2014-03-22 03:48:06
2014-03-22 03:44:23
My husband went to meet with them and they actually did help! He was working in the same company for 15 years and he was tired of it, but because the job market has changed so much, it was difficult for him to find another job. Thanks to the people at TOP he found a job he actually loves. There are people out there that do actually need assistance and you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Just because you don't feel you need or want help doesn't mean that others should have to be misinformed because of your personal opinion.
2014-02-25 17:29:17
From: MC
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: Meeting Confirmation

I just wanted to send you a message to thank you for having me waste 20 minutes commute time in addition to 40 minutes of wait time yesterday.  This speaks volumes about your company and its business practices.  Upon further research, I discovered more about your firm and their snaky business practices.  I truly wish that you had been honest upfront before making me waste my time and money to go all the way down there.  I especially feel sorry for the desperate candidates parading in and out of your office and pray for them to see through the scamming dog and pony show you people seem to put on.  

Please lose my contact information, my resume, my phone number and NEVER for any reason whatsoever contact me again.  

You people should be ashamed of yourselves, preying on the desperate.

2014-02-10 20:45:59
Thank you all for alerting us to this scumbag organization!  It appears they have once again changed Administrators.  Amber wouldn't tell me any of their executive's names other than there are "several".  I initially accepted their appointment request but immediately cancelled after reading this ongoing thread.

Amber N.
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75240
(972)386-7171 EXT: 10
2013-12-22 23:49:04
Chalk up another call from Michelle R.  She called me from 214-232-7586.

Michelle R.
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75240
(972)386-7171 EXT: 10

I was suspicious, but went ahead and bought a ream of good paper to print my hard copy resume, then did some more research and stumbled on this site.  I just sent them a note advising them that I wouldn't be there tomorrow.
2013-11-21 20:34:59
Ha!  I just hung up the phone with Michelle.  Made an appointment before reading all of these posts...thank you for saving me the long drive!

Here's a new contact number:  214-232-7586

Buyer beware!  Good luck to everyone on their job search.
D Williams
D Williams
2013-11-21 15:45:41
My initial message was also from

Michelle R.
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75240

I went to the initial "intro" meeting yesterday with Larry. I really had an uneasy feeling about some of his "slick talking" sales presentation. I was forwarded via email a copy of my potential incurred costs, ($5,775.00 + $2,000 more after 90 days) should I proceed. I agree with all of the comments so far... and there will not be a 2nd meeting for any further discussion. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

2013-11-13 14:08:24
Looks like they have a new Admin, but the same story. Thanks for the heads-up.

Michelle R.
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75240
(972)386-7171 EXT: 10

2013-10-30 22:18:32
Boy, am I glad I did some research online. This is complete fraud.

Beware of below.

Lisa M.
Executive Administrator
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75240
P: (972) 386-7171
F: (972) 386-3275
Almost fooled
Almost fooled
2013-10-23 16:38:13
After reading some of these messages, I call Alyssa back and asked is there a fee?  Accordingly I was told that was determined on a case by case basis.  CANCELLED that waste of time! Disgusting.  Asking or a hard copy of your resume tips you off that this was telemarketing.
2013-09-24 19:56:28
Bozos called me today, but wouldn't tell me who they were other than "an executive search firm". Said they wanted to "partner" with me to help me advance my career.

They seem to have skimmed my contact information off of one of the job boards. I would watch out from any company whose afraid to even tell you their name. Also the fact that they use the word "partner" should be a warning sign for job seekers.
A Nony Mous
A Nony Mous
2013-09-11 17:28:32
Got this call today as well, from Alissa G.  Since this is the second time a company has contacted me about meeting with one of their "senior executives", I immediately looked the number off after making the appointment.

After reading the responses here, I'm glad I went with my gut and checked things out.

Contact info:
Alissa G.
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75240
(972)386-7171 EXT: 10
2013-09-10 15:25:23
Here is a new one:

Michelle R.
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75240
(972)386-7171 EXT: 10
E Carpenter
E Carpenter
2013-09-04 18:03:34
Just to make this thread more searchable for others who are being scammed, here's the contact information I got on my note:

Alissa G.
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75240
(972)386-7171 EXT: 10
E Carpenter
E Carpenter
2013-09-04 17:53:35
Thanks to everyone who's posted here!  It did sound a bit odd, and yes, I saw immediately that it's hard to look up a company called "Top" on the web, but I probably would have gone to the appointment, just to check it out, if I hadn't read these comments.   I was dubious about their IT expertise, but thought a meeting would be a good place to see if they knew what they were doing.

On the phone, there was no mention of a fee, no indication that they got paid by the job seeker.  If they were legit, that should be right up front.  Thanks for the warning!
2013-07-09 14:04:42

Just got my invite.  LOL! Looks like they changed admins again. I guess your conciseness gets to you after a while. Here is the newest scammer admin.

Chastity C.
Two Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250
Dallas, TX 75240
(972)386-7171 EXT: 10
2013-07-08 21:48:08
The other thing that threw me off was that she said the appointment email would not come out until the morning of the "interview". I thought this was odd at the time, but not that I have read these comments I get it. It's to keep people from having time to research the email domain until it's too late.

I fell for a similar, maybe same, scam before around 5 years ago.  The details are fuzzy but I remember it was in North Dallas and there was a pitch.  I was mad because I had taken off work and driven all the way from Arlington.  Man I was mad.
2013-07-08 21:44:30
I got the call today.  They used 972-239-1218 which showed on my caller ID as Budget Rent A Car. (Huge Red Flag.)
2013-04-02 17:41:07
Did not find this until I wasted my time meeting with them. Same format as above, I am so wonderful found my resume on the ladders and they are going to get me back to 250K. Red flags went of all over the place. I did the search before I met with them but by calling themselves TOP it makes the search harder. I was not going to forward and I pissed the guy off by the questions that I asked so I came back and found this thread. Glad I called him on his BS. I was absolutely not going to move forward but part of me wondered if I am too skeptical. Nope my instincts were correct. Contingency recruiters are OK but if someone wants money from you run they are just trying to take advantage of you.
2013-03-28 16:26:22
I received the same call today. What clued me in was that she said her Senior Executive about 7 times in two minutes. They used 972-965-3197. I had her email me. Once I got the email, I did some research  like the others. Total scam. Don't waste your time. Real executive search firms and head hunters don't work for you; they work for the business. That's where the real money is.
2013-03-05 00:24:11
Wow, glad I saw this before I went down there. The meeting prior to a phone conversation did seem odd. Good luck to all of my fellow job seekers!

they used 972-386-3275 and 7171.. also 972-239-1201
2013-02-20 23:07:05
I received a similar call this morning and did some quick checks after the short phone conversation.  First "one or our executives would like to meet you face to face" is a red flag in todays market.  Phone interviews happen first, as face to face meetings are a waste of everyones time.  Face to face meetings are useful to sales people since a 'captive' audience is much easier to pitch.

Then I googled the company and TOP is a fairly smart name for what they are doing.  "TOP executive/career/anything you want to put/dallas" will always bring up a LARGE number of articles that reference the subject, but make it difficult to pin down the actual company.  Their website is a complete joke.  it's full of stock photos's and paragraph text blobs in a 1/3 to 2/3 split.  Saying it's a template is giving them to much credit.   "Website tonight" is more like it.

As an IT Director, i tend to over-research things and can identify a false front.  I'd like to thank everyone here for taking the time to comment..I had already cancelled any further correspondence with this company, but confirmation will help me sleep tonight!

"more millionaires were made in the great depression than any other time in history"...is likely what they tell themselves on a daily basis.
2012-11-06 20:49:20
I thought the call was from a business that viewed my resume and wanted an interview.  It turns out; this is a company that goes by the name TOP.  It's in Two Lincoln Center on the 12th floor in a nice office space.  It looks official but during the "interview" Rob Mashigian VP of client services said something that immediately sent up a red flag.  I asked him about the company and he said you won't find us on the internet because we protect our client?s identities that are looking for jobs while they are still employed.  Further on in the conversation as he was telling a story about a client they helped he mentioned they negotiated a signing bonus and to have their "fees" paid. The 2 page slick has very little content and no mention of fees or specific services provided.  I was also given a stapled printed what was called a "redacted copy" of client testimonials.  I was also given a copy of an article from the Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation and told that it was written by a former client who said they could hand this out to any business woman who needed it. (Again stapled paper copy he printed while I was there).  I have no proof this is a scam but honestly after reading the other blog posts for the same company with different phone numbers I am going to trust my instincts.  These were the other numbers:  972-726-8700 (on Rob's business card) - 972-239-1575, 972-759-0076, 972-386-6133
2012-07-03 19:41:53
I, too, was just in a meeting with Jim Stewart VP of Client services.  I have no college degree and he told me he could get me an exec. position with around a $200K base.  I told him that would be very difficult considering I have no degree and his response was "They have 100% success rate".  They wanted $4400 upfront the $4400 when they got me a position with the $200K salary.  I am sooooooooooooo glad I found this website with y'alls comments!!  I am desperate but not an idiot!
2012-05-25 08:27:07
Any clue where this is from?
Tim Horvath
Tim Horvath
2012-05-24 20:36:12
Thanks for the input and feedback...I just received a message from Allisa at T.O.P. about my resume and will not be calling back to these preditors.
Perhaps I should and say I'll gladly pay the fee but my check will be drawn from the central Bank of Nigeria...LOL
2012-04-26 16:15:55
Thank you for helping me save a long drive to their office.
2012-04-20 22:14:25
Hey Guys - This is a note to all.  

I had the pleasure of visiting the TOP offices this morning.  My appt was setup through a call from Jen, but my presentation guy was not Larry, but "Jim Stewart, Vice President of Client Service" (whatever the heck that means).  Lots of BIG RED Flags all over the place, especially how he kept telling me how impressive my resume was.  It may be okay but let's not overdue the BS.  Anyway, it was the same presentation and pitch, then the mention of the fee.  I was quoted the same price of $5,700.  And I've done lots of my own searching about the company, etc, but cannot find anything on the internet.  I am glad, however, that I found your comments.  Validates all of my thoughts and how these types of companies are misleading and taking advantage of the unemployed.  They are true scumbags that prey on the desperate.  Very sad.
2012-04-10 12:54:38
I got the same sales pitch from Larry and Jen told me the same thing about no fee the employer pays the fee. There is a lot of websites connected to Larry Spradling and Dallastx-jobs.com but when you research them they were all created in or around April to July 2011. Larry told me the same thing been there at that location for 5 years and was renewing lease for another 5 years. And that he bought the business 18 years ago. I found his story about himself to be rehearsed so red flags were up before he ask me to put over $6000.00 on my credit card. Got home started digging on the internet for TOP or Dallastx-jobs as company names registered in TX and have not been able to locate any DBA or company listing with the state or county yet.
Larry Larry
Larry Larry
2012-02-27 22:33:11
Kind of smelled a rat while Larry was in the middle of his sales pitch.  He told me that he has been at the same location for five years and he just re-newed the lease with an option to re-new after five more years.  I thought that was odd to mention the meeting.  That was my first red falg.  Then he got to the point where he told me I had to pay %5,775.00 up front.  Jen, the secretary, told me when she called me the first time that I will not have to pay anything.  They get thier fee from the employer.  Well, on my way out I asked the secratery of the neighboring company about how long T.O.P. has been at this location?  She said about one year.  I hope Latty burn in hell.  The last thing I need now is to borrow more money while I am un-emplyed.
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