2011-06-06 20:45:12
The caller is the cult of scientology which is blatantly calling people on the no-call registry in order to shake them down for money. They are persistent, greedy bastards.
2011-06-06 20:45:12
You change your phone number.  They pass your info along to all their agencies all over the country and they all keep bombarding you with calls.  We had to change our number.  All they want is money.  You can threaten them with suing for harassment and they keep calling anyway.  The only way to stop is to change your number.  I changed mine three years ago, and they just called me again.  No idea how they got a cell number I dont give out to anyone but friends and family.
Keith Miami
Keith Miami
2011-06-06 20:45:12
The idiots from the scientology cult.
2011-06-06 20:45:12
Ann said it well above - I did some Scientology services and they did help me at that stage in my life, no problem there.  And yes the staff calling are not evil or greedy, just following orders.

My problem now is that it was 15 years ago, and I have moved twice since with no forwarding address, changed phone numbers with no forwarding as well, etc. At great inconvenience but trying to make a break from them. Mailbox was so full on a daily basis I could not even get real mail. Yet somehow they keep discovering new phone numbers, even new cell numbers - call me at work, home, cell, even sunday at 7am or weekdays after 10pm, even shown up at my door.  Just CRAZY.

It is irrelevant whether I am nice, rude, or just a plain  a*hole to the caller, it just never ends.

The real question here is:  HOW DO I GET THEM TO STOP CALLING????

Since they are a church I don't think there is a law to prevent them from calling. They obviously dont listen.  Maybe if we can get enough people together to action something?  Along the lines that every time we get a call, hit redial and call them back.  Tie up their receptionist or call center.

Or maybe if enough people complain to their congressman that it is not reasonable for a church to call all the time at all hours?

At least keep spreading this on the web.

At the personal level I feel its a shame that these folks are just making enemies because of some antiquated 1950's mandate to "phone everyone".  Nuts.
2011-06-06 20:45:12
I last had voluntary contact with the Church of Scientology (also known as Dianetics Center) decades ago, I actually found many of those experiences helpful in my life, but I eventually couldn't take the continual nagging demands for more involvement and money. This is a perfect example of why I finally decided the organization is way more trouble than it's worth. They have apparently gone to a lot of expense to find out my current private cell number and harrass me with unwanted calls.  They mailed letters and spam to my mother's address for decades after I didn't live there (and probably still do mail to that address even though she's died years ago), and every other address I've lived at, even when they had my correct address; they tracked down an address of my ex-husband and mailed material there to me (20 years after our divorce and his having moved many times, including to another state; he despises the church and would never have contact with them but they must have purchased his address through a credit bureau or something).  They are immersed in a mindset that they are "saving the planet" and will eventually get everyone to be a scientologist and create a world without war, crime or insanity.  That's the problem.  It's not that the individual callers want your money per se, they make almost nothing working for the church and are usually working other jobs to support themselves while devoting the rest of their living moments to the church.  The person calling you isn't greedy, although the church policies mean they will want to talk you into spending every dime you have on church classes and so on --but they are delusional idealists and zealots who will never give up because they want to "save" you.  Really sad, because I actually did get over shyness and find valuable communication skills through their materials, but the way they communicate with each other and the outside world is incredibly poor and misguided and alienates and drives people away.
Kristy Howard-Clark
Kristy Howard-Clark
2011-06-06 20:45:12
The person identified herself as Sue Ellis and asked for someone named Jean, She did this in order to get our names as my heart patient for whom I caregive was too polite to not give up our names to one calling on a Sunday since he was fearful of offending a family member or friend.I told her that I would go to the police if she calls us again. She then called us and would not speak but I saw her number on my caller I.D. I called them back after reading the posts on this web site and told the woman who answered that I know that they are Scientologists and if they ever call my number again, I will go to the police. I was very strong with my language with her and told her not to call this number ever again.
This particular group is located in Miami, FL.
2011-06-06 20:45:12
Have requested 'do no calls' from this company. Block these calls.
Always Screens Calls
Always Screens Calls
2011-06-06 20:45:12
I've been getting calls from this number for the past 2 weeks, with no message ever being left and the caller ID saying "unknown".  So I decided to come online and finally research the number. You're telling me it belongs to Scientologists???  It's bad enough when they call during the day...during normal business hours (so to speak)...but they just called LATE on a Saturday night. Why are they bothering people (like me) who have NO affiliation with their church or had NO contact with them at all?  I have no interest in blasting off into space or crawling down a volcano to join up with Xenu or whatever the heck it is these people believe in.  I listed the call type as "unknown" since they never leave a message, so technically they haven't telemarketed me...yet.  Which brings me to a more important point: what good is a National Do Not Call Registry if people like this still call you!!!
2011-06-06 20:45:12
Same here. I went to an event at a Scientology place about 25 years ago.  They must be desperate. L. Ron Hubbard had some interesting ideas but the organization ("the org") is awful.  I have tried to tell them that I am not interested, but they really push their members to recruit others.
2011-06-06 20:45:12
These people call you even when your name is on the National Do Not Call Registry. It is a religious cult that has the sole aim of getting all of your money. Do a google search for Xenu. He is an evil alien leader who apparently caused all of us to be evil because we all contain the souls of alien beings killed in volcanos by the Emperor Xenu. Scientologists pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to find this out. You might think I am joking but it is true. Both Tom Cruise and John Travolta believe this story.
2011-06-06 20:45:12
They call everyday on my cell.
2011-06-06 20:45:12
I am not interested in receiving calls from the Scientology staff; they are annoying and disturbing.
2011-06-06 20:45:12
I've been getting calls on my cell from 305-722-7445 for MONTHS...and just like every other comment on here, they never leave a voicemail but call every day, sometimes several times each day.  I got a call from them last night, so this morning I googled the # and found this glorious website, and was glad to see I'm not alone!  I decided to call the # and ask them to remove me from their list as I am NOT/NEVER WAS/NEVER WILL BE interested in anything Scientology.  Of course, no answer.  I have Verizon, and I found on their site that they have call-blocking available for incoming calls (you can add up to 5 numbers to block for 3 months at a time).  I added the 305 # to my blocked list (as well as 206-260-1100, which is another #, same scam, who've been calling me, too.)   Just to make sure it worked, I added my work # and called my cell. Beautiful: when I called from work I heard a message "welcome to Verizon, the number you've dialed does not accept calls from your number."  Awesome!
past member
past member
2011-06-06 20:45:12
It has been over 20 YEARS since I have had any connection to the COS, yet they continue to call me almost daily.  Most of the time there is no name on the caller id, just a number - which brings me to this site to look it up. In addition to the calls, I get several pieces of their mass mailing literature every day! It is unbelievable how much time and effort they use to track me.  Since my last contact with them, I have moved to five other states (for my job) and they have found me again where I currently live.  In addition, they have contacted my husband through his social networking page and requested that he give them my contact information!  They are crazy!! I have spoken to their representatives on numerous occasions and firmly told them NOT to call me again. They don't seem to care. I have call blocking service just for them, but since I can only block six numbers, I am afraid I am running out of room.  My next step is to get a new and unlisted phone number. Sad, very sad.
Terris Linenbach
Terris Linenbach
2011-06-06 20:45:12
Isn't it nice that John Travolta and Tom Cruise support a cult that stalks you?
2011-06-06 20:45:12
I have asked several times to be removed from this cult's list, they always say they will, and then within a week I get more calls!!!! They started calling a few months ago, and will not take NO for an answer. I've never bought anything from them!!! So how the F*CK did they get my name,number, and address?????

They are driving me crazy...this must be illegal!!!

I kept wondering how my name got on their list, when one of my friends in LA  finally told me about the" FFL" plan. FFL (Friends for Life) plan is a joke played on you, by someone you have pissed off. Your pissed off "friend" calls the cult's telephone # (using Skype which is untraceable), or goes to their website,  pretending to be interested in their sacred crap. Then they give the cult YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION. You will be hounded into your grave!!!! They never give up....

FFL  should really be renamed "F*cked for Life" .
2011-06-06 20:45:12
They called again today. Same as always. No message left. I called Paetec Communications and asked them how to send a text message to one of their customers, but the representative in India said that they only provide dial tone.
2011-06-06 20:45:12
Alex---Your name was not stolen. He was communicating a message to you.
2011-06-06 20:45:12
I can only repeat what the others have said. Someone from this number calls, sometimes 20 minutes apart. No messages are left. Sometimes the calls come in the afternoon, and sometimes at night.
2011-06-06 20:45:12
i receive calls from the church of scientology too! ive been receiving calls for approx 5 years now. They keep asking for Jerry. So annoying. I keep telling them its the wrong number. Lately Ive been pretending to be Jerry and say that I had a change of faith. But that doesn't work either.
2011-06-06 20:45:12
The Church of Scientology calls me every single day at least once, and usually more times. I never answer, and never will. They never leave a message. I have no idea how they even got my number or address as both are unlisted. I receive between 2 and 10 pieces of junk mail from them per day. It's completely annoying. I chose Non-profit Organization from the Call Type list, but in actuality, they are nothing but a greedy psuedo-religious For-extreme-profit Organization.
2011-06-06 20:45:12
Won't identify themselves. Won't leave a message. Call several times a week. This area code is for Florida's Miami-Dade county. Google results for this phone no. indicates it belongs to the Church of Scientology. Wonder why they won't identify themselves or leave a message?
2011-06-06 20:45:12
They call my house every night between 8:30 and 9:00 pm. How do I get them to stop?
Alex bancroft
Alex bancroft
2011-06-06 20:45:12
Someone used my name in a negative comment. Stealing one's Identity is illegal.

2011-06-06 20:45:12
I received two calls this evening with this number and the caller ID of MIAME.  I picked up the second  call. The girl asked for my wife who wasn't available.  When I asked who was calling she said 'Cindy', just a friend and would call back later.  I asked that she not call again.

If it is the Church of Scientology calling in "regards to verifying a correct address" then why don't they admit who they are and let their caller id identify them?

Alex Bancroft - This is one of several numbers I've looked up on these boards, all with Church of Scientology affiliations.  Considering they all come up with some other caller id would lead me to believe THEY have something to hide.
Alex Bancroft
Alex Bancroft
2011-06-06 20:45:12
The called turned out to be in regards to verifying my correct address.
No big deal. I have nothing to hide.
$top Calling
$top Calling
2011-06-06 20:45:12
Cult $ales call. Thi$ church won't give up!!!
L.Ron Hubris
L.Ron Hubris
2011-05-21 07:34:07
This cult has been harassing me for over 20 years! I have requested several times they quit sending their junk mail and stop calling me. They just ignore it, and continue to bombard me with their crap and irritating phone calls.

So I got mad, and you can too. If you want to really irritate them, here's how.

Go to Craigslist  and select a large city near you. Start flagging their ads. You can do this anonymously. The cult is secretly advertising on Craigslist in most major cities to find new recruits/victims. They promise they can cure/fix anything, but they almost never say WHO they are in these ads. You can find them by searching for key words like depression, anxiety, stress, Lovers of Wisdom, etc.........

For example, in Atlanta, just put in the search box the # 404 9811728 and you'll see 100 ads pop up. You can flag those ads as spam, and when 20 - 30 people flag them as spam, the ads get removed!

For more info: There is currently a ClearCraig Project, on the WhyWeProtest website http://forums.whyweprotest.net/threads/project-clearcraig.45949/page-9
Prince Xenu
Prince Xenu
2010-12-03 07:15:09
Non-profit Organization
This cult was calling me for years and years, and would not quit. The ONLY way to get rid of these unwanted telephone calls and the tons of unwanted mail they regularly send, is to go to one of the critic websites, use your real name, and indicate that you do not want to be bothered or harrassed anymore by this cult.

I did this 18 months ago, and within 4 weeks ALL of the telephone calls had stopped, and ALL of the unwanted mail disappeared. And they have not bothered me since. The cult is scared to death of people who stand up to their unscrupulous tactics and publicly complain about them.

There are several blogs you can go and "make a comment" on......http://forum.exscn.net  or http://leavingscientology.wordpress.com.
2009-09-21 21:16:47
The caller is the cult of scientology which is blatantly calling people on the no-call registry in order to shake them down for money. They are persistent, greedy b*****ds.
1-309-645-3426 1-410-774-8196 1-714-863-8761
Call Type:
Your name:
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