2011-06-06 20:53:53
I called the police after they threatened to come to my house last year. The police said It was a scam so I called them back and told them so, they hung up real quick. Just got a call from "Jennifer" Yesterday with threatining tones about lawyers and bad stuff. I don't think they know they already tried to scare me out of my money. I returned the call and said "My name is [John Smith] and I am returning your call. By law I must inform you this call is being recorded for legal purposes." He asked me my name then immediatly disconnected. Don't think I'll be hearing back from them.
2011-06-06 20:53:53
Someone from this number keeps calling me telling me they are coming to my work to arrest me and hold me for 3 days.  everytime I tell them to not call me anymore but they call 2 -3 times a day.  So, today I kept calling them back each time they hung up on me.  I will see if they continue to call or not.  If so, I think I'll just keep calling them back each time they call me.
connie ganske
connie ganske
2011-06-06 20:53:53
I have been threaten by these people and told if I didnt send the money I would be put in Jail. I get calls everyday for about three weeks now. My friends are being called and aske how to reach me.
2011-06-06 20:53:53
I get calls from all different #s but this one is new call of Course legal trouble And they can hardly speak english. Don't tell you who they are calling for only big legal prob
Lou Reese
Lou Reese
2011-05-02 20:31:30
Debt Collector
I too have gotten very  several ugly threaten calls..  spoke with Roger Burnett,Joe Adams,Nash Brown,and Erica Smith, each has very broken english.....Use the same statements, like all the other reports..there are to be some way to get control of these caller..American pay day is who they claim to be calling for thru a Ca law firm....I called they back to inform them in this state our Attorney General do not take kindly upon these calls..of couse they hung up.. they were also inform in court they best bring my picture along with a valid signature.... hung again...it's really funny that they all have common name but you cant understand most of what they are saying....there is nothing wrong with networking,but our personal information is so ease to get to..
2011-04-29 16:49:01
The banchuts are back.!!!! This time it is Justin Black...same script with same broken english. You or your retained attorney must call back, I can only wish you luck as the situation unfolds around you...etc. So, I did some research on the number-internet shows it as a landline in Bakersfield, CA with Bandwidth.com as the carrier. I called Bandwidth and they advised that the number is a Google Voice number-no shocker there. I advised of the numerous harrassing, fraud phone calls from this number.  The rep told me to file a police report and to have the police send a supoena them at #877-510-4357. He told me that they are receiving TONS of calls about the fraudsters/scammers and that they have a company called Neustar working on the traces. VOIP calls are sent on stored "data packets" on the internet. I guess Nuestar can trace those....someone should be able to! He told me that the #877 actually goes direct to Neustar. I looked up Nuestar and they are a legitimate company.  We will see what happens. I'm off to call the cops. After that, I'm going to brush up on my dirty middleast language skills and have some fun harrassing these guys right back!
2011-04-27 20:16:59
Is this numbere ligit?
2011-04-27 20:16:10
I got these same phone calls today, threatening voice mail, they are going to arrest me...Payday loan the whole story.  I turned the tables on them also and started asking them questions, name and phone number.  When I asked for their address he said he forgot his number.  I called them back two more times just to make their day hell like they put me thru for the 5 minutes on the phone they scared the crap out of me.  Who do we report these people to?
SD Redneck
SD Redneck
2011-04-27 18:54:03
This idiot called me about a year ago and was trying to get a credit card number from me to pay for an unpaid loan. I told him that I had no out standing loans and have I never applied for a payday loan. He got upset and called me a lair. Then I told him that he wasn't smart enough to p*ss me off. He hung up, I called him back and laughed at him. He hung up again.  Now they're calling me again and this guy name is Justin Brock. Awww another idiot I get to play mind games with. Don't scare, don't get mad,.......Get even!!!!!!!!
Lindsay Whitlatch
Lindsay Whitlatch
2011-04-19 23:26:20
Debt Collector
A man named David Stone and Sharon Parker continue to call me stating they are from the Federal Credit Bureau and they are government employees.  They state they will be coming to my job and serving me with papers for a unpaid payday loan.  I have no unpaid payday loan and they keep calling and calling.  It awful and I want it to stop.  What will stop these calls?
Dian Cox
Dian Cox
2011-04-19 20:42:54
Debt Collector
These people call  you 10 to 20 times per day. When you ask them for their credentials , they have the audacity to get upset.  They always call from a number that is unavailable. I was given the numbers of 818-538-9561 and 661-270-6715 and the name Kevin Johnson to return the call to for these scammers.  When the person returned the call he said that his name was Jacob Brown. When I told him that he was a scammer, he actually got upset and said "F*** YOU,BI***!"  I proceeded to tell him that paralegals and representatives from a law firm would not use such language. He proceeded to call twenty more times asking if I had a daughter because he wanted to f*** both of us.  I reminded him of the inadequacies of his p***s and hung up.  He continued to call 10 more times. Guess my comment hit a sore spot. He even threatened to call my job tomorrow morning.I tyold himplease try so tht I could record that call and have the police arrest him. We have laws in the USA.  I told him his antics were being recorded by Officer Steven Eldridge of the Metropolitan Police Department(which they were). Listed below is the original message sent.

This message is intended for -----.. I need you or your attorney (unintelligble) to return the call. The issue at hand is extremely time sensitive. My name is Kevin Johnson. And Hotline to my division 661-270-6715 or 818-538-9561. Don?t disregard this message, return the call. Now. If you don?t return the call or I don?t hear from your attorney either, the only thing I can do is (unintelligible words here) as the situation unfolds on you ___. Goodbye.

These people have been calling me for well over a year now with the same lame threat.If I reallyhad a court case against my name and social security number,I should have been in jail a long timeago.I have not been to court and WILL NOT pay them one cent.It is a shame they are  able to threaten and harrass hard-working citizens.
2011-04-19 00:01:24
They've also been calling my work several different people every time (at least 4-5) my boss told them pointblank not to call because it is a place of business. They wait a week then call again this is not only embarrassing but rude. I've told my boss I have no clue who it is at least now I can show her this site.
2011-04-18 22:55:35
I recorded the conversation
2011-04-18 22:53:48
I received a call from this place and they transferred me to someone else w/o verifying who I was which made me suspicious so I hung up. I then received about 10 calls back to back and that made me think this is not a creditor it may be serious. I looked through my message and notice I had received a call on the 15th of April. I called the number (661.213.9459) and they asked for my number. I then ask if they can identify themselves and the person on the line said my fist name and asked if it was me. Then they gave me my social security number when i said that it wasn't my social security number. He then told me that if i didn't feel comfortable with the call he didn't need to give me any information about who he is or what the matter was about and HUNG UP. I am very scared about my identity being stolen and really not sure what i should do to stop this.
2011-04-16 20:34:57
just got a message from this # on Friday.  This is not the first time I've gotten a call like this but from different #.  Same script.  Don't let them get to you.  All they try and do is infuriate you. Just hang up.  After a few times purhaps they will get the hint
2011-04-15 23:21:56
I have also recieved several calls from an unknown # number on caller id then she left her number for a hotline661-213-9459. they advised me not to ignore theyre call, to call them back asap or have my lawyer call. This is so stupid they do not even speak clearly.
Sick people
Sick people
2011-04-15 19:05:32
Just FYI now they are giving 818-538-9561-as a number to call back with that same disturbing message! I told them to listen to me and to listen to me good-for starters I was monitoring their call for legal purposes and secondly they don't know who the they just called and that they would regret accepted that job! To never dare to contact me again or I would sue them and feed their information to all legal agencies including the news media-faster than they could leave that scripted message again-then asked if they understood English-you vicious animal preying on people that honestly were looking for a cash advance-that they were a group of extortionist and that I had reported them to major government agencies including the FBI-they hung up! Don't be fooled by these people! Im serious too-I did report them to the agencies in the comment above! They are sick and if I have to feed their info to CNN I will have no problem the country has to see what's happening! Not even a collection agency has the right to leave msg. Like these people do let alone threaten to take you to jail! Call them back and scare them the way they tried to do to us!
2011-04-14 21:03:58
They left a disturbing msg. Saying if I or my
Retained attorney didn't call them back, all they could do is wish me luck with what lies ahead for me-what kind of sick people leave such threatening msgs. PLEASE DON'T BE SCARED THEY R SCAMMERS!! I just hope that people check the number
On the Internet before they call back let alone send these animals with no scruples their credit card!! Oh but don't worry-I called them back and good! They were nasty on the first attempt but after they felt just alittle how i felt when i heard their msg.. I can threaten too! Record the calls and save the msgs. And let them know that it will be escalated!!  They called the wrong person! Just think we are a country of laws-I don't know what country their calling from or think we belong too, but even collection calls have laws and they have no right to threaten innocent people! We can sue them and make sure you tell them that-you want the name of their company, reason for call and what they alledge that you owe-then your going to report them to the better business b. And whatever law enforcement agencies you can find-and to top it off you can even use the news media if need be to stop them-you will get an attorney if neccessary to sue them-and you'll see how fast their heads will start spinning and how you will never receive a call from them again! They think that because you applied for a stupid payday loan you don't have the means for an attorney and prey on the fact that you can't afford one! They don't knownthat there are free attorneys here in the us and that they can go to jail for a very long time if proven or atleast their head hancho which I'm sure is an American that should be ashamed of himself!! Unreal! Rest assure that this will be uncovered and they seriously called the wrong person-they don't know how people in the us communicate and that word does get around so their boiler room operation may have been functioning well before they left that msg. Today!! Please stand up for what you believe and call them back not to pay but so they know you know your rights as a US citizen and how they are in the hot seat for leaving msgs like that not you!! I'm emailing the attorney general and seeing how this number can be pinpointed-atleast to it's pre-paid owner using satellite from India and paying them $20 a week to scare us! They better believe I'm retaining an attorney and a big one-FOR FREE-the ones you see comentating on the big news stations along with other big companies that would love to hear about this! they know nothing about being honest and democracy!
2011-04-07 15:38:38
Debt Collector
I received a call like this also at work. It was from the California Law Group and his name was Rocky Anderson. I quickly looked this number up and found this website. Thanks. I told him this is a scam and he was pretty quick to get off the phone. I then asked for his name again and he told me Roderick Fredrick. I hope they don't call back. I think I might call them back on turn the radio on really loud and blast it in their ear when they say hello.
2011-04-04 22:25:29
Just got a call from "Jennifer" Yesterday with threatining tones about lawyers and bad stuff. I returned the call and said "My name is [John Smith] and I am returning your call. By law I must inform you this call is being recorded for legal purposes." He asked me my name then immediatly disconnected. Don't think I'll be hearing back from them.
lisa mo
lisa mo
2011-04-04 21:04:01
Debt Collector
Received several calls but did not answer. Left message stating to call back or else since they will issuing something at 11:30 tomorrow since I had taken part in a fraud.  I told them to execute anything they wanted since I am in bankruptcy and that I have filed a harassment report with the FBI.  At that point...they hung up on me.
2011-03-31 19:08:11
Debt Collector

This message is intended for -----.. I need you or your attorney (unintelligble) to return the call. The issue at hand is extremely time sensitive. My name is Roger Jones. And Hotline to my division 661-240-9237. Don?t disregard this message, return the call. Now. If you don?t return the call or I don?t hear from your attorney either, the only thing I can do is (unintelligible words here) as the situation unfolds on you ___. Goodbye.

All the while trying in vain not to have a middle east accent (laughable try)

I totally got the same message but my guy was a "John" and couldn't understand his last name.

we should all pull a "Seinfeld" and ask for their personal phone#'s and call them in the middle of the night and day. that'll get them.
Miss Jade
Miss Jade
2011-03-29 17:31:05
It's been happening to me for a year now and it hasn't worked so I don't know why they keep trying. A Local Detective already told him to stop calling me. I had this message waiting for me when I got to work this morning. Have no fear of these people and for God's sake, do not send them any money.


This message is intended for -----.. I need you or your attorney (unintelligble) to return the call. The issue at hand is extremely time sensitive. My name is Roger Jones. And Hotline to my division 661-240-9237. Don?t disregard this message, return the call. Now. If you don?t return the call or I don?t hear from your attorney either, the only thing I can do is (unintelligible words here) as the situation unfolds on you ___. Goodbye.

All the while trying in vain not to have a middle east accent (laughable try)

I hope these guys understand that they can call me all they want and it won't make up for muhammed being a pedophile and rapist with a God complex.
2011-03-29 02:32:41
Prank Call
I received a message from a Jack Thomas on Fridat 3/18.  So on Monday I called to find out what this was all about.  He insisted on reading me this adfidavit telling me about a payday loan that I took out and never repaid.  Told me that I was going to me arrested.  Knew my email address and place of employment.  Was really rude and aggressive on the phone.  When I was inquiring more about the issue he said I don't care we are coming after you and hung up.  Then I called back got the same person and he hung up.  I was frantic.  Talked it over with a co worker and he insisted for me to google the number and thats where I found this site.  Thank God for this site.  Its a scam.
2011-03-28 01:48:34
Prank Call
Alex Scott called said dont disreard this message a legal matter or have your attorney call them Well  I dont answer these call anymore just keep reporting them I hope this helps it is driving me nuts
2011-03-22 16:51:14
THIS IS A SCAM. Scammers pretend to be law enforcement (police, sheriff, Feds, AG's Office, fake cop agencies with made-up names) and using bought/hacked loan application data to extort money for fictitious crimes or your personal ID.
The real DEA warns about fake-DEA extortion scams here http://www.justice.gov/dea/pubs/states/newsrel/2010/denver111010.html
The real FBI warns about payday loan extortion scams here http://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/paydayloanscam_120710
The real FDA warns about fake-FDA extortion scams here http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/2009/ucm195814.htm
The real FDIC warns about fake-FDIC extortion scams here http://www.fdic.gov/news/news/specialalert/2010/sa10131.html
Report to the Internet Crime Complaint Center http://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx , the Federal Communications Commission http://esupport.fcc.gov/complaints.htm , the Federal Trade Commission https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/ and your state AG, as appropriate.
C. Crago
C. Crago
2011-03-22 16:45:10
I have been contacted from this mentioned number.  The person is telling me that I have been named in a fraud law suit.  The4y would not give me the name4 of the company that was filing this suit.  They were demanding $792 immediately to stop any further legal action.  The name that was given was David Stone.  This person's english was very broken and very hard to understand.  I was also told that he was from the federal government.  He threatened to have an investigator come to my employer and then come to my home and arrest me.  Please find some way to stop these harrassing phone calls for all of us.  This is very interrupting of our daily lives.
2011-03-22 13:04:05
Debt Collector
This is yet ANOTHER scam. These people give themselves American names in the hopes that people will fall for their threats and give money/information. Please DO NOT. I unfortunately fell for this twice to the tune of $1500 before i googled the information and found out how they operate.  these numbers should be forwarded immediately to the US Federal Government 989-497-0580.
2011-03-18 16:08:16
This idiot left a message at my place of work (fed govt). They are so dumb thinking that giving themselves English names they would sound legitimate even though their accents are clearly Indian/Pakistany.  The first time it scared me quite a bit but then looked up the number and found out what was going on. I cannot wait for them to call back and have my "lawyer" speak to them. This is going to be great.
I have a suggestion: lets find out where they are really from (the number on caller id is most likely a VoIp number), buy tickets and make their lives a living hell. I am such an easy going person, but they drive me nuts and just simply aggrevate me.
2011-03-15 02:58:27
Debt Collector
Ok so my girlfriend got a call from this number this morning, they left a message saying if we didnt call they would come to our house. I have delt with these guy's before and found the only way to keep them at bay for a while is to make thier life hell. They get very upset when you prank call them, so I did for 3 day's and the calls stopped for several month's. So we got another call today and when i had some free time i would call and prank them, they got really upset. So here is my proposel I say if they call you take some time and return the favor!!! if you know what i mean. If we all take a little time to do so it will make their little scam a living hell.. Just saying
1-888-556-5158 1-302-374-5757 1-776-096-4640
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