2014-01-26 00:46:27
It's amway
2014-01-19 08:29:53
Didn't scAmway change its name to Quixtar some time ago?
2014-01-19 06:16:28
NO offense but you are basing your opinion/research on other's opinions.. maybe you should consider both sides of the coin. IN ALL situations, not just with this "fishy" DYF site.
Positive Response
Positive Response
2014-01-19 06:04:55
Event Reminder
Interesting that so many of you are mentioning an affiliation with a website and website video but few have mentioned that you have to be specifically invited with a password to connect, they don't spam it out. Also the fact that they give you their personal email and phone number: seems like they have more on the line than we do. IMO. I happen to know the Chris Trouy guy and he is a young successful entrepreneur partnered with the Amway corporation. (*You can look Amway up like I did on the federal trade commission website, BBB and several other sources). Seems to be a reputable company. I guess there are always the doubters. If you have passed up the opportunity out of fear. I feel bad for you. The DYF website seems like a legitimate portal for the exchange of concepts.
2013-12-16 14:04:02
I recently became aware of this posting and just wanted to post a brief response. This was posted over a year ago and I can?t recall speaking to anyone named Dave who was upset with me. I have made some mistakes and perhaps I said something that was a turn off to Dave but nonetheless his posting seems really harsh to me. I hope than anyone reading this will wait to form an opinion of me based on actually working with me. I do my best to live my life and run my business with a high degree of character and integrity.
2013-11-12 03:53:53
Same story here near Raleigh NC. Was approached at the gym, conversation quickly turned to interest in secondary income, vague answers to repeated questions, finally given the website (DYFOnline.com) with that bogus video. Saw this guy chatting up other people at the gym too. His name was Kevin Smith, Mrkevinsmith1988@gmail.com, 3307493557.
2013-10-08 17:06:34
I have to comment on your post, I'm glad you posted this, I was in Amway years ago, I still buy their products because they are good. I dont have time to be in the Amway family but I can tell you. Most MLM business today model theirselves off of Amyway they were really the founders of MLM. I know from having my own Computer company thats what these people are doing is just like what I do everyday and it is just trying to make a honest living, feed my kids and leave a company behind to them when I die. What people dont see is working for the MAN and having to do something that most people dont like to do gets old, causes home and life issues in relationships.

I hope by reading this you know I am not with Amway, I have a computer company and specialize in online marketing for small business owners. Dont try to take someone that is working hard, building their own business and doing for their family and try to make them look like they are scammers. There are enough of them on the streets now.  Listen to these people and you might use some of the same methods and ideas they use in your own type of business. Remember every business needs marketing and how you use to do it is somewhat up to you..   Once again great article!!
2013-09-20 05:11:45
Entrepreneur means someone who is willing to take a risk on a business venture of their own. You're right..I was brainwashed, by the public education system and higher education.  Got my degree and a job. How about that! But now I'm building my own business that I can leave behind to my kids and their kids.  This is the only business opportunity that I have seen that gives you both time and money.   You can doubt it all you want, but I know it works because its working for me and for the people working with me. Sounds like you and most of the people commenting here are very skeptical and thats normal. Most people never thought Facebook wouldn't make it. Look at Mark now.
Here's something I can leave you with... "quitters never win and winners never quit." Yep, I got that from a book. Personal development pays off well.

Best of luck with what you do.

Thankful Independent businesses owner (IBO)
2013-09-16 15:42:32
you guys all sound so brainwashed...all use the same key words like "entrepreneur" and all this foolishness you guys all talk the same
2013-09-10 00:44:01
do your research and go to www.amway.com.  By the way, this company is debt free, privately held (stock market crashing does not affect it), and is the number 1 direct selling company in the world. All other MLMs try to copy it and do not come close.  If you think this is a scam, i truly feel sorry for you because you're not doing legitimate research.. you're just reading the crap people write here who haven't attempted to pursue anything worth while.. btw (statues are not built for critics.. only for those who take risks...fail..do not quit.. and succeed.  Sadly, most people lose the ability to dream for bigger things in elementary school because that's what the "system" teaches. keep your feet planted in reality and get a degree to get a job.  It's cool if you subscribe to this belief. The economy needs employees to function. This opportunity IS NOT for everyone. Only for entrepreneurial minded people who want more out of life and hate average.
2013-09-02 00:57:04
I'm so happy I found this website! Unlike the rest of you, a friend of mine texted me. We used to work together, and she texted because she knew I was "intelligent" and "great in school" and needed to expand her own business. After texting her, I also received the video email from her "business partner". What a scam. I'm honestly just upset that my friend tried to make me go to it! She even offered to drive me, which seemed very "kill you in an alley" type of thing.
2013-08-15 18:21:26
Total Scam I also got a call and very vague about everything sounded like a cult if you ask me
quentin leicester
quentin leicester
2013-07-26 19:57:07
im an amway IBO. amway has been around for 53 years. we sell xs energy drinks and we also sell artistry make up but the way the business was started was because of our products legacy of clean. i know josh williams on a person basis. yes to start you have to invest 200$. i started 4 weeks ago and ive earned 400$. its a great company. if you wanna think its a scam or bs then thats your choice but i regret not taking the offer when is was presented to me earlier. now im working to earn my goal. josh williams is a nike rep and hes a ibo for AMWAY. if you need any further info go to Amway.com
2013-05-14 23:18:50
I found this website literally 15 minutes before I was going to leave and attend the info session.  From the start, I was approached by a gentleman just having a conversation about what I wanted to do after college and he then started telling me about a side business he has started with some business partners.  Of course, me being gullible thought it would be a great opportunity for me and gave him my number and email.  He never gave a company name or website address, so right then I was skeptical.  It wasn't until I noticed that the email he sent me for the information on the info session was strange looking: 5624534@dyfonline.com.  That's when I did some more research and found this page.  Glad I didn't waste my time going to the session, I did miss out on hanging with my friends at the mall though.
2013-04-26 05:18:36
Friend-of-a-friend of mine was contacted by this person, not me personally. David Andrews Email: dandrews518@gmail.com and website: http://andrewsncompany.com/

Website is identical to http://dyfonline.com/

Same identifiers as other posters, email sent with unsolicited password to log in. Did not follow link, do not care to at all. Interestingly, both pages have this sort of identifier at the bottom of the page, just left of the copyright info: BSM50675

A Google search for this specific number brought 1,300+ results, all seemingly linked to dyfonline.com - if it walks like a scam and it talks like a scam... it must be a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Right.
2013-03-25 03:34:51
Me and a friend were at a walmart when we were both stopped by a mid 20's, African American guy. He made small talk asking about good restaurants to go to. He then opened up about a way to make more money. Both friend and me gave him our phone numbers and went on with our day. 4 days later i get a call asking if i can watch a quick video. I then gave him my email and told him i would check it out. He sent a email with the password and link to that dfyonline site to watch the video. He then insisted on asking me over and over "call me when you have watched it.

I did not watch the video. I first did a search on the info he gave me and i ran into this site with very similar stories. I called him out being apart of amway. He then started throwing out statistics on how good of a company amway was and what not. I explained to him that i knew from the get-go what this pyramid scheme involves. This fellow was not to happy that i denied watching the video and called him out on chasing the amway cult like dream. I explained to him that im a diamond in another organization that sells a health supplement. (Asea)

He was respectful and had to go talk to two other potenial people. I wonder if anyone has actually given up money to this guys. I know amway dies and resurfaces all the time through various branches. Sadly, i am not going to be the seed he plants.
2013-01-11 20:44:19
Approached at pt job, high school student, by stranger and 2 others about great way to make more money. Did like rest above after giving guy my email. Seemed like poor , weird site. Told my mother and she suspected is scam , especially after guy could not answer any details when asked him ?'s Willnot have anything to do with but concerned that he could get personal info. off my phone/email. Glad found this site. Was told to go to dyfonline.comItd=1996021    Guy's name said was Dominique
Sims    Beware.
2012-12-27 04:37:27
A few days ago I got a message on Facebook from a Richard Bogdovics. He happened to actually be a friend of a friend on Facebook. The message he sent was very VAGUE and similar to those posted by everyone else, saying, "I am working with my friends's dad's business out of Raleigh, NC.." and that (my friend) is working with them and allowed access to ask a couple of his friends if they were "looking for a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY."
He told me to text him and gave me his phone number, 252-326-7064, [which is a Rocky Mount/northeastern NC coast area number]. I thought this felt fishy as I'm barely associates with the mutual Facebook friend he contacted me through.
However, I decided to further contact him anyways. I kept asking him questions about what kind of work this "opportunity" would be about, but his vagueness continued until he told me about an INFO SESSION (uh oh) and said he'd send me an EMAIL with a LINK to watch a 5 MIN VIDEO.  & the email asked me to login into the website with a given password. The link was to dyfonline.com! As was his SENDER ADDRESS in the email, 5624534@dyfonline.com, although his signature email address was rbogltddiamond@yahoo.com.
When I saw this, I definitely knew this was odd. I didn't click on the link, but rather instead tried to google information about this dyfonline, and that's when I found this page. Thank goodness I do my research.
2012-12-14 03:19:32
Another one: Brittany Chalk, 214-803-3481, out of Dallas, TX. Linked me directly to DYFOnline.com. My friend referred me about a job and wouldn't reveal any details, watched the video and wondered when we'd get our steak knives.
Opportunity knocks
Opportunity knocks
2012-12-03 02:06:57
this is the Amway business opportunity, best multi level marketing model out there in my opinion. Go and do some legitimate research, ie, the BBB, euromonitor, etc. Be thankful if someone thought you were "sharp" enough to share this business opportunity with.  I sure am. My life has dramatically changed since.
2012-11-28 17:21:09
Wow. That happened to me too. His name was Peter Flippen. Creepiest dude ever. Gave me this website: http://flippenmarketing.net  and told me to go this event at a hotel. Biggest scam ever. He even called one of my friends. Can we take this guy down somehow?
2012-10-16 19:40:50
I didn't get a phone call.

I was at the gym, guy asked for a spot, then started asking questions about me.  Got my number to lift together then he texted me asking me if I was interested in "secondary income".  He sent me the email to the video and dodged any question I had for him.  Told him I wasn't interested when he couldn't provide me with any details and he hasn't said anything since.  

his name is Michael Falcone
2012-07-17 01:38:30
I was approached in the grocery store a few days ago by a man by the name of Zach Arend.  After about 10 minutes of rather pleasant conversation, we swapped phone numbers.  And today, he called me about a supposed job opening, and since I'm a college student, i might be interested.  Well, researching the site has brought me here, and I'm glad i found out.

He called me from a different number, however. 972-855-8891
2012-07-10 02:32:48
I did a little more looking around and found this link.


It takes you to the same style website as the video and links products back to Amway.  This is an Amway scheme.  Take a look at the link.  There is no defending it anymore.
2012-07-10 02:13:16
Same deal in Richmond, VA.  Please look at the post 2 places above this.  "Initial Investment" = Pyramid Scheme. Anything in a hotel is shady.  I got caught up in Cutco knives as a kid.  Never again.
2012-07-02 18:39:05
hmm sounds like ur the scammer here
2012-07-02 18:34:46
I got a very similar call recently.  It has been amazing.  I have been able to make over $1000 very quickly with the help of the people that showed it to me.  I have made back my initial investment of $200 and have earned a lot more.  I am surprised that so many people up here are so unwilling to open their minds to different ideas.  Well, I guess it is just your loss.
2012-05-19 15:46:39
Wow all sounds familiar. I was approached in a grocery store by a man named Michael Nahas who claimed to be a practicing attorney.  Being that my background is in technology and investigations, it sounded as if me doing some side work for him might be a good partnership.  I was very skeptical when he gave me a VERY  plain business card with only his name and phone number and a business called Nahas International.  By the way the phone number he is using is 412-657-9409.

I went home and did some poking about on the web and found leads back to his business as being one that had revenue of less than $500 K per annum.  It gave me a business address that came back as a small 3 bedroom home in the east of Pittsburgh, PA.  A practicing attorney?  Hmm.  So I did not call him or give it any thought.  He called me several weeks later.  I was intreaged to hear what he had to say.  Investigative minds want to know.  He asked me to meet with him and gave me similar video info as seen above.  I picked apart the bits of info in the video including the URL and landed here. The pyramid schemers are getting very crafty are they not? Sorry Mike you are a nice guy, but no sucker here!
2012-05-09 23:00:11
Amazing to find so many people that have been approached by this group. I too was asked to log onto  http://dyfonline.com?ltd=2019253 and watch a video before setting up an interview at some nearby hotel. It took a total of 1 minute too long for me to realize that I'd been punked.

I don't want anything to do with this. You've been warned!
2012-05-07 22:33:07
Similar scenario only my cousin referred me. Contact's name was Adam Pusateri phone number 330-853-5406

Voice mail he left me sounds exactly like the other posts, pretty sure there is a script. When I got in touch with my cousin (before contacting Adam) I got the same "brainwashed" answer...text style "Yeah his name is Adam Pusateri and he's a friend of mine and we r working on a business opportunity 2gether and thought of u wen asked if sum1 would like 2make extra money if ur interested let me know or call him back and he can send u a video bout it"

Glad I found this website with everyone's story. Thanks!
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