2011-10-25 22:14:19
FTC just sued Pacific Management Recovery and a bunch of related LLCs, based in Corona CA.
They are subject to a TRO.

Contact FTC.
2011-08-17 22:40:51
Shill posting pretending to be some "debtor", attempting to create the perception that their practices of calling relatives, and that paying them will somehow make your credit "wayyy better".

Poster can have no actual knowledge of whether others are being harased over unowed debt.

Debt freeeee!
Debt freeeee!
2011-08-08 20:39:50
I had totally forgot that I had a past due debt. After my divorce, everything had gotten dropped (so i thought) but it wasn't. I got a call from my family stating I need to call. I called and found out I owed a lump some of money, it rang a bell and I paid it. Now my credit is wayyy better and I can get a loan without any problem!

This ISN'T a scam. People only think it's a scam because they don't want to pay for their mistakes.
david j
david j
2011-07-30 03:53:45
its a scam  http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/telemarketing/tel19.shtm
David J
David J
2011-07-30 03:52:41
i got 2 call's from this phone # (8777134371) saying i was appear in court but for what ? i was told from a lady on the phone but she cant tell me for what, my attorney!!!! told me its a scam!!!! and not to give them any info hang up , my attorney told me to  report it and i did http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/telemarketing/tel19.shtm
2011-07-12 22:06:19
We don't know who this company is.  My husband checked with the state patrol in regards to this about two months ago, nothing turned up in their computer system.  I checked on the internet for information in regards to this, can't find a thing.  It must be another false court scam to get people to pay for things and/or give out credit card information.  The representative would not give me any information.  Courts do not go out of their way to contact people in regards to legal issues.  The person has to be aware of what is going on and take care of legal matters themselves.  A person does not get a phone call from an 800 number in regards to any court cases.  If this were legimate, the company itself should call the consumer in regards to any unpaid bills?  The companies very scrupulus in harassing are student loans representatives. These people are scandalous an lethal.  However, the representatives do ask for the student.
2011-06-29 19:15:01
Debt Collector
got the call today about a case number and law suite one problem is i work for the court and boy was they tongue tied. what a scam.
2011-06-28 22:15:56
It's more convenient, allows them to grow larger, like a legitimate buainess, and separates them from the Indian scammers or Buffalo con "debt collectors" everyone has heard of.

They are depending on their ability to successfully con people into believing the "debts" are real.  After all, according to many reports, the "debts" sound just like some old account people think they might owe.  They should, since many complaints report they are pulling consumer credit reports, often only a day or two before their "process server" calls.  

Catching them in the act would require verifying the account with the original creditor, and determine that either it isn't owed, or it was sold to someone else.  That takes time, and this scam is "hit and run".  Even though they routinely violate federal and state debt collection laws, through illegal threats and deception, no disclosure letters, no validation, etc, they are ready with excuses for why they don't have to follow them.  

Third party disclosure, harassing your relatives or employer, or threats of arrest?  "We are not debt collectors.  We are process servers".  Want to speak to "the attorney"?  "We are a filing firm.  We use many different attorneys" or whatever.  Didn't get a letter?  "We sent that to you 45 days ago.;  You must not have gotten it, but the law doesn't allow us to send it again."  Or "We can only send you a letter after you pay us."  Most consumers don't know what's legal anyway. If they don't con you in a couple calls, they move on.

Their "defense" if challenged, would just be that there "must be some mistake", and their only cost would be return or reversal of that one charge.  Ater 60 days, they outrun the FRB or FCBA dispute periods and get to keep whatever they got, and although you could sue them for up to a year, the money involved would make hiring an attorney not cost-effective.

They have set themselves up to appear to be a bunch of "debt collectors", but with a corporate structure so archane no real collection agency would employ it.  At least 30 names, at my last count, one bunch calling themselves "filing services" to play the fake "process server" game, another calling themselves "filing firms", pretending they "sue", "but they aren't debt collectors", and "they aren't attorneys", whatever that means.  

The complaints get spread across the many names, and unless you connect the dots back together, you wouldn't know the size of the operation.  As they grow, they keep adding names, and in a couple weeks, new names and numbers start showing up on 800notes, all with the same MO.  Sometimes the names get linked to the same phone numbers, which is one way to know they are really related.  Othertimes they show up with another mail drop at a UPS store in Corona or Lake Elsinore.  

It's all in the innuendo, the overall picture implied by the various calls, that, of course, are supposedly "different companies".  They are all coming from the same call centers in Corona, CA.  You call back to their main number, and you get vague answers like "Corporate", and they have to think about who they are supposed to be.  According to a job applicant, and an ex-employee, the "process servers" are just across from the "closers".

They have fooled the credit reporting agencies, buying access to consumer credit reports from Experian, and possibly other agencies, probably the most useful source of information for this type of con.  They also go through at least the legal motions of establishing LLCs and having business licenses, which is all banks care about to open a business account.

In game theory terms, there is no penalty to bluff, or even outright lying, since they can always just say they "can't find the records", even if it ever went to court, so like a poker game where the players are different with each hand, they can bluff on every play.  

The organization is compartmentalized, and the roles differentiated to separate what the off-the-street "process servers" know from what the "closers" in on the scheme know.  The evidence supporting fraud is not just in these "mistakes", but in the prevelance of them, combined with the threatening, fake "process server" calls, used to both imply a nonexistent "lawsuit", and to focus their con on the right people, those who respond in a panic.

Each deceptive practice tips the odds in their favor.  Each also limits the downside, the vulnerability to lawsuits or prosecution.  Combine them all, and then do the math.
2011-06-24 22:17:22
This same thing just happened to me 15 minutes ago, but they were asking for me. They could not tell me what the case was. I told the guy I was who he was looking for, he kept saying, "when can she call this number?" Was told "time sensitive" and "the guy said he would help out by putting a hold on her (my) name so he had the full 2-3 days". Glad I googled this number!
2011-06-15 20:09:30
Who is they?  What company did you owe?
2011-06-15 20:05:23
Thanks Nancy, they just called my mother as well.  Like you, I got online looking for who the company is and what they could be looking for some are saying it's a scam, others are saying they worked out something with "them"...so who is THEM?
2011-06-09 17:29:55
Debt Collector
the number is calling my familey and talling them that i am being summon to court for a debt and gave acaes number of 1070-03333. the tell phone number is 1-877-713-4371
Just Helping Out
Just Helping Out
2011-06-08 21:36:42
More Corona, CA scammers.  Don't send them a dime and don't believe anything you read from the shills on here.

These people will be stopped, but only when enough people complain about it.  Don't be scared by their tactics.

Contact the FBI here and file a tip/complaint:  https://tips.fbi.gov/

Contact the Office of the Attorney General in California:  http://ag.ca.gov/contact/complaint_form.php?cmplt=CL

Contact the Internet Crime Complaint Center as your credit report was more than likely illegally obtained:  http://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx

Lastly, contact the FTC as they're breaking the law by threatening legal action and impersonating officers of the law:  https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/FTC_Wizard.aspx?Lang=en
2011-06-08 19:35:41
Why would someone operating a scam prefer to receive payments electronically?  It seems to me as if they would want no records to be available, my bank would have records of any payment history.  Also if they were a scam why would they settle for a payment arrangement for several months.  I'm  not so sure it is a scam.
2011-06-07 22:34:15
As you look for credit inquiries under one of the Corona Scam LLC names, also look for promotional inquiries, that indicate your name and address information was sold by that credit reporting agency as part of a lead list, supposedly to make a "firm offer of credit".  Banks and credit card companies buy these lists to send out all those credit card offers, and they can specify what credit requirements (like outstanding debt, available credit lines, or negative information) they want in their lists.  

If, for example, some part of this scheme were buying such lists, selected for "poor credit" like yours, to have a high level of old problem accounts, maybe with lowish scores but with available credit lines, that would be an ideal "lead " list to use in this type of scam, allowing them to efficiently locate those with old negative but maybe paid or settled accounts they can claim are "debts in collection".
2011-06-07 17:45:42
This morning my boss received a call by a young woman who said there was a case against her and gave her a case number. I took the called because my boss didn't understand English. She said if she didn't call this number in the next hour, a sheriff would be at her door! What kind of people try to terrorize our innocent people like her who can't understand the language very well.  It has SCAM written all over it. People like them should be arrested & put in jail for good.
Rick Olson
Rick Olson
2011-06-07 16:02:31
Thanks for the tip.  I have already reported this to the attorney general's office of my state as well as to the FTC.  The attorney general's consumer protection division escalated my report on to the FBI.

I just got my free annual credit reports, so will be sure to check on those as you suggest.  I also put a fraud alert on my three credit bureaus.  Unfortunately, due to some past issues, my credit score isn't very high and it would be extremely difficult for anyone to obtain credit in my name.

Indeed, I hope those losers enjoy prison because it's only a matter of time before the walls come tumbling down on their scam.
2011-06-07 15:20:27
Don't let these scammers posting on the board scare you.  It's a scam.  A process server would never call to make sure you are there.  Think about it people, they know where you work.  If they were trying to serve you papers, they would show up and do it.  The sheriff office doesn't call you to serve papers, they just do it!  Why would they warn people that they are coming.

Have fun in prison when this comes crumbling down losers.
2011-06-06 21:04:45
The person said her name was Susan Hall , said I was to appear in court gave a case number , when I call the number listed it had been changed . Even gave a case number the number was change to 631-609-4104 that number gave someting differenrt so glad that I thought about this before calling .,
2011-06-06 21:04:45
left no message on machine.
2011-06-06 21:04:45
2011-06-06 21:04:45
Welcome to the Corona Scam.

They fake "debts" by using information obtained by illegally pulling your own credit reports, then make fake "process server" calls to your relatives to create the appearance they have "sued" you, to get you to call them back in a panic.

Their goal is to panic you into paying them to "settle" the "lawsuit" without ever providing any proof of the alleged "debt", or that you owe them.

Posting fake posts, by shills pretending they were "sued", or "found out the debt was legitimate" and "settled", is also a characteristic of this scam.

Check your credit reports (particularly Experian), and you will probably find a recent credit inquiry under one of their many names.  Their names include Prime West, Pacific Management, AF Group, PMG, ARM, HGG, Union Management, National Filing Services, Global Filing Services, City Services, and possibly others, but they are the same scam.  Your credit report gives them enough information to size you up for how much they might get from you (they can see your available credit card credit), as well as possible old accounts they can pretend you "owe" to them.

Contact FTC, your state Attorney General, the California Attorney General, the Corona Police Department, and the Riverside office of the FBI.
Rick Olson
Rick Olson
2011-06-06 21:04:45
My wife informed me that I had a phone message from "Rockwell Office." The return phone number to call was 877-713-4371. I called the number and was referred to a Mr. John Amos.  Mr. Amos proceeded to tell me that he had lawsuit papers to deliver to me.  He went on to tell me that this stemmed from an account with US Bank in which I supposedly owed $2,211.72.  This news of course came completely out of the blue.  I am a US Bank customer and have never received anything in writing that I had a delinquent account for that kind of money.  

Mr. Amos also informed me that if I wasn't prepared to make arrangements then and there, he would serve the papers to me and the amount would balloon to $4,711.72 (after penalties and interest).  First of all, lawsuit papers have to be delivered in person.  Second, I had no prior written communication from either US Bank or this Rockwell Office informing me of said claim.  

I suspected that I was being had here, so I contacted my banker at the US Bank branch I do business at.  She assured me that they had no record of my owing the bank anything.  Armed with that information, I called back and again spoke with Mr. Amos and informed him that I had just spoken with a US Bank representative and they had no record of my owing them anything.  I flat out told him that I believed he was attempting to perpetrate a fraud against me and that my next call would be to the attorney general of my state.  I haven't heard from him or anyone at Rockwell since.  

I also submitted a consumer fraud complaint with my state's attorney general's office.  They subsequently escalated it on to the FBI, because apparently the feds have been investigating this "Rockwell Office" and other similar scams for quite some time now.  

If you get a call from this Rockwell Office place, it is not legit.  Don't let them con you into anything.
2011-06-06 21:04:45
Jimmy jam is a scammmmmmer yall. Don't believe the posts from this person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-06-06 21:04:45
The called my work yesterday.. I think thats B.S.  Told me to call an gave a case number.. It wasn't right and I will tell the,m I will sue them first for harassment attacking my way of life!!
shill alert
shill alert
2011-06-06 21:04:45
So the when sites like this make it harder to run the scam on the phone, desperate scammers show up here. Go back to the boiler room, you crook.
2011-06-06 21:04:45
they just called me a minute ago said it was Sharon Hall and my wife had a court date, I her where this cout date was to take place and said you are third party collection agency because court does not call from an 877 number! she was then annoyed so i wrote down the number and case number and hung up! I was pretty sure it was a scam but I am glad I found this thread now I am sure!
happy with results
happy with results
2011-06-06 21:04:45
this is real they saved me alot of money when i didnt have to pay court fees or an atty few they were very helpful i didnt even know i was being sued im glad i called back because if i didnt i would have missed a court date and had to deal with that on my record
why would my atty advise me to pay up if it was a scam?
they were very kinda and worked with payments i could afford over a good time period
2011-06-06 21:04:45
The person said her name was Susan Hall , said I was to appear in court gave a case number , when I call the number listed it had been changed . Even gave a case number the number was change to 631-609-4104 that number gave someting differenrt so glad that I thought about this before calling .,
jimmy jam
jimmy jam
2011-06-06 21:04:45
You might take a closer look, not a scam, this is real.  I called and found a pending case.
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