Ontario, CANADA
2014-05-15 17:17:35
Jaime Black - leaves just name and number and get generic voicemail
2014-05-05 21:40:17
I got a phone call today from JC after I referred to his name I found he is from Primerica.  I have spent alot of money on Primerica with another firm.  Just to join it was like 300.00 dollars and then writing tests and all it was way more than I expected.  I really hope this will stop.
2014-01-27 22:39:11
I was in Primerica for 15 years. Without telling all the details of my time in that company. It was my bread and butter. I made my living, but I admit to make money in Primerica you have to be able to sacrifice a lot of people who will fail.  Just like you I have learned money concepts that I think are good concept, but after  15 years in the business I can say that those concept don't work. It did not work for me and my family and it did not work for any of my 1,000 plus clients. All I did for them is provided them a very expensive term insurance and have them open an IRA. Good concept but they can do better somewhere else. I'm glad I finally decided to get out. Please learn the concept and then look at the numbers. PRI is public company, try to make your research and not stick solely to what they say. Primerica is good and so a lot of companies. Please don't be like me before. I became a hater of other companies and their agents just because they don't hold the PRI concept. And I have lost a lot of friends. Most people are good even they do not work for Primerica.

Here's a recent public news: money.msn.com on PRI
2013-08-19 00:19:37
Oh stop. You guys are a scam.

I work at a Primerica office right now. What a friggin mistake.
2013-03-05 20:51:50
primerica is a pyramid scheme..i'll say mostly selling insurance, attend to workshops and convincing people to join them. and u only make money if u get someone to sign up for insurance.. something like that! not my career goal i would say..
2012-09-05 18:15:30
"When you sell yourself to family and friends, you do just that. If you get them to buy, you have perhaps put a few quick dollars in your pocket, but in so doing you traded integrity that you once had with the people who trusted you most. This same integrity, mind you, is integrity that you cannot easily buy back. Regardless of how big your sphere of influence might be, staying on this path will guarantee that your well will eventually run dry."

I have a brother and unlce that do not even speak to eachother right now over this Primerica b***s***. He is right if your not smart enough to see that this is a pyramid scheme (a bad one at that) you'll know when your personal relationships go to s*** because of money lent/spent/borrowed. These fools called me today with an interview opportunity.

647-693-6569 is the number that called me today to their credit the lady i spoke with was very courtious and polite. Still not interested though
Joe B
Joe B
2012-07-29 11:55:35
Non-profit Organization
I was accosted at the local Wal-Mart today by a two-person Primerica team. While my immediate assumption was that they were husband and wife, I quickly picked up on the fact that they were more likely a mentor/mentoree team instead. I wasn?t so much offended by their cheesy tactics as I was baffled by them.

How many people are actually so gullible as to think a successful insurance salesman or money manager goes to the local Wal-Mart to drum up a sales team? If these Primerica shills were as successful as I would think they?d hope to be in a similar business, they wouldn?t have to step foot in a Wal-Mart to interview prospective employees. These people aren?t selling financial products so much as they?re selling themselves.

Sadly, neither of these two jamokes grasped the first step of making a successful sale which is to divorce oneself from the desire for the outcome. From moment one they reeked of trying to delve into my pocket and social network at any cost.

No thanks.

When you sell yourself to family and friends, you do just that. If you get them to buy, you have perhaps put a few quick dollars in your pocket, but in so doing you traded integrity that you once had with the people who trusted you most. This same integrity, mind you, is integrity that you cannot easily buy back. Regardless of how big your sphere of influence might be, staying on this path will guarantee that your well will eventually run dry.

Granted, those very few select big wigs at the top of the Primerica pyramid (by the way, if you?re reading this then it?s too late to join their ranks) may earn a livng, the newest recruit however will simply soil his reputation to family and friends.

Not my bag, Baby, and if you?re smart, it won?t be yours either.
2012-07-29 02:03:08
How come every time someone comes on and writes something positive, ironically within 24 hours 'someone else' has a negative rebuttle? Coincidence? The website obviously has someone on alert everytime something good comes up. It's understood that the larger the stream the more advertising it can command. They prey on bad mouthing reps - not sure what the purpose is, but Read what LOL had to say...

Many companies hire both full time and part time representation.  When reading the legal posting - which is required by both the American and Canadian government, you'll not that the average income is such.  The company also houses 110,000 locensed reps and paid over $500,000,000.00 to them!  Some people didn't show up for the year and consequently made $0, bringing the average down.  If we averaged all the school teachers across the US and Canada and pooled their incomes, including supply teachers and maternity leavers, the average would be a far cry from what the actual ones who worked was... The same holds true for any profession.  It is a unique company where anyone can make it - it makes NO PROMISES, it requires a lot of work - like any business you want to build.  

The reality is that the company doesn't require you to use your contacts, that's just an easy place to start. Rather, it requires you to use your mouth and speak - to build new contacts.  Regardless of the business you are trying to build, you must establish a name for yourself.  People need to know you're in business to do business with you.

The model, while appealing to some, isn't for everyone.  "Irritated by Pyramid Shills" can rest assured as 2 things are for sure. 1 - The company is not a Pyramid and 2 - no one in the company wants to hire YOU!  Negative, dull, frustrated crybabies have no part in American or Canadian business other than running coffee to the President of the company!

Primerica is looking for enthusiastic, entrepeneurial, happy people with excellent communication skills and a strong desire to help the middle market make a diffence and get better financially.  It's amazing to read so much negative stuff from people that are truly not doing much else with their lives.  They search "Primerica" on google just to come to a site like this and dump - hoping to keep someone else from taking a chance and bettering themselves... I wish both sides much luck!

Oh... and to the JOKER above - who copies and clicks the link to the Primerica disclosure page which shows average earnings, and then calls this company a "pyramid" and "they just want you to recruit more people..." If you actually took the time to read the link you posted it also shows that Primerica is a publically traded company, regulated by both the American and Canadian governments (respectively), goes through how every individual is an independant contractor... etc etc... try this link on...

2012-06-04 23:09:33
Hello all.  If you're interested in researching the best tool on Primerica, click on: simplesite.com/truthsonprimerica.  Trust me.
2012-05-24 21:10:25
After seeing the list of CMA sponsors on their website, I question the point of checking with the CMA.  Here is the quote from their website that matters: "CMA is a private trade association funded by its members."  The CMA isn't out there to promote good.  It's out there to promote the sponsors' interests.  Strawberry said, "If not listed, ask yourself why?"  Shall I raise suspicion to the tens of thousands of other companies, then?  How about asking why there are only 20 sponsors to the entire organization, and why they are bothering with funding the CMA?  Whatever may be said about MLMs and Primerica, I question Strawberry's judgement.
2012-03-21 21:00:36
This response is just so profesionl (mispell intential) for a Vice President, wow I want to meet all the rest of you great people at Primerica, how could you not with this ttype of great attitidue.
2012-03-16 07:18:41
The Primerica reps in this thread appear to believe insulting people makes them look successful and legitimate ...
2012-03-01 22:33:15
I have no clue how these people got my info. They called offering a job training CSR's, and sales agents. I called back to inquire about their pay structure only to find out it's all commission based. Stay away from them if your looking for a reliable job.
Markus Colin
Markus Colin
2012-03-01 04:58:34
I joined Tal's office 2 months ago. Primerica paid for all my licensing, my mutual fund licenses, and has not only helped my family and a few of my friends, but has given me a system for referrals and continued success. Not sure why there is so much dislike for someone as successful as Tal, but the bigger you get in business the more people try to take shots at you. To the writer above, you have it all wrong. You obviously didn't invest enough time researching the truths, you are misinformed and probably still unemployed! Everything that was promised to me has been delivered!
William W
William W
2012-02-24 15:34:10
I received a number of calls from this Tal Grossman failure claiming he was very interested in my resume for a "management" position. It turned out to be a crock of BS - he is simply recruiting agents to peddle Primerica products - no salary, no benefits - commission only. Recruits are simply used as tools to gain access to their friends and family. First, you pay fees to join - that's right, you pay THEM to work for them. Then as part of your "training" they will set up appointments with your friends and family and the recruiter will give a high-pressure sales pitch for their overpriced products (remind you of Amway??). The recruiter and his "upline" in the pyramid keep the commission of course. Once they've milked what they can out of your friends and family, they tell you that if you want to make any money there you have to go out and recruit other chumps and do the same thing to them. At this point, of course, almost all of the victims leave. For those who stay, the average income is an abysmal joke - $5296 per year, according to Primerica's info -


Be warned and informed, this is a total joke and waste of time - don't fall for their deceptive recruiting tactics and claims that this is a legitimate "business opportunity."
2012-01-14 19:36:13
I neen worling for 3 years. I quiet last night. The company does take your money. I knwo longer could treat people the way they train us to treat. I am also working with the law guys now about this company as a insider.
2012-01-12 20:59:40
wow if you check there has been posts on here since 2008!!!!
well I got a call also samething as all of the above and still same address on steeles
thank you everyone after reading this i wont be going either
its truly sad when companies pry and try to scheme the unemployed
run around all over the city only to be disappointed!
waste of gas and time!!!!!!!!!
im soooooooooooo tired of these companies thank god for posts like this one!
saves time and money
good luck to all my fellow unemployed friends out there!
Michael L
Michael L
2011-12-31 14:57:24
Prank Call
I was with these idiots for almost half a year. They were located in a strip mall, "recruited" new members in garage parking lots, bus stops and fast food restaurants. They talked about how much money they made but then had to beg at group meetings for money for new projectors.

This MLM outfit requires those with no morals about pressure selling, even to friends and family, and is a total waste of time. Selling idiots dreams is what they do. I joined them to network but the human refuse they recruit have no connections unless you want to know people who've done time.
2011-12-28 17:39:29

-Primerica is not a pyramid scheme, pyramid schemes are illegal.  If Primerica was a pyramid scheme, this post wouldn't exist, along with Primerica.

-Primerica's products are legit, and highly recommended.

-Compensation is 100% commission. (Insurance Sales/investments completed by the agent, and the agents listed under their code)

-Mr. Grossman is a great seller, with no heart, and only sees dollar signs.

-Great opportunity if you are willing to put in work.  This kind of work, should be only recommended to people are truly self-motivated, and goal oriented.  If you need to be instructed on what to do, you better off at McDonald's.

-You need a vehicle to be successful in this business, very few have become successful while using public transportation.

-Everything is sugar coated, in the "opportunity meeting", do your own credible research before making the decision, no need to rush in signing up, Primerica is ALWAYS going to be hiring, don't let anyone fool you.

-Only you can determine what is right for you and no one else.  Just because the opportunity didn't work for you, doesn't make it a scam or fraud, you were just unsuccessful, don't take it to heart.

-Cold-calling is one of the ways that Primerica recruits.  Primerica will teach other recruiting techniques such as:
--3-footing, (Random stranger comes and talks to you, and offers an opportunity in person)
--Warm market (New recruits friends and family will be contacted if they are interested in a new work opportunity)
--Employment sites such as Monster.ca (This will result in a cold call from the agent)
2011-12-24 00:06:39
I guess Primerica got wise to all of the complaints filed against them and won't give the name of their company over the phone. This company is a more aggressive, deceitful version of the pyramid scheme. I had to put on a suit and drive thirty minutes to go to a commercial posing as a job interview. It was pretty annoying and humiliating, but nothing compared to the people who have lost careers and cash to this sleazy company.
2011-12-22 02:28:41
You really have no clue resident! We will see how great this legendary giant will be in 2012! Follow us at www.nyse.com ticker symbol pri. I love how unregulated the internet is but i gave you a regulated website to follow us! Im a proud client of primerica for over 15 years and they have done nothing but told me the truth about my finances. My kids school is now paid because of the education i was provided by my rep. Thanks pfs, another satisfied client :)
2011-12-16 15:12:02
In a sidebar to this hoo-hah, here's this week's business news on Primerica:

Citigroup to Sell Last of Its Stake in Primerica
http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2011/12/13/citigr ... rimerica-stake/

"Citigroup ... prepares to sell the last of its remaining shares in the firm it took public last year.
. . . . . . . . . .
Primerica?s stock was down about 6 percent in premarket trading on Tuesday."

Citi Sells Last of its Primerica Shares
http://www.forbes.com/sites/marketnewsvideo/2 ... imerica-shares/

"Citi spun off the provider of insurance, investment and savings products last year. Primerica now serves ?Main Street? America as a standalone company, competing with companies like MetLife and Prudential."

So Primerica now has to strike "subsidiary of CitiGroup" from all of its promo copy and sales presentations. It's been reported that sales spielers would try hard not to mention the name "Primerica" until totally necessary. Momma's apron is lifted from its face now, not that hiding behind a Bailout Bank was any great shakes. The Primerica name is part of a long heritage of fraud and name changes, and if the current name is as soiled as certain corporate trolls fear, another rebranding is coming in 2012.
2011-12-16 15:10:19
While a Primerica rep has yet to cross my path, I am commenting here as is my federally protected right and as permitted by this site's terms of service. You keep harping on the appearance of comments from people your office has never heard of ..... and this is something you can apparently divine in the absence of actual legal names and addresses. I will not speak of Primerica as though I have firsthand knowledge of its practices, nor would I, with or without the controversy which hangs over the firm. This will hopefully satisfy your criteria for people you, a non-site administrator, personally feel are qualified to contribute to Primerica discussion threads.

I *can* talk about experiences I've had in commissioned sales. Different names, different products, but similarities in my story and of those reporting on Primerica are striking. It starts out with big-dollar promises for the "motivated". A couple of managers with firm hand grips turn up the flattery and paint a picture of all the trophy goods you'll be buying in a few months when you've seized your dream. They don't seem at all concerned for your actual aptitude or professional background. In fact, they make this dazzling offer to anyone with a pulse and a good pair of shoes.

Then comes an intensive "training" period which is really just glorified orientation, teaching very little. They make you an "independent agent", yet enforce your dependence on the home office with yet more dubious "training" and cheerleading meetings, keeping you generally on a short leash. You're told to ignore people who question your new pursuit, because "THEY" don't understand how the "real world" works. You endure this because the product is actually very good and unique, and should halfway sell itself.

You spend a ridiculous amount of time and fuel finding leads while scoring few if any real sales. This of course is always the greenhorn seller's fault, not the fact he was sent out to the street without being taught the job. Despite your miserable performance you are given new trainees to work the field with, who just joined maybe two weeks behind you, and you're told you have to be their sherpas.

A cycle forms of browbeating and cheerleading from management, your deepening poverty from lack of sales, and a constant influx of new employees who are illiterate, or have stage fright, or who are otherwise completely wrong for the job and sabotage everyone who really wants the work. This continues until you self-destruct from exhaustion or finally wise up and leave the handcuffs of promise for some other victim. On your way out they're still trying to convert you away from a rational decision with emotional arguments. They react with rehearsed surprise, call you a "quitter", yet praise your hard work and "keep the door open".

In reviewing comments for and against your firm I can hypothesize if not conclude that all of the above disadvantages to commissioned sales at dysfunctional companies are shouldered by the Primerica reps, then turned up another ten points on the Annoy-ometer. Detractors of Primerica speaking from their own experience often have richly detailed stories, the kind which are difficult to fabricate. Often their author's voices are not shrill and come from a posture of reason and a willingness to work hard at a worthy goal.

Meanwhile, supporters of Primerica show a consistent disdain for those people, their former brothers and sisters in the labor force. From their view, anyone who parachuted away from a plane with clipped wings was obviously lazy and stupid, needs to "grow up", "smell coffee", and other bullying cliches. Then they beat their breasts and laud Mother Primerica for its annual earnings, number of office footprints, and business affiliations, like somehow that will directly help all the skilled talent going unemployed.

In short, I believe the former sales reps a lot sooner than I believe you and your shill patrol, especially given that your own response to the conflict has been more of the same juvenile sputtering and denigration, seen dozens of times before from guardians of fruadulent businesses. Maybe we skeptical types don't understand how your world or "the real world" works, but you and your kind understand even less how the internet works. Negative comments appear, in your words "numberous times", because caring and distinct and geographically separate personalities put them there simply to help others. There is no conspiracy, no star chamber for the disgruntled.

You complain repeatedly in all caps that people have beefed whom your office "DID NOT CALL". Well, plenty of commentors in this thread do claim to be call recipients, apparently not given the benefit of transparency. One is not required to be a call recipient through a single given phone number to contribute here. One *is* prompted to submit accurate reports, and sometimes good collective knowledge must come from persons without a horse in a particular race. The whole point of these caller sites is to help identify callers AND their motives for placing calls. If those motives prove innocent, the callers have little to worry about from negative remarks. Readers can in fact and should make up their own minds.

You of course discourage such independent judgment, and prefer to strip comments of their context. The person from May 2011 who you find objectionable because s/he "couldn't resist throwing in [an] opinion" said in the very next sentence s/he "had been involved with Primerica full-time for about 2.5 years." You're quick to deny affiliation with a job hunting site (per "Scammed" from 12 Sep) but have nothing to say about business practices which sound poised to destroy that woman's husband and her marriage. Perhaps you personally never set foot in Missouri or met any young man like "Punch", but surely you don't meet with each trainee yourself. Isn't that what all the manic recruitment is for?

You act as if censoring one mystery caller site will be enough to solve your problem. Multiple sites in many directions echo this conversation. You fuming reputation repairmen throw hissy fits the moment you realize you have no tight control over your message in this medium, as you enjoy in broadcast and print. The pipes here carry flow in TWO directions and content can irrigate many fields beyond its source; the sooner you embrace that fact the better your relationship will be with visitors to the virtual town square.

You might have had a more constructive response than pointing blaming fingers at the victims and making threats you can't seriously carry out, but you insist on playing the wounded bird. The fact is, you were given an olive branch here, and you slapped it away. The animosity against your firm will only grow, not shrink. Whatever happens next in your campaign of spite will be all your doing, and please don't expect your fractured logic or your toady lawyers to help.
2011-12-16 03:26:54
I gots a job from Ray and he was nice too me and my kids too. he gave extra monies to help me with rent and presents for my kids. now i make good moneies, and can afford all new thing and stuff without worring bout bills or rent with my new curear.
2011-12-15 23:14:19
Julia, thank you for standing your ground. Mister Grossman's threats I hope serve to strengthen your great resolve in creating this place for the harassed to share their experiences.
2011-12-15 22:33:02
The number associated with this address is 4000 Steeles Avenue West in Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada which is just north of the city of Toronto.  The local police there would be the Ontario Provincial Police -

Call the police
Call the police
2011-12-15 20:57:45
If you are being harassed or extorted call your local police department--not an attorney. They have special tasks forces, or they will contact your local FBI department  that works with wire fraud, which is what these calls fall underneath due the fact they called you on a phone. They will give you the information/advice  you need to help you.
Another One
Another One
2011-12-15 19:09:18
Hello Ms. Forte

I think you need to take action againts these vicious cretins.  First they spam your site with fake postings trying to promote their activity.  Then they post abusive comments against anyone who dares complain about them, and demand that any negative posts be removed.  Then they post defamatory slanderous accusations againts your person, followed by threats to extort  you.

Now, this Grossman idiot, who apparently is in charge of that particular office, is employed by Primerica Financial Services Canada (a seperate entitiy from the American head office I believe) -

2000 Argentia Road
Plaza 5, Suite 300
Mississauga, Ontario,
L5N 2R7

Telephone: 905 812 2900
Fax: 905 813 5310

You may also wish to contact the Finanical Services Commission of Ontario, which is responsible for licensing insurance agents in Ontario and investigating breach of conduct:


There is only one agent listed for this "office" on the Primerica website, not the big gang of 45 that this "Ray Anchetta" imbecile has mentioned, and that agent is Tal David Grossman.  The "Ray Anchetta" may be another one of his bogus aliases or someone acting on his behalf.

Good luck with your efforts and keep us posted.  These people are an embarrassment to all those in the financial services industry and need to be dealt with.
2011-12-15 18:41:02
Mr. Anchetta,

I received another "warning" from you.  

I informed your heard office of this extortion attempt. Extortion is a federal crime and I will be speaking to my attorney about this.

Julia Forte
Ray Anchetta
Ray Anchetta
2011-12-12 21:52:28
Thank you for your timely response Julia Forte.  I?ve been writing to you and your team for three weeks now, and until now you hadn?t responded.  

?The users say they were contacted by Primerica; you say Primerica never contacted them and ask to take your word for it?....?

Yes! As a responsible administrator I?d ask that you look at the facts, many of which were provided to you in ?!? replies.  Primerica has over 6000 offices in the United States and Canada.  When someone ?Googles? Primerica ? This forum does pop up.  There are many cases in this blog that site ?I've read through quite a few of the posts in this forum and couldn't resist throwing in my opinion...? and ?My husband got 'hired' by Primerica about two months ago through CareerBuilder.com. He has a bachelors degree in Public Relations...? These are just two examples of many that are either ?passer-bys? or disgruntled with someone else using this form to vent! NO ONE HERE has EVER used CareerBuilder, We?ve Never travelled to St.Louis (another post), and we sure as heck never met (or called) ?Punch? who clearly wrote ?I was recently referred by a friend to "Primerica" for an "opportunity." ?

On your home page it is written:

Reverse Phone Number Lookup
This is a user supplied database of phone numbers of telemarketers, non-profit organizations, charities, political surveyors, SCAM artists, and other companies that don't leave messages, disconnect once you answer, and simply interrupt your day.
If you received a strange call, unwanted SMS message, or just came across a number you don't recognize and want more information about, most likely you are not the only one. Search for this phone number to see the reports of others. If there are no reports yet, leave your comment to start a conversation.
?What's clear is the public has questions about Primerica and how it operates. Could you address the questions and refute the wrongful information in a public response?? Julia ? if the ?public? has questions they can call us.  They are welcome to comment to any of our representatives directly ? IF WE?VE CALLED THEM!  If they have issues with other offices or divisions of the company they need to resolve those issues with those offices or our Home Office.  Allowing negative and abusive posts remain when they are not of our doing is completely unfair.
?You will be challenging the anonymous posters? If yes, why not here?? We are only challenging the posting for which we know for certain we DID NOT CALL.  I?m not going to get into an on-line debate with people I have never called nor met.  As ?difficult? as it is for you to ?stay objective? we?re simply asking you to diligently read through the comments ? it?s clear that there are multiple comments that we obviously NEVER CALLED! In fact, about 10 days ago we tagged all the comments that were never CALLED by our office.
Again, I appreciate your response.  I know as a responsible business woman it is of the upmost importance to maintain both your integrity and dignity.  Oh, and before you write ?I take it you decline my offer to explain your side of the story and prefer to blackmail...? Give me more than 50 minutes to respond ? I do work too sometimes!

Ray Anchetta
1-800-913-8533 1-702-815-2394 1-253-292-2589
Call Type:
Your name:
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