Monopoly Money
Monopoly Money
2013-07-28 19:35:58
Yet you have been spending time keeping track of others.
2013-07-26 18:30:55
Someone certainly got "owned" to use your words, but it wasn't Mouse.  Jose the hoser.
2013-07-26 04:10:59
After reading your posts, it is clear you are posting as numerous individuals in a vain attempt to gain credibility.   As someone who has no vested interest in this issue, it is clear to me that you have no sense of logic.  New York Pizza has no bearing on this conversation.  Scams, deceit and criminal intent are the the subjects at hand.

I support Mouse all the way.  Go get bent Jose.
2013-07-26 03:38:53
not but I put Anoniemouse on the wall of shame for her actions which were unacceptable
Monopoly Money
Monopoly Money
2013-07-26 00:20:50
Should I cry for you?
2013-07-25 22:34:46
It's Jose here again in Mexico. I must have put down the incorrect phone number then for national settlement services cause when called back they picked up as national settlement services. Annoying mouse putting these phony and fake numbers to try and make us call you is rather immature and you deserve to be put on the wall of shame here. I was never asking for legal services and your snooty attitude is rather rude.
2013-07-19 00:24:38
(1) When I call 855-228-1212, I reach a Canadian company called Superior Pool Spa & Leisure Ltd. at 65 Bentley Avenue, Unit 13, Ottawa, ON, K2E 8B4.  See http://www.superiorpool.com/commercial/contact .
Although I've viewed their website, I know little else about this company.  But I have no reason to suspect that they are anything other than legitimate.

(2) I can find no reference at all indicating that there are Mexican phone numbers that start with the numbers "855".  See, for example, http://www.searchpeopledirectory.com/international-reverse-phone/mexico/ .

(3) "855" is the country code for Cambodia.  See http://countrycode.org/cambodia .  And Cambodia is one of those places where cell phones are dirt cheap.  See http://www.cnbc.com/id/100389403 .  However, although I can confirm that there are Cambodian numbers that begin with "85523", I cannot find any confirmation that any Cambodian numbers begin with "85522".  But a Cambodian number would be longer than a 10-digit caller ID could display -- if that's the type of display you had when you received the call.

I doubt that a Canadian pool and spa company would be wasting their time calling Mexico about offering legal services or almost anything else, and if they did, I think they would use their regular 613 or 416 numbers.  So there's something fishy going on that hasn't been explained to my satisfaction yet.

If you are asking about legal services in Mexico rather than about phone numbers, you have come to the wrong place, I think.  I suggest you contact the auto club of your choosing, an attorney who practices international law for a recommendation, or perhaps a US consulate in Mexico, if you are a US citizen.  I think I can say with a fair amount of confidence that regulation of the legal profession is much less stringent in Mexico than in the United States, that automobile accidents appear to be criminal offenses in Mexico, that you may be assumed to be guilty until proven innocent in a criminal case in Mexican courts, and that the rules that apply for legal precedence that you might be familiar with in the United States are quite different in Mexico.  Even though special rules apply for US motorists who drive within a relatively short distance from the border, you should probably look into getting a Mexican insurance policy even if you never go beyond that limit.  But you should ask your local auto club for information about that, not some random person (like me) on 800notes.

My +447017602550 number remains open for you to call 24/7 and may stay that way for a while.  It's not cheap, and you will probably have to leave a message, but I had to shut down the 888 number because it can be abused too easily by others.  If you leave me a message at the +4470 number that sufficiently piques my interest, I'll try to find some way to contact you that will retain our privacy.  Just don't expect any legal advice.
2013-07-18 21:17:07
Wow. Looks like I have missed a lot since I let the community know about the firm that called me when I was in Mexico. I apologize but I thought it was National Settlement Services but am not 100% sure it was the name. I think that AnonieMouse you are way out of your league to be insulting myself and the other members with your allegations. You were incorrect as was I with the companies name but you started a poopstorm and you should apologize for being very rude. I tried to call the number you posted instead of posting a reply for the community but you have not posted a valid phone number.

Finally the representative who spoke spanish to me did say that he was based in Mexico when he called and it was from the 855 phone number.

Danny to you. I do not have many kind things to say to you either. While your not as bad as the mouse your actions are uneeded and I appreciate it if you stay out of other peoples business.
2013-07-18 20:39:10

My 888-250-4472 number is closed and your bluff was called, but not my phone.
2013-07-17 19:48:32
I don't think Danny would do that.  

This will all be over by tomorrow afternoon, so why not just let it play out?
2013-07-17 16:20:52
@Anoniemouse and Danny  You guys have too much time on your hands. Go help people at a soup kitchen or something.
2013-07-17 16:17:10
This is your final chance, Danny.  My 888-250-4472 number is going to be closed after 4:10 p.m. Thursday afternoon after your last chance to call me toll free.  This number is exclusively for you.  But you haven't called it yet, nor have you called my +447017602550 number (which is available 24/7).

And try not to be a coward by blocking your phone number.  If you could successfully do that, your call won't go through.  And what's fair is fair -- I posted my phone numbers for you, the least you can do is give me yours.

You may not have time to travel to Mexico, Europe, Canada, and Asia anymore, but at least give me a call from your home or wherever you may be.  Either that, or be honest and admit that you are a scammer yourself.
2013-07-14 14:59:11
Hey, Danny -- I haven't heard from you yet on your dare to get me to post my phone number here!

If you don't want to call my toll-free number or call me only during certain limited times, then call me ANY TIME YOU WANT at +447017602550.  You will either reach me or my voice mail.  Leave a message!  Tell me where you are!  Call anytime!  Just don't call anonymously, or your call won't go through.  (Remember, I'm calling your bluff!)  And please let me know how your trip to all of the places you promised you would go is going!  Or call me from your home if you are stuck and can't get out for some reason.  I'm worried about you!

Just be sure to check in advance with your local carrier to see how much calling me at that number is going to cost you.  I can't be responsible for that, but you can rest assured that I neither set that price nor get so much as a single penny of it.

If I don't hear from you in a reasonable time, I, along with most of the people who see your posts here, are going to (justifiably, I think) conclude that you are a shill.
2013-07-13 04:29:42
---> Distainful Danny dared, "If you think your so smart with the toll free numbers then please post your phone number here and I will gladly ... call you myself from their phone number." <---

888-250-4472.  I gave this to you in an earlier post.  But you haven't me called yet.

Do you need more time to reach me?  Subject to the same conditions as the earlier post I referred to, I have expanded the time during which you may call to include, from July 13, 2013 to July 18, 2013, on or up to 10 minutes past the hours of 10, noon, 2, and 4 Eastern time.  

For example, you could call anytime up to and including Thursday, July 18, 2013 at 10:00-10:10 a.m., noon to 12:10 p.m., 2:00-2:10 p.m., and 4:00-4:10 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.  And that includes this Saturday and Sunday.

Again, if I find my number being abused, I will shut it down immediately.  But if you want, you can just call me from your home rather than all the places you said you would go.  That should save you some money.
2013-07-11 08:12:35
---> Danny, in his tedious fanfaronade, posted, "please post your phone number here and I will gladly go down to national settlement services in Mexico and call you myself from their phone number." <---

So you know where this firm is and what their phone number is?  Please post its location and its telephone number.  Do you work for them?  Where are YOU located?  What is YOUR phone number?

---> "From the original poster Jose and I quote: 'and is based in Mexico that provides prepaid legal services'" <---

One more time.  I wasn't answering the original poster.  I was answering Mr. Hernandez.  

And how did Jose know that the firm was based in Mexico when it called him on an 855 number caller ID?  You don't know, do you?  Did the person calling him say so?  Do you believe everything you read on the Internet put there by someone who is quoting an otherwise unverifiable third party and take what that quote says as the truth?  

And that's not intended to denigrate Jose in any way.  He seems only to have posted what he thought he knew and asked for information.  That's legitimate -- even hearsay within hearsay might be useful to someone investigating something.  The information I am supplying may or may not be of interest to him.  But you ... are supplying pious claptrap, not information.  Case in point:

---> "People like you make me sick" <---

Thank you.  That is my intent and it is enormously gratifying to me to see confirmation from you that I am succeeding.

---> "you refuse to admit when you are wrong." <---

Then you are too dense to have observed that I qualified my remarks to Mr. Hernandez, "I could be wrong, but that doesn't sound like a law firm to me," and, "... there is a 'National Settlement Services, Inc.' listed in a Florida BBB site ... This site does not show the same telephone number that called you," and, "Even though this might not be the entity calling you ..." and, "In any event, I can find no listing or reason to believe at this time that there is a legitimate law firm by the name 'National Settlement Service.'  If you or anyone else finds out otherwise, please let us know."

If you can show me that the caller from the 855 number is actually the supposed Mexican-based law firm calling Mexican hotel rooms in Mexico, I will admit that I am wrong.  But I also think it is more likely than not that a "legitimate" Mexican-based insurance or legal services provider calling someone in Mexico would want to inconvenience the people they are calling in Mexico with a US or Canadian "855" number.  (For someone to return that call, that person would have to change the toll-free code 855 to another number, possibly 884, in order to call back.  And the person returning the call would likely be charged for an international call, anyway.  See http://traveltips.usatoday.com/dial-tollfree-numbers-mexico-61943.html )

---> "If you think your so smart with the toll free numbers then please post your phone number here and I will gladly go down to national settlement services in Mexico and call you myself from their phone number. I will also go to Europe and call you from an 800 phone number from there as well. Then I will go to Canada and call you toll free from there, Asia YEP ILL DO THAT TOO." <---

Sigh.  My number is 888-250-4472.

You see, I'm calling your bluff.

Other than making you sound like a fool threatening to travel to all of these places (especially National Settlement Services in Mexico), there is no real point to doing this.  I know how VOIP works and how you can get a 855 or other toll-free number in the U.S. without actually having to be in the U.S.  But if you know where this National Settlement Services actually is, why don't you just TELL us instead of calling me names?

I am supplying my telephone number to you CONDITIONALLY.  You will have 10 minutes a day to call during the workweek starting July 11.  If you really do choose to call me, call 888-250-4472 ONLY between 9:00 and 9:10 a.m. Eastern time on either July 11 or 12, or between 2:00 and 2:10 p.m. Eastern time on either July 15, 16, or 17.  Your call will be rejected if you don't.

This number is JUST for you.  If I find the number is being abused by you or anyone else, I will take it down ASAP and release the number back into the toll-free number pool, as I otherwise intend to do after I am finished using it for the purpose of calling your bluff.  After it gets reassigned, someone just might go after anyone who chooses to abuse it.

Just make sure that you call it ONCE from National Settlement Services in Mexico, ONCE from Canada, and ONCE from Europe.  OK, I'll tolerate it if you call twice from each place.  And use a phone that transmits ANI indicative of your REAL location -- not Skype numbers, VOIP numbers that you buy and throw away, cell phone numbers that could be located anywhere, or toll-free termination services that supply their own number as ANI.  That's because I want to ascertain YOUR actual geographic location -- since you were the one to put it at issue.

If you prefer, I may decide to give you another number to call in the future that is a regular dial-up number, not a toll-free number, but I will expect you to ask me in a nice way if you want it posted here.  And it might take a few days for me to get back to this thread to see your request.  Who knows?  If I don't see you calling me, I may post the other number anyway.

---> "Just because more then one person here calls you out on being an IDIOT does not mean that you have to assume that only one person ... [garbled nonsense follows]"  <---

You don't know who you are talking to on this web site, especially when they log in using names coined for the nonce.  But YOU claim to know where this National Settlement Services actually is in Mexico.  

If you can do that, why are you wasting your time and energy calling me names?  Just prove me wrong, instead.  I'd accept that, IF you can do it.
2013-07-10 19:31:01
Debt Collector
Here we go. From the original poster Jose and I quote: "and is based in Mexico that provides prepaid legal services"

BASED IN MEXICO. The Key Phrase BASED IN MEXICO IS RIGHT THERE. If you think your so smart with the toll free numbers then please post your phone number here and I will gladly go down to national settlement services in Mexico and call you myself from their phone number. I will also go to Europe and call you from an 800 phone number from there as well. Then I will go to Canada and call you toll free from there, Asia YEP ILL DO THAT TOO. People like you make me sick because you truly do not make the world a better place and you refuse to admit when you are wrong.

Just because more then one person here calls you out on being an IDIOT does not mean that you have to assume that only one person Mr. Tampa Florida Ray is the same person as everybody else in life that has realized you are an idiot. Who are you Julie, Barack Obama, and AnnoyingMouse all in one because you have your panties all up in a bunch?
2013-07-08 10:50:56
One other thing (as Detective Columbo used to say).  Can you explain to me why or even how a company supposedly based in Mexico and operating legitimately has an "855" prefix number?  There is apparently NO geographic area in Mexico that currently uses that number, and ALL toll-free calls in Mexico use an "800" prefix - not 888, 877, 866, or 855.  And Mexico is NOT part of the North American Numbering Plan that uses these "area codes" as non-geographic toll-free lines.  That would mean that the company doing the solicitation -- or at least the caller -- was probably NOT located in Mexico or is spoofing the telephone number.

In other words, the assertion that the firm is "based in Mexico" doesn't smell right.

By the way, Mr. Smarty Pants, or whatever name you are going by today, you will note that I was replying to Mr. Hernandez, NOT Jose, and Mr. Hernandez did not say that the firm was based out of Mexico.  Indeed, there is no indication in his post at all that he was either in Mexico when he received his call or that he even has anything to do with Mexico at all.
2013-07-08 09:19:11
So which one are you? Ray or Danny?

Enquiring minds want to know!
2013-07-07 19:43:10
So I am not here to make you sound like an idiot because you copied and pasted public Florida Statutes but your ignorance and the time you spent really makes it hard. If you had read the original post about the national settlement services law firm you would have seen that they are based out of Mexico. In Mexico the laws of America and naming rights DO NOT MATTER.

Your ignorance and the fact that our fellow board members even applauded your post shows how shallow 800notes has become in the past few years. We used to have members with integrity and intelligence who actually read the posts instead of sounding off with inept accusations but that ship has obviously sailed long ago.

2013-07-05 03:46:48
---> "Tampa Bay Ray" cooked up this half-baked retort, "Does every pizza place named New York Pizza have to be owned by this same company?" <---

No, but they have to be owned by *somebody.*  And that "somebody" needs to be made public in the state of Florida.  See Fla. Stat. Ch. 865.09:

"(1) SHORT TITLE.?This section may be cited as the "Fictitious Name Act."
(2) DEFINITIONS.?As used in this section:
(a) "Fictitious name" means any name under which a person transacts business in this state, other than the person's legal name.
(b) "Business" means any enterprise or venture in which a person sells, buys, exchanges, barters, deals, or represents the dealing in any thing or article of value, or renders services for compensation.
(c) "Division" means the Division of Corporations of the Department of State.
(3) REGISTRATION.?A person may not engage in business under a fictitious name unless the person first registers the name with the division by filing a sworn statement listing:
(a) The name to be registered.
(b) The mailing address of the business.
(c) The name and address of each owner and, if a corporation, its federal employer's identification number and Florida incorporation or registration number.
(d) Certification by the applicant that the intention to register such fictitious name has been advertised at least once in a newspaper as defined in chapter 50 in the county where the principal place of business of the applicant will be located.
(e) Any other information the division may deem necessary to adequately inform other governmental agencies and the public as to the persons so conducting business. ... "

There are some exceptions in Florida.  Continuing with Fla. Stat. Ch. 865.09:

"... (7) EXEMPTIONS.? A business formed by an attorney actively licensed to practice law in this state, by a person actively licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation or the Department of Health for the purpose of practicing his or her licensed profession, or by any corporation, partnership, or other commercial entity that is actively organized or registered with the Department of State is not required to register its name pursuant to this section, UNLESS the name under which business is to be conducted differs from the name as licensed or registered." [emphasis added]

The Florida Bar website is currently off-line for system upgrades, so the full rules are not available right now.  However, the Supreme Court of Florida amended the rules regulating the Florida Bar on Jan. 31, 2013 in In Re Amendments to the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar -- Subchapter 4-7, Lawyer Advertising Rules, No. SC11-1327, Jan 31, 2013 (108 So.3d 609).

Rule 4-7.12 (a) says that "All advertisements for legal employment [meaning employing a lawyer to represent you -- not for getting a job in a law firm] must include: (1) the name of at least 1 lawyer, the law firm, the lawyer referral service ... and (2) the city, town or country of 1 or more bona fide office locations of the lawyer who will perform the services advertised."  In a comment to this rule, the Supreme Court of Florida said that a lawyer referral service or lawyer directory must include its actual legal name or a registered fictitious name in all advertisements in order to comply with this advertisement."

So it seems as though looking the name up to see who the fictitious name "National Settlement Services Inc." actually belongs to really is a good idea.  The fact that I could not find this name currently registered in the State of Florida (where I have to presume the individual to whom I was originally responding happens to be located, because he mentioned Tampa, Florida in his original message) suggests (at least to the extent of the effort I expended on searching for it) that there is no company legally operating in the State of Florida by that name.

However, I did note that the BBB shows a license number in the listing of a company going by this fictitious name in Tampa, Florida.  The BBB says that the license is a telemarketing license.  My attempts to check for this license have not met with success.

The reason I don't think this is a law firm contacting Mr. Hernandez (or perhaps even someone having is best interests at heart) is Rule 4-7.18, Direct Contact with Prospective Clients:

"(a) Solicitation.  Except as provided in subdivision (b) of this rule [having to do with written communications], a lawyer may not: (1) solicit, or permit employees or agents of the lawyer to solicit, on the lawyer's behalf, professional employment from a prospective client with whom the lawyer has no family or prior professional relationship, in person or otherwise, when a significant motive for the lawyer's doing so is the lawyer's pecuniary gain.  The term "solicit" includes contact in person, by telephone, telegraph, or facsimile, or by other communication directed to a specific recipient ..."

According to Mr. Hernandez, it seems as though what is prohibited by this rule is exactly what "National Settlement Services Inc." of the 855 number variety did to him.

Furthermore, the use of the name "National Settlement Services, Inc." by a law firm in Florida seems to be questionable in and of itself.  According to Rule 4-7.21, Firm Names and Letterhead, "(a) ... A lawyer may not use a firm name, letterhead, or other professional designation that violates rules 4-7.11 through 4-7.15.  (b) Trade Names.  A lawyer may practice under a trade name if the name is not deceptive ..."

It is not particularly made clear to me by the Florida Supreme Court comments whether "National Settlement Services, Inc." is a misleading or deceptive trade name for a law firm.  But lawyers are licensed by states -- there is no national license for lawyers.  Therefore, calling your firm "National" something or other might fall into the category of being misleading.

With regard to the National Settlement Services, Inc. of Tampa listed in the BBB, as I noted in my previous post, they are listed by the BBB as something other than a law firm.

I have no specific knowledge of this firm, and cannot vouch for them one way or the other.  It may only be a coincidence that Mr. Hernandez mentioned Tampa, FL and this company is also located in Tampa, FL.  In your extreme care in trying to "showcase how insane I am," you must also have noted that I said the company listed by the BBB did not have the same telephone number as the number that called Mr. Hernandez.

However, if you do a Google search for "National Settlement services, Inc. florida" (without the quotation marks), you fill find National Settlement Services, Inc. of Tampa, FL all over the front page of the search results.  Since it so prominently appeared in the search results, it might well be chosen as a starting point to look for a company that calls people connected to the State of Florida.

If National Settlement Services, Inc. of Tampa, FL isn't this company that called Mr. Hernandez, then that's wonderful.  Maybe you made them aware of the fact that someone may be ripping off their name without permission.  Perhaps that might be a state or common law trademark infringement or even a unfair business practice under Florida law.

If they *are* calling him, I noted in my original post, "The failure to verify the license could be a computer glitch or incompatibility, a server being down, or some other cause, but I think it may raise a point of further investigating if this *is* the company that called you."  Nothing more, nothing less.  I don't have any reason or motivation to do a complete search for the Tampa company's licenses.  I think it is safe to presume that they or someone else will do that if anyone actually needs to do so.

I don't want to line the pockets of Texas politicians, so I will not answer your hypothetical question regarding the business you referred to in Houston, Texas.  (The secretary of state's office there is one of the few states that seems to actually require the public to pay for their fictitious name registration on-line lookup service.)
Tampa Bay Ray
Tampa Bay Ray
2013-07-05 00:57:24
So I called the (813) 498-0080 phone number for the company that you listed above and they are certainly not a law firm. They Specialize in debt relief so they are two totally different companies. I would say associating two companies one being a law firm and one being a debt firm just because they have the same name is associating a pizza place with the name New York Pizza as all being the same exact company.

To showcase how insane you are without being too rude here is a New York Pizza Co. http://www.yelp.com/biz/new-york-pizza-co-houston that is based in Houston, Texas. Does every pizza place named New York Pizza have to be owned by this same company? Gosh when did 800 notes become so shallow.
2013-06-30 08:34:34
I could be wrong, but that doesn't sound like a law firm to me.

There are apparently several companies operating with the same name.  Many seem to be in the financial sector or the mortgage title business, so they wouldn't be interested in your car accident.  There's also a National Settlement Service provided by the Federal Reserve Banks, but this would be nothing you would ever be concerned with unless you were a bank.

But, there is a "National Settlement Services, Inc." listed in a Florida BBB site at:
http://www.bbb.org/west-florida/business-revi ... mpa-fl-90106926
This site does not show the same telephone number that called you, but it does show that they are in the debt collection business and have a telemarketing license from the state of Florida.  (Even though this might not be the entity calling you, I tried to validate this license number at https://www.myfloridalicense.com/wl11.asp but that search did not turn up a valid license of any kind.  The failure to verify the license could be a computer glitch or incompatibility, a server being down, or some other cause, but I think it may raise a point of further investigating if this *is* the company that called you.)

In any event, I can find no listing or reason to believe at this time that there is a legitimate law firm by the name "National Settlement Service."  If you or anyone else finds out otherwise, please let us know.
Juan Hernandez
Juan Hernandez
2013-06-30 05:59:49
Got a call from this law firm after my car accident but I am not sure as to how they got my number. Do they get a database of phone numbers of which those who been in car accidents shows up? Not sure but the guy was nice to me. I was supposed to go to a baseball game at tropicana field in tampa, Florida but cant go now because of the accident I was in. Can this national settlement law firm help me out?
2013-06-18 08:51:44
Got a call from a national settlement services Law Firm that specializes in personal injury and is based in Mexico that provides prepaid legal services and they wanted to give me a free trial but I had to give them my credit card information. Unfotunately this phone call came in to my hotel room when I was in Mexico and not back at my house in Florida. This was odd to me as the hotel should of had a better monitoring system to stop these types of calls from coming into my hotel room but none the less I want the public to know about the reviews of national settlement services inc and their prepaid legal services. If anybody else has used their legal services
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