2014-03-31 03:09:50
Ami me paso lo mismo el dia de aier una TAL Maria PAZ llamo diciendo q mi esposo le debia 3000dolares y que ya habia tenido una cort y q no ce habia presentado q estaba demando por esa cantida al momento nos discutimos xq el decia q si llo habia encargado algo mas ya que yo una bes encargue las pastillas nutrarely para adelgazar pro grasias aun amigo q le paso lo mismo nos comento dijo q era puro fraude efectibament despues d mirar estos comentarios estoy mas tranquila bendito dios y ala informacion del amigo pero ha q mal rato nos hicieron pasar los numeros eran 305-407-82-07.ojo no caigan en su juego malditos fraudolentos ...............
2013-12-03 18:39:53
Debt Collector
I received a called from a lady from the debt collections named MARIA PAZ saying that I am sued for 3500.  And I called them to see what was it for and supposedly its for some pills that I ordered.  And now (Dec. 3, 2013) I am being called from this number saying that they are now going to sue me for double the amount of 3500!! This is a total SCAM!!! They call you on days that they supposedly said that they don't work. Buyers have the right to not buy anything they do not want!  
                                                                                             800-381-6492 and other numbers that start off the same.
They also call as a Blocked number.

2013-10-16 17:50:10
Recibi una llamada de national tv q fui ganadora de un android smart phone y una gift card de 1500 me lo viene a traer federal express y les tengo q dejar un money orden de 160 porque es la cobertura de la garantia de el telefono el telefono va a estar en servicio con tmovil por un mes y luego lo cambias a cualquier compania creen q es fraude?
2013-07-22 20:48:32
she talks to my phone leave a message of voice I am the lawyer Josefina sanches supreme court a lawsuit and put my information the demand is for products ntv damages wants me to call him back to his number and wants $ 3,950.00 dlls to reach an agreement means that I can call to help. they will send me a copy by mail, but I have more than four months listening to the same mail arrived first information I wanted to foreclose on the house and my security number.
2013-06-01 15:51:09
Gracias por escribir sus experiencias , yo he pasado por la misma situación que ustedes y gracias a sus comentarios hoy estoy tranquilo , pero estuve algo nervioso , gracias a todos ustedes.
2013-05-18 03:14:50
Yo resibo  esas llamadas todo el día ella me tienen cansada estresada ponganse a trabajar  ya paren esto con esas estafadoras y den le su merecido por favor
2013-04-30 01:34:02
Yo acabo de pasar por lo mismo, el dia de Hoy esta misma Mujer Victoria me llamo  para decirme que  porque no habia asistido a la corte por una demanda de 5.000.00 . Dicha demanda por haber  rechazado un paquete de un te chino que yo habia ordenado hacia  5 años atras. pase un susto terrible , gracias a Dios decidi  investigar el Nro del cual me llamaron y encontre estos comentarios. Debemos unirnos para desenmascarar estos estafadores.
2013-02-22 20:07:58
Acabo de recibir una llamada de Alma rojas de Miami, el mismo caso que porque no apareci en corte,me puso de nervios, no se que hacer o a donde reportarlo,supuestamente me llegara un paquete para mandarles el dinero, pero al acabar de leer esto, me doy cuenta que es una estafa ,, me llamo de este num 305 517-3513
2013-01-11 23:01:01
Debt Collector
My mom received a call with the same situation as described in other post.  You owe money to a beauty co. you did not show up to court oh and by the way only speak to me in spanish in which my mom said what can of lawyer are you ! These people are scammers but they surely rattlled my mom's cage what idiots.  by the way the individual that called her was named Victoria O'connor attorney for the United States but she only spoke spanish go figure.  Report the calls to the proper authority and do not give any information. The numbers were 305-359-5210 and 800-381-6492.
2013-01-11 03:46:03
ATTENTION!! Its a scam!!!! Whatever you do NOT give them any information of any type! They are just scamming so dont give them anything! Tell them you attorney will call them! Use the law against them! Anyone gets scared when you use it on someone! Hopefuly they will stop.
2013-01-10 08:41:14
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer protection agency, is warning consumers to be on the alert for scam artists posing as debt collectors. It may be hard to tell the difference between a legitimate debt collector and a fake one. Sometimes a fake collector may even have some of your personal information, like a bank account number. A caller may be a fake debt collector if he:

is seeking payment on a debt for a loan you do not recognize;
refuses to give you a mailing address or phone number;
asks you for personal financial or sensitive information; or
exerts high pressure to try to scare you into paying, such as threatening to have you arrested or to report you to a law enforcement agency.

If you think that a caller may be a fake debt collector:
Ask the caller for his name, company, street address, and telephone number. Tell the caller that you refuse to discuss any debt until you get a written "validation notice." The notice must include the amount of the debt, the name of the creditor you owe, and your rights under the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
If a caller refuses to give you all of this information, do not pay! Paying a fake debt collector will not always make them go away. They may make up another debt to try to get more money from you.

Stop speaking with the caller. If you have the caller's address, send a letter demanding that the caller stop contacting you, and keep a copy for your files. By law, real debt collectors must stop calling you if you ask them to in writing.

Do not give the caller personal financial or other sensitive information. Never give out or confirm personal financial or other sensitive information like your bank account, credit card, or Social Security number unless you know whom you're dealing with. Scam artists, like fake debt collectors, can use your information to commit identity theft ? charging your existing credit cards, opening new credit card, checking, or savings accounts, writing fraudulent checks, or taking out loans in your name.

Contact your creditor. If the debt is legitimate ? but you think the collector may not be ? contact your creditor about the calls. Share the information you have about the suspicious calls and find out who, if anyone, the creditor has authorized to collect the debt.

Report the call. Contact the FTC and your state Attorney General's office with information about suspicious callers. Many states have their own debt collection laws in addition to the federal FDCPA. Your Attorney General's office can help you determine your rights under your state's law.>

2013-01-10 06:54:38
Debt Collector
My mom got a call from this number basically stating the exact same story as every one else. She was sued and missed her court date, demanding money etc. etc. her name was augustina lopez. everybody she was telling us was complete bull. i cant believe these people.
Rita Hernandez
Rita Hernandez
2013-01-07 18:20:02
My client has received many calls from this number demanding thousands of dollars for a product she purchased and paid for from a TV advertisement. I tried to call but they hung up on me and said "I'm busy. Don't call again". Then I googled the number and found that many people reported same story.
laura duran
laura duran
2012-12-27 06:44:32
yo tambien recibi una llamada diciendo que habia faltado a la corte y que me iban a mandar otra notificacion para presentarme de nuevo pero q esta vez me la iban a mandar un polecia del estado a entregarmelo para q me presentara en la siguiente corte el motivo de esa llamada es supuestamente un fraude q cometi gracias a dios encontre esta pagina y me di cuenta que eso era falso  el nombre de la persona q llamo era victoria occoner so espero y tengan cuidado con esas personas y se fijen en el numero google todo lo puede y es mejor que chequees el # antes de aceptar cualquier cosa    (1800 381 6492) (FALSO)  me dieron unos nervios horribles que no los deceo a nadie gracias
Maricela Vargas V
Maricela Vargas V
2012-12-21 21:21:11
A mi me hicieron lo mismo pero yo estupidamente cai y pague $350.00 por unas cremas que valen .99. Me di cuenta hasta hoy que quisieron hacerme lo mismo otra vez.
Como puede haber personas tan desgraciadas o compañias fraudulentas.
Agustina Lopez
Agustina Lopez
2012-12-21 01:05:47
Debt Collector
this person called my wife said she had missed a court appointment, yesterday. That She had a balance due for a purchase made back in 2008. We called back and i asked for an address to forward legal documents and she cut off the phone call. i am reporting this incident to the local Police department with the two numbers they gave my wife. I am sure they will be able trace these phone calls. please be carefull, do not provide any information. do not send any money
2012-12-20 22:16:33
Debt Collector
@Veronica - The exact same thing happened to my mother... The so-called attorney's name was Veronica Soto out of Florida.  I knew right away it was a big time SCAM because the attorney did not speak English. I just filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission and also registered my mother's number at National Do Not Call Registry.
2012-12-15 15:50:23
Debt Collector
On Dec. 11th, my mom had a message in Spanish on her answering machine stating that she had failed to show up to court. The person who called her claimed to be an attorney named Alma Rojas. She left a return number of 1-800-381-6492. My mom called the number back and Alma Rojas was very rude to my mom telling her she miss her court date in Fresno. We live in L.A. That she is getting sued for $4000 for some contract she signed up for for cream products. My mom try to get more information from her but she just kept telling my mom to appear in court. That she will be rescheduling it again for this coming weekend and if she doesn't appear this time, she will be arrested. She also told my mom she had enough evidence to proof her wrong. My mom asked her what company were these creams from, she didn't give her the name of the company but said that they were a company in Miami Florida.This really distressed my mom and my little brother who called me and told me what was going on. Thankfully I looked up the number on Google and found out it's a scam. Don't believe anything these people say and don't give them any information. I'm gonna figure out on how to report them.
2012-12-12 03:24:22
yo recivi una llamada de este # 1800 381 6492 ydel #1305  359 5210 con el nombre de victoria occoner y me dijo que yo avia pedido unproducto de feminex en el ano 2008 y que me estavan demandando por 5000.00 porque yo no avia recibido o pagado el producto y que no me avia precentado en corte . pero que ella me iba a lludar y que conbenceria a los demandantes que solo me cobraran 495.00 para el dia 22 de dic . que envie el money order anombre de sumore. yo me asuste porquwe me dio miedo arruinar mi credito pero toda mi fam piensa que me esta estafando  y lo boy a consultar con un abogado .
2012-12-01 04:20:31
Debt Collector
por favor reporten este asunto a univicion investiga al no. 1866 224 4030 ellos estoybseguro van a dar con esta gente ya estoy enferma de tanta amenaza porfavo porfavor reporten a univicion...
2012-12-01 02:33:48
My mother received a call from a lady from this same number.  She told my mother she owes 4000 and that she better pay because she will not win against a big corporation like this.  The lady only spoke in Spanish and told my mom additional paperwork for court would be sent to her regarding the money owed.  At the end of the conversation she also told my mother to bring her documentation to prove she is a citizen to court.  This is a complete scam.  It is such a disappoint to know that people and scams like this exist!!!!!
2012-11-30 03:18:29
Debt Collector
My mother received a voicemail on November 24 from a woman named Maria Paz. She left her a message in Spanish and spoke very quickly and related she had failed to show at court and she will be sent a second request for this subpoena. I (Lupe) called the 800 number and unfortunately they are not taking calls at this time. After reviewing everyones comments I hope she calls back again and I give her a piece of my mind.

Mi mama recibio un mensaje el dia Noviembre 24 de una mujer llamada Maria Paz. Dejo su mensaje en Espanol y hablo muy rapido diciendo que ella fallo en presentarse a la corte y que mandaran otra carta. Yo, (Lupe) llamo al numero 800 y desafortunadamente no estan aceptando llamadas. Despues de revisar todos sus comentarios espero que vuelva a llamar para darle un poco de mis pensamientos.
2012-11-29 17:05:49
est 27 de noviembre me dejaron un mensaje  telefonico diciendiendome que poque no asisty acorte el dia antrio o sea el 26  de noviembre k tenia una demanda d fraude  con ona compania de miami por unos parches k yo habia ordenado y k yno me dieron mas informacionsolo k ivan a mandarme una nueva citacio para corte pus al oir la grabacionme puse algo mal y mi brazo isquierdo empeso a doleres hora d parar  a estta gente sin escupulos k nomas quiern perjudicar a jente trabajadora .
2012-11-29 04:05:02
Debt Collector
my mom received a call today from a representative Alma Rojas stating that she failed to appear in court and the agency is sueing her for some patches that was sent to her back on 2008, i again tried to call the number but it rings and says voicemail is full ...i have reported to the BBB as well
2012-11-28 22:40:25
es verdad todos los comentarios son ciertos desgraciadamente algo se tiene que hacer porque es puro fraude mi esposa recibio una llamada igual de una mentada lic alma rojas  de los numeros 1800 381 6492 y del 305 517 3513 diciendo que no se present a corte y nunca recibimos nada de la corte tengan mucho cuidado ojo mucho ojo
2012-11-28 19:33:50
Debt Collector
please everyone report her at https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/ this will not stop if we don't report their abusive behavior. Under the Debt protection act they cant miss represent themselves. My mom is 65 and has no debt. Same thing happen to my elderly father they threaten to take him to court if he didn't pay 600.00 and he did.
2012-11-28 19:13:54
Debt Collector
2012-11-28 19:11:38
tengan mucho cuidado ahora estan llamando de los numeros 818-510=3213 y 818-510-3145 son los mismos estafadores y como ya se kienes son ahora me amenasaron con llamar a inmigracion, dijeron ahora alista sus cosas porque inmigracion va a llegar a su casa ,, son una bola de estafadores ojo mucho ojo.
2012-11-26 21:45:09
Debt Collector
2012-11-24 21:17:34
Debt Collector
el 22 de noviembre 2012
recibi la llamada de la agustina lopez diciendo lo mismo k devia 4000 en cremas y k habia perdido mi corte lo mismo miso k les an hecho a todos ustedes , es momento de parar soy una mujer adulta y me puso muy mal de salud,,, como podemos parar esto... ayuda porfavor como pararlos ...
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