2014-05-10 00:12:08
This is a scam.  The company trying to get your money is Innovative Teleservices and they have absolutely nothing to do with any Childhood Leukemia Foundation. I went in for an "interview" 2 weeks ago for Innovative, without ever having a real interview.  I sat at the call center with about 25 other people listening to a guy try to sell us on how to make you donate.  There are a list of scripts and prompts telling each person what to say and about 5 different prompts on how to respond to someone saying no. The purpose of the call is to make you feel ok with donating the "low" minimum of $15 regardless of what your reason is for not being able to donate.  It doesn't matter why you tell the telemarketer you don't have the donation,, trust me, there is a scripted response for your "no" response. I never worked for a telemarketing company before so I really didn't know what to expect.  Once I saw the script where I had to say Hi my name is **** and I am with the Childhood Leukemia foundation in Brick, NJ I knew it was some bull.  Innovative is located in MICHIGAN! so how the heck am I calling from NJ???They tried to tell us that they work with the charity but if that was the case, why weren't we given any info on the foundation to help inform people on who they are donating to.  That's because Innovative doesn't work for anyone.  The $15, $25 or $35 donation you are giving goes straight into innovative pockets.  I could not drink the kool-aid with the rest of the employees and have people give $ to a bs corporation.  And then they are using a horrible childhood disease as a marketing strategy...I couldn't do it...I left after about 3 calls.  Do not give your money to innovative or any other company claiming to be a professional fundraiser.  If you want to donate, contact the charity directly please!
2014-04-09 17:45:11
Non-profit Organization
Received a call from this number stating they were the "Childhood Leukemia Foundation".  They were very pushy when I told them my budget would not allow this donation and lowered the amount $5.00 each time I said "No I cannot do this".  They sent a pledge letter of support and request you send an addition $2.00 to offset expenses.  

This should not be allowed to go on!!!
2014-04-08 19:09:59
Live fundraising solicitation call w/blocked Caller ID (xxx) yyy-zzzz recorded 07 April 2014 ("Laura of Innovative Teleservices" professional fundraiser for Childhood Leukemia Foundation)
Caller ID: completely blank

Note: called December 29 & 31, 2013 also from a totally blocked Caller ID

Live fundraising call from "Innovative Teleservices on behalf of Childhood Leukemia Foundation" using completely blocked phone numbers.

I never contribute to "professional fundraisers" because they rarely give more than 10% of collections to the charity and I wouldn't support this charity because of their conscious reliance on such an inefficient collection method.

Following is a transcript of this fundraising solicitation call:

[me] Hello?
[they] Hi, John?

[me] Who?
[they] Well, my information might be wrong. My name is Laura and I'm calling you today on behalf of the Childhood Leukemia Foundation in Brick, New Jersey. This year the Foundation is delivering gift baskets to sick children that are in cancer treament centers and these baskets have some really great things like toys and games, there's pajamas and even a $75 gift card inside. What we're trying to do is help lift their spirits as they go through their cancer treetment. I'm with Innovative a professional fundraiser and we have not mailed out anything to you yet. We want to make sure we can count on your support for a tax deductible donation. Most are helping with our Gold sponsor at $35 and Silver sponsor at $25. Can the children count on you for one of those?

[me] Uh, this is for children with leukemia you say?
[they] Yep, yep and we're, we're raising money for the gift baskets that I mentioned and also in addition to that the Foundation provides human hair wigs for the children who lose their hair during chemotherapy treatments.  

[me] Uh, yes, I think I can contribute to that.
[they] Ok, would you like to do the Gold for $35? Or the Silver for $25?

[me] Uh, I'll, I'll go the Gold.
[they] I'm sorry, didn't hear you?  

[me] Gold.
[they] The Gold for 35? Well that's very generous, now can I get your first name?

[me] My first name is Jason.
[they] And Jason your last name?
[ I provide her a fake name and address courtesy of FakeNameGenerator.com ]

[they] Excellent. Well first I want to thank you very much for your very generous pledge of $35, next I'm going to transfer you to our Records department. What they do is confirm the pledge. They're also gonna go over your address one more time, make sure I didn't do anything wrong and they're the ones who get the information together and mail it out to you and they uh they'll let you know what to look for in the mail, ok?

[me] Aw right.
[they] Please stay on the line sir, they'll pick right up.

[me] Awright.  [you can hear me taking a deep breath]
[Records dept] Thank you for holding, are you comfortable with the 35?

[me] Yes I am.
[Records dept] (she verifies my address, asks if there's any "apartment or post office"?)  Ok, um, you'll get it [pledge card] in about three days that's just when we ask you to send it back, ok?

[me] O h   k a y .
[Records dept] All right, thank you so much, you have a nice evening.

[me] Ok, thank you, good night.

Thanks to Google Voice ( www.google.com/voice ) you can hear this recorded call on my Spam Calls web page:


Signup for your own free Google Voice account at www.google.com/voice and avoid telephone call spam
past employee
past employee
2014-04-03 13:06:04
Non-profit Organization
I know it sucks to get calls from us. Its true, it's hard for us to do. What actually happens is that these non-profits hire us to solicit donations. Thats how they can remain non-profit. By having INNOVATIVE call for them, and then taking a "commission" off the top, various charities are able to put their people in more important areas to work. Is is lame? Yes, annoying? Yes. But is it widely practiced with most charity organizations? Yes. If it serves you better, donate directly to the organization on their websites, but please, don't take it out on the callers. Wer only do what we are supposed to do, to ensure our families are taken care of by holding a job. As far as different charities being given a bad name due to the call center, the truth is, the charities contact I.T., and offer so much commission. IT then calls, collects the money, and forwards the percent of donation to the charity agreed to. It is THE CHARITY THAT HIRES INNOVATIVE, not the other way around...
2014-04-03 12:44:01
The number that calls you is actually the call center for several charity groups. They are called Innovative Teleservices. About 12-15%  goes to the charity, and the rest goes to the call center company..
2014-04-03 12:40:35
It is a legitimate donation collection call center called Innovative Teleservices. To reference Brian, a previous employee;

Here are some things you can ask or say:

1. What percentage of my donation actually goes to the Childhood Leukemia Foundation?

2. Are you a 501(c)3 Organization?

3. If you don't want to be bothered skip talking to a caller and ask to speak with either the General Manager or Asst General Manager and tell them you want your number completely removed from the database.

The company itself is a pain to work for, mostly single parents trying to make ends meet so they are treated like dirt because they are so expendable. If your from Michigan donate at least your keeping the money in the state because only 12% goes to the foundation the rest is for employee wages and whatnot.
2014-02-03 00:08:30
Non-profit Organization
I have been receiving several calls a week from them for several months.  I have caller ID, and didn't bother picking up the phone.  I finally had enough and picked up the phone to tell them to stop bothering me, but no one was at the other end.
2014-01-26 00:15:04
Ya know what I know people hate being called by these telemarketers but that doesn't mean the people calling are beneath you or bad people. They are simply doing their jobs.  I've found that if you are calm and polite to them you'll get the same back. If you don't want to donate fine just politely ask " Can You please remove me from the list?" ( not in a snarky or arrogant way).
2014-01-05 20:26:00
I am so disgusted by the comments I have been reading. I gave this organization $25.00 last year. They called me on my birthday and I thought what better way to celebrate my birthday than to give to these poor children. Little did I know a couple months later my 4 y.o granddaughter would be diagnosis with this terrible disease. Just last month these people called me again. I didn't want to donate because my family had decided to start our own foundation in my granddaughter's name. We had organized a toy drive and were in full swing of collecting toys for the local hospitals in the LA area to give to hospitalized pediatric patients for the holidays. The woman I talked to made me feel guilty by telling me that of all people I should understand what they are doing by giving gift bags and wigs to these children.  So I told them I would donate the minimum of $15.00, even though I felt pressured I also felt good by donating to these kids. When I received the envelope in the mail I notice there was no self returned stamp envelope, then I noticed 3 different addresses and then saw that they stated "your donation is fully tax-deductible" but no federal tax number was provided. I decided to look them up on the internet and thats when I found this site. It sickens me that people out there are making a profit by pulling on the heart strings of good, decent people who what to try to help fight CANCER. Especially cancer that effects children. These people will not receive 1 cent from me again, and I will be posting on Facebook the name of this shady organization. Please people don't let this organization discourage you from donating in the future but before donating to any charity look them up and donate to a respectable NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION. By the way my granddaughter is coming home from her last hospitalized chemo treatment today and thank the lord she is in REMISSION. Also our toy drive was very successful, we collected $10,000 to $12,000 worth of toys and money collected went to purchase toys, videos and games. !00% of the toys and money collected went to hospitalized children. Hopefully next year we will be even more successful.
2013-12-28 19:32:58
Children's Cancer Fund of America called me for a donation recently.  They are not on "Charity Navigator" and the address is the same address that the Childhood Leukemia Foundation uses as well.  I will not send in a donation or answer a call from their supposed legit phone number/organization 866-202-8221.  Shame on these people, claiming to be organizations for the well being of children with cancer or leukemia!  
2013-11-10 05:24:20
Non-profit Organization
Got calls/pledge card from ' Childhood Leukemia Foundation' 3050 Union lake Rd Suite # 8F, Commerce Township MI 48382 866-202-8221.
I donated $20 last year and thought I should check them out this year.
Seemed like they are NOT legitimate!
2013-09-26 14:00:46
Keep getting calls from Childhood Leukemia Foundation of Troy, Michigan. No Caller ID#, so I take these calls as not legitimate.
I checked theWebsite toll free# and it is only for state of Michigan
Asked them why they were calling out of the Michigan area?
Asked them NOT to call again.   After (4) calls they are STILL calling and I can't get rid of the calls.
Reporting as unsolicited calls for repeat calling...
Even calling in late evening.

Sick of the Calls
Sick of the Calls
2013-09-14 01:11:36
These knuckleheads have called every day this week, and twice today.  I just put the phone down on the sofa and let them do their spiel into it.

I then call Barbara, Executive Director of CLF at 732 920-8860 and leave a message about what I think about being bothered by her illegal fundraisers.  She's listed her number on similar complaint threads, so I don't see anything wrong with giving it out here.

Let me make a suggestion:  Every time you get a call from these Bozos, call "Barb" at the above number and tell her what you think.  Don't be shy about calling.  She doesn't mind calling you.
2013-08-21 18:52:52
I have received the same call. I do not donate to "anonymous" individuals, and also wonder how I got on their sucker list.
2013-07-08 06:46:33
Then bla bla the telemarketer of the innovation etc.
Let me laugh.
I  tired of you calling to my phone number.
Who knows someday the FBI will knock on your business

They keep %90 to them and only %10 percent to the fundraiser.
2013-05-07 20:42:07
Non-profit Organization
claim to be from the Childhood Leukemia Foundation...in Commerce Township, MI 48382
2013-04-16 22:22:18
A better way to "give up" is to just NOT RESPOND to them. Save your time, attention and money for more productive activities and better uses.  They are a bunch of frauds.  You could also pay to the God of Justice that HE deal with them according to HIS wisdom and their works and their intentions.
Just someone
Just someone
2013-03-08 15:33:10
I am an Innovative employee. I am one of those professional fundraisers that you all hate...and I don't blame you one bit. Most all of us found this job when the economy took a big hit and we needed jobs to keep food on the table. Trust and believe we do not enjoy calling you. When first hired, the job was for the kids. We all felt good about what we were doing, because we were in fact putting smiles on some really sick kids faces, but then as soon as we realized, it was just a numbers game, it took an emotional toll on us all. If we seem rude, heartless or sometimes even nervous about talking to you, it's because we are. We are emotional and verbally abused day in and day out. We work six days a week, starting at 8 am California time, where most of our calls are placed. If you think we enjoy telling you that you can help with at least a $15 pledge, you're wrong. It's the hardest part of the job. I am a Christian woman and this job really takes an ethical toll on me, but because of physical disabilities and my age, this is about the only job I can find that pays a decent wage.
just someone
just someone
2013-03-08 15:26:42
It's actually a mailboxes ect. building. Google the address and that's what you will find.
2013-02-28 17:57:02
it is people like you that cause the others problems...your stupid..send me money too then..don't you know a scam when you hear it..people are telling you all this and you still send them money..honestly..
LL from Bellingham
LL from Bellingham
2013-02-14 17:01:36
The phone number was 317-472-8016--a call for a gift bag for Childhood Leukemia.  Just told them we didn't accept phone solicitation..
2013-01-09 15:55:10
When I looked up the exact address on Google maps: 3050 Union Lake Road, Suite 8f, Commerce Township, MI, it is not a parking lot as other reviewers have mentioned. It is the exact address for a UPS store. The professional fundraiser probably has a mailbox there. Yes, there is a large parking lot (the UPS Store is in a strip mall) next to it. The charity's website allows donations directly via email or by mail so I am done "helping the children" through these 3rd party companies now that I know so little of it goes to the actual charity. They are annoying as they call me multiple times a day and each time they rattle off the name of a different charity they are calling on behalf of. Too bad they are hurting the reputations of legitimate groups doing good work.
2013-01-08 00:25:21
Thanks for all the info, i was sitting at my computer when they called so I searched "Innovative fundraising cancer." and I was able to read all about it.  I kindly declined
2012-12-27 20:02:43
Rory called to solicit funds for childhood leukemia cause. He referenced Innovative as the company he was with as Innovative.  The only words I spoke were "Rory, I would like you to take me off your list" to which he replied "Oh, I don't have one."  I then said, 'Pliease do not call me again." and he said "call  you what?"  He then hung up.   The call came up as a private caller.
northern california
northern california
2012-12-22 17:53:19
http://www.bbb.org/charity-reviews/national/c ... rooklyn-ny-1660
northern california
northern california
2012-12-22 17:50:19
Non-profit Organization
Now the calls come from "unknown" on one caller id screen, and "out of area" on the other. They call constantly throughout the day. For "children that need my help." Can't block them either. They  suck.
2012-12-14 01:59:41
Non-profit Organization
If you google 3050 Union Lake Rd. Suite 8F, Commerce Township MI, 48832, you tell me if this is legitimate or not. It seems there is a whole flora of businesses linked to this address.
2012-11-02 10:41:17
It's funny to read about this because I used to work for the company Innovative Teleservices. I understand your qualms with donating to a professional fundraiser seeing as how only a small percentage actually goes to the foundations. I didn't necessarily agree with all the policies but I made sure that I was polite and responsive to make the donator feel comfortable. Innovative is bound by legal disclosure to be truthful or the company can face a 10,000 fine.

Here are some things you can ask or say:

1. What percentage of my donation actually goes to the Childhood Leukemia Foundation?

2. Are you a 501(c)3 Organization?

3. If you don't want to be bothered skip talking to a caller and ask to speak with either the General Manager or Asst General Manager and tell them you want your number completely removed from the database.

The company itself is a pain to work for, mostly single parents trying to make ends meet so they are treated like dirt because they are so expendable. If your from Michigan donate at least your keeping the money in the state because only 12% goes to the foundation the rest is for employee wages and whatnot.

I worked there for a year and do not miss it at all.

If your wondering how they get your address and number it's because other companies have sold your name and information as leads for professional fundraisers. So if you don't want people calling you ask to be removed from any and all calling lists.

Innovative is Exempt from the do not call list so you have to be very specific on being removed.

That is pretty much innovative in a nutshell
2012-11-02 03:15:23
Non-profit Organization
This sounded legitimate at first but something in the lady's spiel didn't ring true.  She said I had promised to send $25 in September and that they had sent 3 notices and that I had ignored.  I just moved into my new home in October and I did not receive any notices.  
Just to be sure that this is a scam, I started to investigate and found this site on the internet.   Thank goodness.
2012-11-01 22:42:43
I too went to the BBB site and  they stated that the "Charities"  are not giving all the requested information to the BBB for their charities so they can not guaranty the are in compliance with all the State regulations. the childhood leukemia foundation has more than one listed one is legit it is marked with a yes next to it, but the other one has a no. I just find it odd that the other charities using the same phone number are listed as not giving the BBB all the requested info.
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