2014-05-17 21:34:17
called me today got my name close but not right. bunch of tinfoil hat wearing sci-fi jerks called back and sure enough was the information service of the crazies home office.
2014-05-05 01:08:32
Scientology call center, unwanted calls, will not stop.
2014-04-30 21:05:04
Non-profit Organization
I've been having the same problem.  I have an unlisted number and have a snaking suspicion who gave them the number.  They just called again and I didn't answer; this is after I told them in no uncertain terms to never call my cell again.  I just had a BINGO! moment though.  I have a big, load whistle that will take out an eardrum right here next to my cell and am very prepared to answer the phone and give the caller a big loud blast next time I get a call.  Forget about silence...that won't stop them.  Let the call center there learn that this number is going to hurt them.  Hehe.
Mr. Mc
Mr. Mc
2013-12-29 15:55:24
The church of scientology calls us again and again even after we ask and demand they stop.  They are harassing us and we want it stopped.  We are a Christian family and know they are a satanic cult that will eventually be wiped off the face of the earth.  In the meantime we hope everyone who supports scientology will be touched by the Holy Spirit that their deeds may pile up on their heads to the point turning them away from it.    If they do not turn away and keep bothering and attacking people then I pray each and everyone of them die and stand before the Father to answer for their serving satan.  
2013-11-28 16:49:55
Just store all of your unwanted junk mail in a punishment box.  When the box is full, take it to the store/office/facility that sends you the most, wear something to cover your facial features (like a gas mask) and dump it on the receptionist's counter.  And yes, I have seen this done..unfortunately, my mate got grassed by a video camera that saw his van....still a nice idea...."just returning your property to you ma'am" then dump the whole load on the counter.
2013-11-28 16:29:07
8:17 AM on Thanksgiving day my phone rings and it's Scientology, come on! Even on a regular day it's rude to call that early I think. Maybe the person on the other end means well but their own actions are working against themselves.
Suppresive Person
Suppresive Person
2013-11-16 01:09:47
These a***ipes call me EVERY day of the week.
2013-11-04 23:06:33
The technology of Scientology works, and there are good peiople using it. The church is a whole 'nother matter though...
Harrassed by CoS
Harrassed by CoS
2013-09-14 21:59:42
This is a call from the Church of Scientology Mailing Department attempting to confirm your address so they can flood your mailbox with their mailings. Do not give them any information!!!! Do not acknowledge that it is you, your address, your phone number. They are persistent, but don't give in.
2013-08-28 22:20:42
if it's any consolation you are not alone ..same pattern..same routine and route on my end..it's like robots stalking!
2013-08-27 03:56:28
I have been getting calls from Scientology for almost two years now. I have told them several times to stop. There are times where I won't hear from them for a month or two but eventually they do start in again with these harassing, annoying phone calls. I find it disturbing that they don't take me off of their telephone lists after being told so many times that I am not interested and do not wish to receive any further calls. They are very persistent and they do not listen. I have several of their phone numbers blocked, yet the calls continue to come in as they keep using different phones with which to make the calls. I want nothing to do with this organization and I need the harassment stopped.
2013-07-30 03:20:01
In the 70's I was young and stupid and entered into Scientology - under the charlatan "Reed Slatkin". I cannot believe that today they tracked me down using my unlisted cell number and tried to recruit me! So incredibly creepy that they had my current personal information...what slimy marketing. I'll be contacting the BBB and the FTC.
2013-06-19 23:11:08
I can say that the touch assist work very well.
2013-05-13 21:11:32
I just bundle it up and recycle it all.
Robert Engersoll
Robert Engersoll
2013-04-29 23:18:32
Enragedinla, maybe they are using you for practice in teaching some of their new recruits how to harass and bully people??

This "scientology" desperation reaction is not much different from the Nigerian scams I am aware of.

I truly feel for you and hope you can get the trash off of you case!
Robert Engersoll
Robert Engersoll
2013-04-29 23:12:41
Yef, good idea, I live in farm country and a little cow or horse droppings could be stuffed into a return "scientology" mail back and help them fertilize their small brains.
After a while they may get just a little smarter and meanwhile the Postal service could make more money!

Actually I think in this economic depression there are a lot of desperate people and "scientology" is just another
entity that is economically desperate at present, so they are out beating the brush for another dime, but really it will only cost them far more than they will ever take in.
People like me will never be bullied into submission to them!

2013-04-29 22:56:57
When I get more than one junk mailing I mail them back each other's unwanted ads.  One time I mailed the Los Angeles Times back a flyer with a credit card ad on it (no personal info on anything I sent of course) and the credit card solicitor got a flyer for the LA Times.  I figure it's so kind of me to help keep the struggling US Postal Service in business ;-).
Robert Engersoll
Robert Engersoll
2013-04-29 22:36:07
Yes sending their mail back to them stuffed is a good idea, so they can pay more postage and help out the Post office. Maybe you could help the Post office out even more if you stuffed heavy things in their mail back to them!??
Robert Engersoll
Robert Engersoll
2013-04-29 21:53:09
Now that is a good idea to read some of that "OT" Bull like the volcano story and the bombs and the entities and people being strapped to the bombs and stuffed down the volcano and exploded, etc!

It would be ever so nice to see a class action Lawsuit for a few billion dollars against "Scientology". That would shut them up a bit and protect the common people from evil aggression.
Bob Engersoll
Bob Engersoll
2013-04-29 21:45:23
Yes I get the same BS calls from those Skyontology idiots. It sure would be nice for a lot of people to start calling them all hours of the day and night (when they have nothing else to do) and keep their phones busy 24/7 and see how they like it. Maybe a few hundred of your and my friends could start this going.
Then you could ask them "what they did to pull this in"? You know just get in a jovial crazy mood and just spout off any thing that comes to mind and let it all come out.

Sincerely Bob
Robert Shrewsbury
Robert Shrewsbury
2013-04-29 21:32:47
Non-profit Organization
I get calls from the Church of "Scientology"  all the time and I keep saying to them please do not call me at all or ever again, I am not at all interested and you know they just keep calling and never stop. I took some classes
in "Scientology" over 30 years ago and somehow they got my phone number and address last year and the trash mail has never stopped even though I have written them several time asking them to please stop all the mail to me. I finally changed my phone number to an unlisted number and somehow they got my new unlisted number anyway and those god forsaken "Scientology calls just keep coming! These "Escapologists" act like Hitlers gestapo.
I guess they may be desperate for more money, but for sure they will not get a plug nickle or a red cent from me.
My poor little wife, it stresses her out so much. Really this phone violation and harassment in totally immoral, unethical and illegal. It is a wonder the law has not done something about it yet.  
The last phone number from "Scientology to call me is 323-580-5520

Robert Shrewsbury
Leave Me the F Alone!!!
Leave Me the F Alone!!!
2013-04-14 02:51:14
I will help you!!!
2013-03-25 00:21:27
I have been receiving phone calls from a lady from the Church of Scientology for the past couple of years, more recent in that past couple of months. They are looking for someone that shares the Name as I do, they always ask personal information and never reveling much of the purpose of the call, other then updating their records. I have explained that I am not this person they are searching for, yet they keep calling and each time they call they seem to have more information on me. This is scary, intrusive and plan harassment. The last time I received a call not more then 2 months ago, I once again expressed to the person on the phone my concerns and once again requesting they stop calling me. I then told her that if I receive another call that I would report them. Well just received another call, I asked for her name, and phone number, the lady said her name was Lisa, never telling me her last name, I said I would call her back. She called back less then 5 minutes later stating that I was sneaky in the way I obtained her information and was therefore rude, I had her on speaker phone with my husband sitting next to me and informed her of this, my husband then proceeded to explain to her that we have requested sevel times for them to stop calling, she cut both of us off to make sure she told us of how she believed our tactics of obtaining the source of the call and where it was coming from was rude, not forthcoming and said the I obviously was not the person they were looking for and would take me off their list ( never answering our question of, What list ? ) and hung up. I would like to know if any one has reported them to the local police or Los Angeles Police Department for the Harassing calls. I find it extremely hard to believe that a Church would go to such extreems. What is going on behind the scenes. My conern is Check your credit, make sure there is no ID Fraud happening
2013-03-25 00:07:10
I have been receiving phone calls from a lady from the Church of Scientology for the past couple of years, more recent in that past couple of months.  They are looking for someone that shares the Name as I do, they always ask personal information and never reveling much of the purpose of the call, other then updating their records.   I have explained that I am not this person they are searching for,  yet they keep calling and each time they call they seem to have more information on me.  This is scary, intrusive and plan harassment.    The last time I received a call not more then 2 months ago, once again expressing to the person on the phone and once again requesting they stop calling me. I then told her that if I receive another call that I would report them.  Well just received another call,  I asked for their name, and phone number,  the lady said her name was Lisa, never telling me her last name, I said I would call her back.    She called back less then 5 minutes later stating that I was sneaky in the way I obtained her information and was therefore rude, I had her on speaker phone with my husband,  he proceeded to explain to her that we have requested sever times to stop calling,  she cut both of us off to make sure she told us of how she believed our tactics of obtaining the source of the call was coming from and said the I obviously was not the person they were looking for, would take me off their list ( never answering our question of,  What list ) and hung up.

I would like to know if any one has reported them to the local police or Los Angeles Police Department for the Harassing calls.  I find it extremely hard to believe that a Church would go to such extreems.    What is going on behind the scenes.    My conern is  Check your credit, make sure there is no ID Fraud happening
Ron (not a Hubbard!)
Ron (not a Hubbard!)
2013-03-04 03:51:24
Non-profit Organization
Frequent calls, about some survey I may or may not have taken, 30 years ago. I certainly did not give them my current number! I have told several of the callers not to call. They chill out for a few weeks , and then it starts right up again, but with a different dupe on the other end of the line. Last caller tried three times in 10 minutes, and finally gave up when I said, "Look! Don't ever call me !"
2013-02-27 17:24:24
For 3 years now I have had repeated phone calls from various phone numbers that are all Scientology people.  The above number is just the latest.  This guy called, my husband answered and said I wasn't here and then 5 minutes later the guy called again.
3 years ago I was actually nice to them when they called but firmly said I was not interested in persuing any further activities with Scientology including buying books or anything else.  They would not take "no" for an answer and just kept calling several times a week and sometimes more than once in a day.  
I tried getting nasty with them.  I told them to take me off of their calling list.  I finally prescribed to "caller ID" but I can't answer any call from any number that I don't recognize because these people are also using their personal phones to make these harrassing calls.  After over a year of not even answering the calls, they have pretty much stopped leaving messages but they still call at least twice a week.
These people are brain-washed into believing they are trying to "save" me and that eventually I will cave-in and accept their services or books or whatever they are selling.
The Truth Shall Set You Free
The Truth Shall Set You Free
2013-02-04 23:16:37
It's not the lady or Scientology as a whole that individuals here are protesting, it's the Scientology call centers. I've had three different phone numbers from changing services. Without my permission, the call centers obtained my new phone numbers. They also call my mother's house asking for updated addresses and a phone number, which is illegal. I'm not sure which religious laws they use to continue to pursue people who've made the mistake of placing their name on a list, for various reasons, but if they were a for profit organization, they are violating consumer laws. I've met some very nice & well-intentioned Scientologists. It's those who call in a manner that can be classified as harassment who need to stop.
Just Pissed.
Just Pissed.
2013-01-31 18:17:07
The # 323-580-5520 has called everynight at the same time ( my son's bed time so I'm busy and can't answer) for a week. They leave a message  "it's Lisa from the Chruch of Scinetology". I had them remove me from their list 8 years ago, looks like that worked. The worst mistake I ever made was going with a friend to one of their meeting. That's all I went 1 time. We'll last night they called my landlord wanting my info. It was 9pm our time. He has small kids too. This is not acceptable behavior.
L MacD
L MacD
2013-01-17 23:04:27
THey drive me crazy !!!!
I have been telling them to stop calling me for for 40 YEARS !!!!!
2013-01-03 07:36:56
I am not a Scientologist, nor are any of my family or friends and none of us ever have been. As far as I know I have never personally known one. They call here asking for people I've never heard of. I've had this phone # at this address for years. The people who lived here previously were devout Catholics -- before them there was no structure here. The person who had the phone number prior to us was none of the people they asked after. I figure for them to be chasing after someone who may have had the number at any point in time they'd have to go back at least fifteen years. Today they called just before 10:00pm. They identified themselves as being with the billing department. This means they were pretending to be attempting to collect a debt. Calling that late for such a purpose is against the law; even one second after 9:00 would violate the law. This cult makes me want to puke.
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