2013-04-12 02:33:51
Lo mismo nos paso alguien llamo a mi tio diciendo que mi papa habia tenido un accidente y que ellos lo que querian era que el les pagara en cash el dano del carro que ellos sabian que mi papa tenia asegurado el carro pero que ellos no querian solucionar nada con la aseguradora porque ellos tenian problemas con la justicia, y que cuando mi papa se nego a darles dinero que ellos se lo llevaron y que le estaban pegando con una arma. Que mi tio tenia que buscar la manera de solucionar el problema y que por ningun motivo llamaramos a la policia. Que si mi tio se reusaba a negociar con ellos que hiban a matar a mi papa y que luego hiban a ir detras de mi tio para matarlo a el tambien.
2013-04-08 20:47:23
Esta misma persona llamo a una amiga,disiendolole lo mismo,que alguien dela familia sufrio un accidente,yo estaba hay en ese momento y cuando pase colgo,despues lo llame y le pregunte que quienera  de donde llamaba,y dijo que si que un familiar sufrio un accidente y le repeti quien es ,de donde llama ,ydicees una emergencia,y cuando le dije que si era la madre de el la del accidente,medijo colombiano hp y colgo.....
2013-04-07 23:52:44
they did this to my family we were losing our mind's imagine someone asking gor money or they gonna kill ur family member all i want to say if u reading this eres una basura y no vales nada me das pena por tu madre por tener un hijo tan puerco hahaha pelagato vete a trabajar insecto....
2013-04-04 20:48:02
They're apparently calling phones in CT a lot,,,

http://stratford.patch.com/articles/police-wa ... own-this-number
2013-04-03 14:57:34
Some idiot sent me texts in Spanish from this number. I responded in Spanish and followed up with a call (also in Spanish) Obviously a poorly educated moron.
2013-04-02 19:10:44
I too received a phone call moments ago from that number. He informed me that a family member of mine was in the hospital and he was asking for money as assistance. However, he refused to identify himself, or where the "accident" was located.

Please be aware of this scam, for this is such a horrible thing for someone to have had experienced!
2013-03-28 23:44:08
Maria and Anna, I would like to somehow contact you guys regarding this. Me and Virginia above experienced this call yesterday, where he said he would kill my father if Virginia did not pay up. He then threaten to kill her and said that he has seen her before and will see her again and "touch" her. This guy needs to be locked up. He also said he called himself Carlitos.
2013-03-28 18:40:24
I got a call like this too. Thank god it was all fake.
2013-03-23 23:10:48
I am also a family member of the incident. When my sister contacted us and explained what happened we started gathering and when we got there I happened to see my nephew. It was a relief to know that it wasn't true at all. We went to the 25th District Police Department, We reported it and was told nothing can be done because our nephew is with us and safe. Although, we do not know who these people are. Someone by the name of JOEL RODRIGUEZ, is in questioned. While on the phone with this apparent kidnapper, they started hitting, kicking and yelling out "who are you?" then gun fire was heard and one of the perpetrators say "throw him down the steps" and we have no idea how true is this, but we tried reporting it and was told "Nothing can be done".
2013-03-23 20:37:06
Recieved a call from this number and was told that my nephew was in an accident and for them to release him they needed us to come up with 1500 by the end of the day cause apparently he was in a car accident got tough with them, and they took him after they beat him down. So they were holding him until a family member pays up. During the call on a three way with my sister and CARLITO the apparent kidnapper my nephew walked in. Unharmed and in one peace. Jehovah thank you !!! So please if anyone receives a call like that pray hard like we did. Even though they did have someone as they said, I pray it is not a true attempt but a scam as the police here think it is..
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