Never heard of him or the number. I checked here and found the above remarks, which fit my message too. I won't return a call like this but I do take the calls when they come in if there's the least bit of legitimate sound to it because, as attorneys, we never know when it may be someone on a file who we are not aware of yet, which of course is how they often get through the receptionist. But that's okay for me; let me tell you how I react when someone interrupts my day with a useless sales call. Maybe if we all reacted this way, they'd start calling phone numbers that are not on the Do Not Call list (my office is). When I get a call from one of these stock broker types I try to always take it so I can ream them out. Ohio has a law that makes it illegal for this kind of call to occur unless the first thing the caller says is that he's going to try to sell me something which, of course, they never do. I tell them I am a Consumer Protection lawyer and that I sue people for doing what he is doing and that Ohio law can make the caller individually liable along with his employer and then tell him to call someone in Kansas (sorry, Kansas readers), and hang up on him, usually before he can get a word in edgewise. If he tries to talk while I am talking, I just keep right on talking over top of him, straight to the end where I hang up. Do what you want to do when this type of call comes in. I intend to keep doing what I do. One thing is for sure. They don't call me back.
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