get even
get even
2012-11-21 23:36:07
If you have call forwarding on your phone for certain numbers, then forward this call and other annoying calls to 212 660 2245 (if you have unlimited long distance on your phone).  This is a recorded message made for scams like this one.
2012-11-04 19:37:50
Getting lots of calls from this number 253 382 9098  - caller ID shows Phone Services

If we answer, they hang up. If we do not answer, they do not leave a message
2012-10-28 23:22:04
Well actually Mr. "phone help" I don't know what your point is, and the statement itself is meaningless, pointless, and completely irrelevant to this topic. Please explain what ?Conservatives want less government for the same reason that criminals want less law enforcement? even means, and WHAT exactly does that have to do with spam callers.

I would suppose that you are trying to say that Conservatives would not protect us from these scoundrels, but the facts totally disprove that argument.

The facts are that the following laws were made in Congress to protect us from these spammers and scammers. And they were ALL made in REPUBLICAN Congresses:

*Do-Not-Call Implementation Act of 2003 ? 108th Congress with a REPUBLICAN majority and signed into law by a REPUBLICAN president
*The Do-Not-Call Registry 2003 ? 108th Congress with a REPUBLICAN majority
* The Can-Spam Act of 2003 ? That same 108th REPUBLICAN Congress
* The Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005 ? The 109th Congress which had an even larger REPUBLICAN majority than the 108th.

Conservatives don?t want fewer laws, as you state. They just want more effective laws, and laws that protect the citizens from the government. Whereas Liberals seem to want laws that give more protection TO the government, and laws that will give the government more power.

Put simply, Conservatives believe in people and Liberals believe in government. Conservatives believe that people know what?s best for them. Parents know what is best for their children ? NOT THE GOVERNMENT!  And for crying out loud, no government should ever ? EVER tell its citizens what size their soft drinks should be!!lol (and not one red cent of tax-payer money should be spent on this folly) But try telling that to a Liberal!!

You began your statement with an indictment of Conservatives. The statement had no place in the forum and had nothing to do with the discussion; and, you certainly didn?t give any facts to back it up. In fact, it only furthered my belief that the majority of Liberals are uninformed, small-minded people who use the same worn-out tired lines in every argument because they don't have the ingenuity to dig for facts, and just regurgitate the latest talking points from the Left-wing media or the last left-wing blog that they visited.

Thanks to you for proving my point.
2012-10-28 19:55:33
Sorry to tell you Rob, but that was probably the very worst thing you could have done. Now they know that:  

#1) They have reached a working number (and they will add your number to their list of "good" numbers and resell it to other companies, so you should start receiving waaay more than your share of future calls soon.    

#2) They have called at a time when someone is at home so the calls you get at this time every day will increase.    
#3) They have reached a person who is obviously naive about these types of calls and is probably also naive about these types of scams. Ca-Chin$$g!!

Best thing to do is block and ignore.
2012-10-26 20:32:00
And if you use all of your 80 blocked limit with the Digitone, it has another feature. You can set it to only allow the numbers or area codes that you want to call. If someone calls and is not on the "allowed" list, they are blocked. You have 80 numbers or area codes with this feature also. I wouldn't want to be without ours. It is a life saver!!!!!
2012-10-26 17:22:21
You are a BRAVE and BRILLIANT man!
2012-10-26 16:54:59
When the ECONOMY tanks, more people turn to THIEVERY.  These scammers are CRIMINALS.  What CRIMINAL that you know of respects ANY LAW, much less one about trying to ROB or STEAL????

Obama INHERITED this economy from SIXTEEN YEARS of REPUBLICAN DISMANTLING GOVERMENT PROTECTIONS for the Middle Class and lower (REAGAN, BUSH1, and BUSH2).  We were CLOSE TO COLLAPSING as a country.  He's kept us from going UNDER.

Start PAYING ATTENTION and READING for a change, not just watching SPORTS and CABLE TV DRIVEL.  THEN you would stop blaming one decent man who has TRIED HIS BEST but has been BLOCKED by a GRIDLOCKED CONGRESS.

The one thing you got right is these are NOT Legit "Telemarketers"; they ARE SCAMMERS and THIEVES.
2012-10-26 16:41:07
Thanks for this specific info BUT You are too kind - or naive.  This is not merely a "'nut' who gets off harassing people".  

THESE ARE CRIMINAL SCAMMERS who are ATTEMPTING A PHISHING SCAM - meaning posing as Selling something or 'giving' something away for free IN ORDER TO GET PEOPLE'S BANK ACCOUNT OR CREDIT CARD NUMBERS in order to STEAL FROM YOU.

Best NOT TO ANSWER, NOT TO ENGAGE IN CONVERSATION with them.  IGNORE by not answering, BLOCK the numbers if you can (ALL ARE 253-382-9XXX) Or, Pick up/Hang up immediately without answering/saying ANYTHING to 'confuse' the robodialer.  That SEEMS to help CUT DOWN on the number and frequency of these calls.

2012-10-26 16:25:56
Just got this call.  Didn't answer; no message.  Another one from our friends in the Philippines POSING as being from the state of Washington.  Caller ID said "WASHINGTON"; I'm sure they are hoping people will mistake it for a Capital DC call and pick up.


Don't ANSWER, Don't TALK to them!  IGNORE or Pick up/Hang up to break the call and 'confuse' the Robodialer.

DNC List Believer
DNC List Believer
2012-10-26 16:22:10
It may make you FEEL better to do this, but I assure you it does NOTHING to STOP these calls.

They will most likely just CUSS BACK and/or HANG UP on you.  Then they will call you MORE OFTEN, from MORE DIFFERENT "SPOOFED" numbers and SELL YOU NUMBER to other SPAMMERS/SCAMMERS.

Better to go the LEGAL route: Register with the DNC List, if you haven't already. www.donotcall.gov   Follow the instructions.  Its quick and PERMANENT (numbers no longer 'expire') and it can be done for EVERY PHONE NUMBER you pay for.
THEN, when you get one of these calls (even if you refuse to answer them) you can REGISTER A FORMAL COMPLAINT with the DNC List.  When they get ENOUGH complaints, according to their internal rules, they THEN turn over all the 'evidence' (Complaint Logs) to the FTC and Justice Department who investigates and often FILE LAWSUITS on behalf of the US Government, and can LEVY FINES on the Callers.

Unfortunately, MANY of these calls ORIGINATE from OVERSEAS, using SPOOFED (FAKE numbers with real international number hidden) so (1) Laws don't apply and (2) Difficult to trace/find/stop them.

Often the best action is to IGNORE the calls if you can (if you have Caller ID, just don't answer any numbers you don't recognize).  It doesn't stop the calls but seems to help cut down on them.

Hope this helps.  Good Luck!
DNC List Believer
DNC List Believer
2012-10-26 16:13:37
There IS a law: Its called the Do Not Call List and is available to sign up for 'protection' at www.donotcall.gov.  It *won't* STOP these calls, BUT, if you go and file a FORMAL COMPLAINT with this website (AFTER you've registered and waited the 30 day waiting period) then they can GO AFTER these callers with LAWSUITS and FINES.

But, you have to go through the above steps in order to start 'going after' these callers and calls.
DNC List Believer
DNC List Believer
2012-10-26 16:05:51
I know it seems that way, but in fact they ARE working behind the scenes to stop or cut down on these calls.  Unfortunately, (1) they are DEPENDENT on people like YOU to REPORT each and every annoying or violation call you get.  THEY WORK on NUMBERS: the more complaints they get from different numbers/individuals, the SOONER they can initiate ACTION and (2) they must REFER complaints to the FTC and The JUSTICE DEPARTMENTS - where the REAL "Action" can take place.

The wheels of Government grind slowly.  BUT there HAVE been LAWSUITS FILED and FINES LEVIED against these CRIMINAL CALLERS.  Unfortunately, the CRIMINALS just PAY THEIR FINES and CONTINUE VIOLATING the LAW.  Its a drop in the bucket compared to the profits they make from scamming people with these calls.

Also, there's NOT MUCH THEY CAN DO against the calls that come in for OVERSEAS, SPOOFED to look like they are US calls.

Be Patient and DO YOU PART by FILING A FORMAL COMPLAINT at  www.donotcall.gov .  THESE Site are for nothing but 'venting' and helping others to ID the calls that they get, as well.  

800NOTES is ***NOT*** Part of the DNC List or Government, so complaining here DOES NOT get the Wheels of Justice rolling!!!
2012-10-26 15:32:38
This number keeps calling, does not leave a message, and I have asked them to not call this number.  Calls still continue.  They are a pest.
2012-10-25 22:12:08
I got a call from 253 382-9098 and I let it to voice mail.  I called the number back and got a recording that it is a marketing call and to press one to be removed from their list.  I then dialed *60 for my selective call rejection list and then I pressed #01# to block that number from calling me.
2012-10-25 21:09:44
Robo-call from telemarketer offering "free home alarm system." Since experience has taught me that pressing "9" to be removed from the list doesn't work, I pressed "1" to be connected...

I set the phone down in front of the television speaker (with Fox News Channel's "The Five" blaring)...

and walked away.

I can waste their time, too.
2012-10-25 18:28:28
they called MIlton, VT at 12:56 PM Oct 25 2012.  Did not answer and they left no message.
2012-10-25 17:07:53
All you have to do is hang up and call the number back and they will put you on their do not call list.
2012-10-25 17:05:50
I'm  calling the FCC today,  I'm sick and tired of all the calls that are harassing.  I have a list of some of the numbers.  I'll get back and let you know if it did any good.
2012-10-25 15:35:36
they don't do a thing and the attorney general of massachusetts martha coakley aka anny oakly does nota. she suggests calling the people above her and they say call her. kind of sounds like a circle jerk...
2012-10-25 01:03:44
I keep getting calls from this number. When I answer they just hold the line for a while then hang up.
2012-10-24 22:03:50
'H8SOLICITORS',   If you want off of the DNC list,  you must contact them to OPT out.  Recently the govn't made the DNC list permanent,  with no need to re-register.  I guess they figured it was easier to maintain that way or something...I'm not sure why.  I just read about it in the newspaper recently.
2012-10-24 21:52:46
Can I get your number?  I have a fine line of tinfoil hats you might be interested in.
2012-10-24 21:39:45
It's not "worthless".  I get a lot fewer telemarketing calls than I did when I wasn't on it.  However, charities and political candidates don't have to abide by the restrictions, so I do still get those ("Thank you, not today" or just hang up on political calls), and while commercial calls ARE legally prohibited, scammers are already ignoring all kinds of fraud laws, why should one more stop them?  Being surprised by this is like being astonished that the guys that are robbing the bank double-parked their getaway car.
2012-10-22 12:49:48
I'm on the National "Do Not Call List"  and people using the above number continue to annoy us by their
persistant solicitation.   Now I will notify the FCC !
2012-10-20 17:21:45
Just like everyone else these Law Breakers call here Unsolicited all the time. Today was Different, I took
a Stand for My Privacy Rights. Since these A-Holes don't Respect My Privacy then I Declare War on
Them All.  It's Time For Us All To Take A Brave Stand. From now on when they call, They will be the
Victim. They are out for the Cussing of their Life Just like I did this last guy. Since they are Breaking the
Law by calling us on the Do Not Call List then they are Mine for what ever comes out of my mouth and
I'll assure you it isn't Nice. Take a Stand with me and lets Attack these Law Breakers for Violating our
Privacy. I even bought a Whistle to Blow in their Ears. Works Great for those who don't want to Cuss.

Take A Stand For Your Rights and Give Um Hell!
2012-10-20 17:19:32
Just like everyone else these Law Breakers call here Unsolicited all the time. Today was Different, I took
a Stand for My Privacy Rights. Since these A-Holes don't Respect My Privacy then I Declare War on
Them All.  It's Time For Us All To Take A Brave Stand. From now on when they call, They will be the
Victim. They are out for the Cussing of their Life Just like I did this last guy. Since they are Breaking the
Law by calling us on the Do Not Call List then they are Mine for what ever comes out of my mouth and
I'll assure you it isn't Nice. Take a Stand with me and lets Attack these Law Breakers for Violating our
Privacy. I even bought a Whistle to Blow in their Ears. Works Great for those who don't want to Cuss.

Take A Stand For Your Rights and Give Um Hell!

Ralph Waldo
Ralph Waldo
2012-10-19 00:26:24
Then you have to go online and file a complaint with the federal agency that
runs the Do Not Call List.

If enough of us complain, then maybe the federal agency will nail them.
Ralph Waldo
Ralph Waldo
2012-10-19 00:24:48
I got a call from them.  Then immediately filed a complaint with the
"Do not call list" federal government.

Hopefully, if enough people file complaints, this government agency will nail them.
2012-10-18 22:19:38
robo telemarketer selling security system
Michael Moss
Michael Moss
2012-10-18 22:19:29
Continual calls
1-619-330-0712 1-331-809-2838 1-651-204-1349
Call Type:
Your name:
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